Take me to her translate Portuguese
980 parallel translation
Take me to her, or the pact is broken!
Leva-me até ela, ou o pacto está desfeito!
Will you take me to her, Tania?
Levas-me até ela, Tania?
Please take me to her.
Leva-me até ela.
Take me to her.
Leve-me a ela.
Take me... to her!
Leva-me... a ela!
Because you don't need to tell me how lucky Pennie is that you want to take care of her.
Porque não precisa de me dizer a sorte que a Pennie tem por a ter a cuidar dela.
You're willing to take the responsibility of not letting me talk to her?
Assume a responsabilidade de não me deixar falar com ela?
I used to hike a lot, and I'd always take this girl with me, so I could talk to her.
Dava grandes passeios pelas matas e levava-a sempre comigo, para conversar.
She's pleaded with me since I came to take her away from this place.
Ela suplicou-me desde que cheguei para a levar daqui.
The only way to get Dorothy to Kansas is for me to take her myself.
A Dorothy só pode voltar ao Kansas se eu a levar.
She's been at me night and day to take her there.
Ela insiste que eu a leve para lá, de dia e de noite.
Now, I like Sister Bessie about as well as the next one or I wouldn't give her new automobile a thought but I'm here to tell you, Lord you'd better step in and help me out pretty quick or I'm afraid I'll have to take matters in my own hand.
Gosto da Irmä Bessie tanto quanto qualquer outra pessoa, ou entäo näo parava para pensar no novo carro dela, mas estou aqui para Te dizer, Senhor é melhor interferires e dares-me uma ajuda rapidamente, ou entäo terei de tomar as minhas próprias medidas.
And she asked me to take her in while she looked for a job.
E veio pedir-me para que a recolhesse enquanto não se empregava.
I've got to take her away.
- Tenho que me levar isso - No puedo permitirlo.
As soon as I get rid of him, take her back to the cellar.
Assim que me livrar dele, leva-a de volta à adega.
Look here, you sir. The lady is joining me later, so take her horse round to her house in an hour's time.
A senhora irá juntar-se a mim mais tarde, leve o cavalo a casa dela daqui a uma hora.
- Help me take her up to her room.
- Ajudem-me a levá-la para o quarto.
If I want to take a girl to dinner, I ask her, she doesn't ask me.
Se quero levar uma miúda a jantar, eu convido, não ela.
She asked me to take her down to the rock.
Ela pediu-me para a descer até ao rochedo.
- Kate Hardison asked me to take her home.
A Kate pediu-me para trazê-la a casa.
- No, you feed her! - Take me to the cinema tonight
- Hoje à noite vamos ao cinema.
I bless the Christian impulse I had to take her in to my home.
Pois eu agradeço o impulso cristão que me fez trazê-la a minha casa.
I know you want to take me, but ask her.
Sei que me queres levar a mim, mas convida-a.
Like me to take her this time?
Queres que vá eu desta vez?
- Miss Pritchard? - Yes. I want her to take a letter now.
Quero que ela me entregue uma carta.
Now, my wife, she is.... She is licensed by law to dispense the medicine. So you will take a message to her, mademoiselle... and bring the medicine back here to me.
A minha esposa tem licença de boticária, por isso peço que lhe leve um recado e que me traga o remédio.
Oh, that reminds me, I told Michele to take you shopping with her sometime when she goes.
Isso lembra-me o que disse a Michele, da próxima vez que fosse ás compras iria levar-te com ela.
Some guy gave it to her, but she'd never take anything from me.
Umsujeito deu pra ela, mas nunca aceitou nada de mim. - Nada?
I'd like you to take a look at her, a close look, and tell me what you think and what your feeling is.
Gostaria que olhasses bem para ela e me dissesses o que pensas e o que sentes.
You didn't even have the decency to take her after she left me.
Tu nem sequer tens a decência de ficar com ela, depois dela me deixar.
You haven't satisfied me about what happens to her after I do take you there.
Ainda não disse o que acontecerá com ela... depois de o levar lá.
It's what's gonna happen to her if you don't take me there.
É o que vai acontecer com ela se não me levar lá.
- Want me to take her down, sir?
- Quer que o abata?
I want her to fight me tooth and nail, the first time I take her and the last.
Quero que ela lute comigo com unhas e dentes, da 1ª vez e da última que a toque.
Would it be too difficult to arrange for me to take her back to America?
Seria muito difícil conseguir que eu a levasse para a América?
Then I'll take her back to America with me.
Então levá-la-ei comigo para a América.
When Helga had her stroke, he asked me to come back and take care of her.
Quando a Helga teve a trombose, ele pediu-me para vir tratar dela.
As I remember the approach it was that she didn't see why I was satisfied with just 10 percent of her take when she was willing to go for fifty-fifty.
Se bem me lembro da abordagem era ela não perceber por que me sentia satisfeito com apenas dez por cento da parte dela, quando ela estava disposta a dar-me 50-50.
Well, it might be interesting for you to know that this afternoon she asked me to take her back.
São capazes de achar interessante que, esta tarde, ela me pediu que a levasse de volta.
Then it was time for me to come home for my girl take her away with me, like I promised.
E chegou a hora de voltar para casa, para a minha miúda, de a levar comigo, como prometi.
She threatened to kill both him and me if I tried to take him away from her.
Ela ameaçou mata-lo e a mim, se eu o tentasse levar para longe.
Take her back to Illinois with me?
Levo-a comigo para Illinois?
They can take back to their people nothing but Lord Antony's forgive me, insulting and unnecessary divorce of her and his rejection of them.
Lutam em terra. Deslocam-se por terra. Os teus homens farão o que lhes for ordenado, como os meus.
I've no wish to quarrel with you, but speaking as a representative of Her Majesty's Armed Forces, I take the most particular exception...
Não quero discutir, mas como representante... de Vossa Majestade, oponho-me...
Sou da CONTROL, uma das raparigas deu-me uma lista de agentes inimigos e estou aqui para a levar.
Ellie screamed at me not to let'em take her alive.
Ellie gritava para que eu não deixasse que a levassem viva.
But I don't have to take any responsibilities for her
Mas não me responsabilizo por ela.
I offered to pay her expenses back to Hong Kong, but she won't take it.
Ofereci-me para lhe pagar as despesas do regresso a Hong Kong, mas ela recusou.
She's not at fault, aunt. I had asked her to take me out.
Ela não tem culpa tia.
To teach her to write you don't have to take her hand.
A mim não me dizerem que para ensinar a escrever havia que pegar a mão da mulher nem nada disso.
I'm gonna take her back to Long Island with me.
Vai regressar comigo para Long Island.
take me away 98
take me 491
take me back 66
take me there 54
take me out 21
take me with you 319
take me home 231
take me to your leader 17
take me along 20
take me instead 42
take me 491
take me back 66
take me there 54
take me out 21
take me with you 319
take me home 231
take me to your leader 17
take me along 20
take me instead 42
take me in 25
take me away from here 19
take me now 23
take me to him 61
take me to them 19
to here 31
to her 130
take it easy 3777
take care 2154
take your time 1039
take me away from here 19
take me now 23
take me to him 61
take me to them 19
to here 31
to her 130
take it easy 3777
take care 2154
take your time 1039
take care of yourself 629
take it away 239
take a nap 62
take that 698
take it 3226
take off your coat 49
take off your dress 19
take it slow 68
take a shower 102
take a walk 160
take it away 239
take a nap 62
take that 698
take it 3226
take off your coat 49
take off your dress 19
take it slow 68
take a shower 102
take a walk 160
take thee 47
take them off 138
take off the mask 22
take it down 128
take a seat 906
take care of me 19
take care of yourselves 28
take your pick 204
take it up 36
take a bite 43
take them off 138
take off the mask 22
take it down 128
take a seat 906
take care of me 19
take care of yourselves 28
take your pick 204
take it up 36
take a bite 43