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Talk to her translate Portuguese

7,800 parallel translation
I had to go up and talk to her, right, like, with my mouth, a human being.
Com a minha boca, como um ser humano.
Go talk to her.
Vai falar com ela.
- Don't talk to her in that tone. - What tone?
Não estou a usar um tom.
Listen, just talk to her, and... and maybe buy her a robe.
Ouça, basta falar com ela, e... e talvez comprar-lhe um roupão.
- When did you talk to her?
- Quando falou com ela?
They won't even let me talk to her.
- Nem deixam-me falar com ela.
Okay, you can talk to her now.
Pode falar com ela agora.
I need to talk to her first.
Tenho de falar com ela primeiro.
If not, she would talk to her herself... that day.
Se não, ela mesma ia falar com ela nesse dia.
Vincent, just talk to her about it, diffuse its power over you.
Vincent, conversa com ela, tira esse peso das tuas costas.
Did you not talk to her at all?
Tu nem falaste com ela?
And then here mom died, and I haven't had a chance to talk to her about it, and I don't know the best way to handle it.
- Então ela perdeu a mãe e não pude falar com ela a respeito, e não sei qual a melhor maneira de fazer isso.
Well, if you need some help, I'd be glad to talk to her.
Se precisar de ajuda, ficarei feliz em ajudar.
Go talk to her...
- Vai falar com ela.
Let me talk to her....
- Pensei que ia ser assim. O quê?
Talk to her, make her understand.
Fale com ela, faça-a compreender.
Isn't better if you talk to her yourself?
Não é melhor se for você a falar com ela?
But if you talk to her, you may as well ask her to call me.
Mas se falares com ela, peço-te que lhe digas para me ligar.
He may not talk to us, but we can make him talk to her.
Ele pode não falar connosco, mas podemos fazê-lo falar com ela.
Go ahead, talk to her.
Pelo menos, fala com a rapariga.
Well, I'm breaking about 12 laws right now, so I suggest you talk to her while you can.
Estou a infringir umas 12 leis agora, então é melhor falares com ela enquanto podes.
I need to talk to her.
Preciso de falar com ela.
If your sister knows where he is, I need to talk to her right now.
Preciso falar com a tua irmã agora.
You talk to her?
Falaste com ela?
Let me talk to her.
Deixa-me falar com ela.
Let me talk to her. War?
- Deixa-me falar com ela.
I was thinking maybe you could talk to her a little, get her to open up.
Estava a pensar se podias falar um bocado com ela, para fazer com que se abra.
You talk to her, like, every week.
Falas com ela toda a semana.
Okay, wait, you can't talk to her!
- Certo. Espere. Não pode falar com ela.
I wanna talk to her.
- Não sei. Quero falar com ela.
I gotta go talk to her.
Tenho que ir falar com ela.
Hey, you have to talk to her.
- Tens que falar com ela.
I would talk to her.
Eu falava com ela.
She's new, and dad wants me to talk to her about the way she dresses.
Ela é nova cá e o pai quer que fale com ela sobre o modo como se veste.
You were supposed to talk to her - about storing those zeppelins in a hangar.
Ficaste de falar com ela sobre manter os "airbags" tapados.
I'm sorry. I'll talk to her.
Eu falo com ela.
No, but when you do talk to her, can you tell her to please be careful with my powder-blue suit that Cam let her borrow without asking me?
Não, mas quando falares com ela podes dizer-lhe para ter cuidado com o meu fato azul celeste que o Cam lhe emprestou sem me consultar? Para que queria ela um fato?
Don't talk to her.
Não fales com ela.
We need to talk to her.
Precisamos de falar com ela.
- Maybe you should go talk to her.
- Devias ir falar com ela.
Look, last year I was terrified to talk to this girl, Donna, but then on the very last day of camp, I did talk to her, and now she's my girlfriend.
No ano passado, eu tinha medo de falar com a Donna, mas, depois, no último dia do campo, falei com ela e, agora, é minha namorada.
I'm trying to understand. You're trying to talk my little girl into doing something she knows in her heart and soul she does not want to do.
Estás a tentar forçá-la fazer uma coisa que ela sabe, na alma e no coração, que não quer fazer.
JACKSON : I'm not trying to talk her into anything.
Não estou a forçar nada!
Sasha, the host, is trying to talk her out of it, but she won't call back in.
Sasha, a apresentadora, está a tentar convence-la do contrário, mas ela não liga de volta.
We should, uh, talk to her father again.
Devíamos falar com o pai.
Go on, talk to her
Vai lá, fala com ela.
Can I talk to her?
- Posso falar com ela?
Just please talk to Grace and tell her I'm okay and that I'm gonna call her soon as I can.
Por favor, fala com a Grace, e diz-lhe que estou bem e que lhe ligarei assim que puder. - Podes fazer isso?
Just let me talk to her.
Deixa-me falar com ela...
I talk about it to her, like, a lot.
Digo-lhe isso muitas vezes.
Yeah, or what, did she dare to talk about her feelings?
Ou desafiou-te a falar sobre os sentimentos dela?

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