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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ T ] / The truth was

The truth was translate Portuguese

2,644 parallel translation
The truth was, without the plant, without the industry, we had nothing.
A verdade é que sem a fábrica, sem a indústria não tínhamos nada.
The truth was right there.
A verdade estava mesmo ali.
She was lying about Eva, but apparently, she was telling the truth about him.
Ela mentiu sobre a Eva, mas parece que disse a verdade sobre ele.
But that wasn't the truth, was it?
Mas não é verdade, pois não?
I was gonna tell you the truth, but I was afraid of letting you down.
Eu ia contar-lhe a verdade, mas temi desiludi-la.
Do you have any idea what that guy was getting at... When he said "the truth about David Clarke"?
Tens ideia de até que ponto é que queria chegar aquele tipo quando disse a "verdade sobre David Clarke"?
Okay, assuming that you are telling the truth, you were with Mike the night before he was killed. Did he tell you what he was up to?
Supondo que isso seja verdade, viram-no na noite anterior à da morte.
I was telling Casey the truth.
Estava a dizer a verdade ao Casey.
Wait, so does this mean that Melissa was telling Spencer the truth?
Espera, isso significa que a Melissa estava a dizer a verdade à Spencer?
Guess your father was telling the truth.
Parece que o teu pai estava a dizer a verdade.
I think that he was telling me the truth.
- Acho que estava a dizer a verdade.
Well, I'd like to think she'd show it to me one day when she was ready to tell me the truth about you and her and me.
Bem, gosto de pensar que ela iria me mostrar um dia quando estivesse pronta para me contar a verdade sobre você, ela e eu.
Ray Donovan was actually telling the truth : this case is all about the steel.
O Ray Donovan dizia mesmo a verdade. Este caso é todo a respeito do aço.
The defence claimed they were looking for the truth, but what they actually did was rewrite it to undermine Ben's testimony.
A defesa alegou procurar a verdade, mas reescreveu-a, para enfraquecer o depoiamento do Ben.
He claimed to be on some heroic quest for truth. But the truth is he was a bitter jerk who liked making people miserable.
Ele alegava estar numa busca heróica pela verdade, mas a verdade é que ele era um idiota que gostava de fazer as pessoas infelizes.
Looks like there might be some truth to those rumors that the fix was in.
Parece que havia alguma verdade nos boatos do suborno.
Because the truth is, you wouldn't have responded quickly to my phone call if you didn't think that Mark Gabriel was guilty of more than gunrunning.
A verdade é que não teriam respondido tão rápido ao meu telefonema se não achassem que o Mark Gabriel fosse culpado de mais que contrabando de armas.
The truth is that the boy was diagnosed schizophrenic because he hears voices.
A verdade é que foi diagnosticado com esquizofrenia porque ouve vozes.
Alex, I was a part of the operation against your family that night and even I don't know the truth.
Alex, eu fazia parte da operação contra a tua família naquela noite, e nem eu sei a verdade.
Anakin, it was my decision to keep the truth from you.
Foi decisão minha esconder-te a verdade.
The whole reason she went to Mr. McClaren was to tell the truth about what she knew.
Não é possível ela ter mentido para você?
And I could see she was telling me the truth.
Quando foi a última vez que falou com a sua mãe?
I'm not saying Terrance Wilson was telling the truth about murder for hire, but there's definitely something off about Arnhauldt.
Não estou a dizer que o Terrance Wilson estava a dizer a verdade sobre assassinos de aluguer, mas definitivamente há uma coisa estranha com o Arnhauldt.
Until I thought maybe he was telling the truth.
Até que pensei que ele podia estar a dizer a verdade e eu tinha que me decidir.
The truth is Mr. Bohm was part of the evaluation, just not the way you wanted him to be.
A verdade é que o Sr. Bohm obteve o desempenho no exame, diferente do que queria.
The hard truth was he just wasn't talented enough.
A dura verdade é que ele não era muito talentoso.
All I wanted to... Was to protect Charlotte from the truth.
Tudo o que eu queria... era proteger a Charlotte da verdade.
Looks like Hector Chambers was telling the truth.
Parece que o Hector Chambers disse a verdade.
- Means Wayne was telling the truth.
- Pode ser um troféu. - Significa que disse a verdade.
Like, where he was going. You can tell us the truth.
Como... para onde ia ele.
Tell you the truth, I think he was here this morning.
Para dizer a verdade, acho que esteve aqui hoje de manhã.
I planned on telling everybody what went down soon as all the heat was off but Opie found out the truth before I could do that.
Pensei em contar tudo assim que a poeira assentasse, mas o Opie soube da verdade antes de eu poder fazer isso.
You think she was telling the truth about my father?
Achas que ela estava a dizer a verdade sobre o meu pai?
Then finally, the honest Injun stepped forth and told the truth, admitting it was he.
Então, finalmente, o índio honesto deu um passo à frente e contou a verdade, admitindo que fora ele.
The truth is... what you did to me was the best thing anyone could have done for me.
A verdade é... O que fez comigo foi a melhor coisa que alguém poderia ter feito.
The truth, Former Reverend Newlin is that you don't know who bombed those Tru Blood factories. It's presumptuous to say that it was a terrorist attack brought on by humans.
A verdade, ex-Reverendo Newlin, é que não sabe quem bombardeou aquelas fábricas de TruBlood e é presunçoso ao dizer que foi um ataque terrorista feito pelos humanos.
Truth is, I remember every shot I gave him, the way his blood felt on my hands, the crying sound he made when I was laying in on him, and just when the sound was about to stop, he was on his way out,
A verdade é que me lembro de cada murro que lhe dei. Da sensação do sangue dele nas minhas mãos, do som do choro dele enquanto lhe batia e quando o som estava a parar e ele ia morrer pelas minhas mãos, ele olhou para cima e viu-o a olhar com olhos arregalados.
What was I supposed to tell you? The truth?
- O que querias que dissesse?
All you could think about was the scandal- - jail, how it would ruin your life- - all because Kristina and Amy knew the truth.
E poderia pensar no quanto o escândalo... a prisão... arruinariam a sua vida. Tudo porque a Kristina e a Amy sabiam a verdade.
The Avatar was telling the truth.
A Avatar estava a dizer a verdade!
Uh, truth be told, I was taking off for the afternoon.
Para dizer a verdade, ia sair à tarde.
When I was 18, Ellen told me the truth.
Quando fiz 18 anos, a Ellen contou-me a verdade.
Cabot was telling the truth.
O Cabot disse a verdade.
Only I didn't know it was the truth until I started saying it.
Não sabia que era verdade até o dizer.
It was uncomfortable, but I-I see a badge, tell the truth.
Foi desconfortável, mas se vejo um distintivo, digo a verdade.
Brandon portrayed himself as some island patriot, but the truth is, he was a liar. A hypocrite.
O Brandon posava de patriota da ilha, mas na verdade era um mentiroso.
So his lawyer was telling the truth.
- O advogado dizia a verdade.
You really think I should've told you the truth about what I was running from?
Achas mesmo que te devia ter contado a verdade sobre do que eu fugia?
Victoria, dear, all I did was report the truth.
Victoria, apenas contei a verdade.
The truth is, I was shocked we found you alive.
A verdade é que, fiquei surpreendido por te encontrarmos vivo.
All right, so Saturday at 6 : 00 was telling the truth.
- A "Sábado 18h" disse a verdade.

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