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When i was ten translate Portuguese

214 parallel translation
When I was ten, eleven my mother died.
Quando eu tinha dez... onze... A minha mãe morreu.
111 years ago, when I was ten years old,
Há 111 anos, quando eu tinha 10 anos de idade,
When I was ten I got sick in the Empire State Building.
Aos dez anos enjoei no Empire State Building.
Mom and Dad would never leave me alone when I was ten.
A mamã e o papá não me deixavam sozinho quando eu tinha dez anos.
And me when I was ten.
E eu, quando tinha 10 anos.
He killed himself when I was ten years old.
Suicidou-se quando eu tinha dez anos.
When I was ten, I had a friend called Duncan.
Aos 10 anos, eu tinha um amigo chamado Duncan.
- I moved to the Bronx when I was ten.
- A minha família mudou para o Bronx quando tinha dez.
Okay, when I was ten years old, I had this beautiful Persian cat named Princess. She only loved me.
Percebes que tudo o que a Rebecca tentou, falhou?
Yes, sir, when I was ten, I'd have thought this was the greatest place on Earth.
Sim, senhor, quando eu tinha dez anos, Pensei que este era o maior lugar na Terra.
When I was ten, my father was a Federation diplomat on lnvernia ll.
Quando tinha dez anos, meu pai era diplomata da Federação em Invernia II.
Yeah, it started in South Dakota when I was ten.
Começou em Dakota do Sul quando eu tinha 10 anos.
My father died when I was ten years old.
O meu pai morreu tinha eu dez anos.
'Cause, see, I fell on a fence post when I was ten, and it broke my hymen.
Porque eu caí de uma vedação aos 10 anos e rompi o hímen.
I found it in a cereal box when I was ten years old.
Encontrei-o num pacote de cereais quando tinha 10 anos.
I remember when I was ten years old and caught Momma putting presents under the tree.
Lembro-me quando tinha 10 nos, e apanhei a mamã a pôr os presentes na árvore.
TOM : ln 1938, when I was ten years old... I bought my first newspaper.
Em 1938, tinha eu 10 anos, comprei o meu primeiro jornal.
She took me away to Virginia when I was ten.
Quando eu tinha 10 anos, levou-me para Virgínia.
When I was ten... my dad went into a 7-Eleven for cigarettes.
Quando eu tinha dez anos... meu pai foi em uns 7-onze para cigarros.
It happened in my home city, Nisalla, when I was ten.
Aconteceu na minha cidade, Nisalla, quando tinha dez anos.
I got mine when I was ten.
Eu mesma comecei quando tinha 10.
When I was ten, I had this fantasy, every little girl does... about the perfect wedding with the perfect dress... and the ceremony and the guy you pictured standing next to you.
Quando tinha dez anos, tinha uma fantasia, a mesma de todas, sobre o casamento perfeito com o vestido perfeito, a cerimónia e o rapaz que imaginámos ao nosso lado.
That was his excuse when he drove us off the overpass when I was ten.
Essa foi a desculpa dele quando nos mandou do viaduto abaixo, quando eu tinha dez anos.
When I was ten my father gave me that card.
Quando eu tinha 10 anos, o meu pai deu-me aquele cromo.
- Good luck, Harry! Ten years ago, when Harry was a boy... I raised my glass in his honor... with the toast, "May he prove the bravest of all the Favershams."
Há dez anos atrás, quando o Harry era um rapaz, fiz um brinde em sua homenagem, desejando que se mostrasse o mais corajoso dos Favershams, de todos os Faversham ".
When I think what I was like ten days ago, I'd hardly recognise myself in the street.
Quando penso em como era há 10 dias, creio que nem eu me reconheceria, se me encontrasse na rua.
"frasari"... wild animal hunt... and I was ten when I bagged my first tiger.
Frasari. Caça aos animais selvagens. E tinha 10 quando apanhei o meu primeiro tigre.
It was only ten weeks old when I got him.
Tinha só dez semanas quando mo deu.
When I was 19, I was working in the quarry ten hours a day.
Aos 19 anos, eu trabalhava na pedreira dez horas por dia.
Didn't I make this for you when I was about ten?
Não fiz isto para si quando tinha dez anos?
It was a quarter-past ten when I moved to go.
Eram dez e um quarto quando me levantei para sair.
My ma was married for ten years, but he left when I was born.
A minha mãe foi casada dez anos, mas ele foi-se embora quando eu nasci.
I was ten when the B-29 came.
Tinha dez anos quando vieram os B-29.
I was ten or eleven years old when I went to the Roxy Theater, and the curtain began to open and continued to open and open... on the biggest screen I " d ever seen.
Tinha eu 10 ou 11 anos, quando fui ao Roxy Theater, a cortina começou a abrir, e a abrir, sobre o maior tela que jamais vira.
That was when you were ten years old! "He says," I own the place. "
Eu disse : "Isso era quando tinhas 10 anos!" "Agora sou o dono"
When I first came in your head was at the same height as this cabinet but now you look at least ten centimeters shorter.
Quando cá cheguei a sua cabeça estava à mesma altura deste armário mas agora parece que tem menos dez centímetros.
I must have been nine or ten when I was returned.
Devia ter nove ou dez quando fui devolvida.
I was running ten miles a day when I was in the desert.
No deserto, corria 10 milhas por dia.
Martha Kent. But the Kents died when I was ten.
Mas os Kents morreram quando eu tinha 10 anos.
I was ten when you got divorced, I'm sixteen now, that would make it...
Eu tinha dez quando vocês se divorciaram. Tenho dezasseis, agora.
dd eles apenas girava em torno de seu túmulo dd dd HÁ UMA COISA BONITA QUE ESPERA PARA O REI dd d dd PARA BAIXO NA SELVA ROOM d dd quando eu estava caminhando em Memphis dd dd eu estava andando com os pés dez pés de OFF DE BEALE dd
'That night - ten to twelve, maybe a little earlier - that was when I saw it.'
Naquela noite, era 11h50, talvez um pouco mais cedo, que eu vi.
This is when I was fiive... and this one's when I was about... ten, eleven, I think.
- Esta é de quando eu tinha 5 anos. E esta é de quando eu tinha uns... dez ou onze, creio eu.
Just when I was starting to feel those old familiar feelings I just took a deep breath, counted backwards from ten and I said to the guy "Excuse me, sir, but your laughter is not helping me right now."
"Desculpe-me senhor, mas o seu riso não me está a ajudar."
It was just quarter to ten when I got back to the house.
Eram dez menos um quarto quando cheguei a casa.
We were ten feet away, when I was hit with a neural disrupter.
Estávamos a 3 metros, quando fui atingida por um desrruptor neural.
When Alexander the Great was ten years younger than I am today... he had conquered the entire civilised world.
Alexandreo Grande tinha menos dez anos do que eu tenho hoje quando já conquistara todo o mundo civilizado.
Because when I was nine or ten years old my parents pulled over to look at the big dinosaur in California.
Porque quando tinha 9 ou 10 anos, os meus pais encostaram o carro para ver o dinossauro na Califórnia.
I know my son, when he was younger... ten or eleven even, he used to run up... and throw his arms around me.
Eu sei que o meu filho, quando era mais novo... dez ou mesmo onze, ele costumava correr... e mandar-se para mim.
When I was about ten our house burned down, and the insurance company wouldn't pay.
Quando eu tinha 10 anos a nossa casa ardeu, e a companhia de seguros não queria pagar.
You know, one day, when your mother was ten years old, she ran into my office and she said, "I'm going to go to Yale, just like you."
Um dia, quando a tua mãe tinha 10 anos... foi ao meu escritório e disse :

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