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You broke up translate Portuguese

1,440 parallel translation
Clark, this has been the year from hell. That was before you broke up with Lana. There are only so many days you can hole yourself up...
Olha, Clark, sei que este último ano tem sido infernal, e isso antes de acabares com a Lana, mas existe um limite para tantos dias encafuado naquele celeiro até eu fazer uma intervenção.
Let me remind you that you broke up. That means Lana can date whoever she wants without your permission. I know.
Clark, deixa-me lembrar-te de que foste tu que acabaste com ela, e isso quer dizer que ela pode namorar com quem quiser com ou sem a tua permissão.
You broke up with me so you can be free to date smart women.
Acabaste comigo para poderes sair com a espertinha.
You broke up with her?
Terminaste com ela?
That after you broke up with me, I went out with somebody else? That's what almost always happens.
Depois de acabares comigo eu saío com outra pessoa, isso é o que acontece sempre.
You broke up with me, Harry.
Terminaste comigo, Harriet.
She strung you along, she slept with other guys. You broke up with her twice.
Ela iludiu-te, dormiu com outros tipos, acabaste tudo com ela duas vezes.
So you broke up?
Então, vocês acabaram?
- Tell Derek you broke up with Finn?
- Disseste ao Derek que acabaste?
You broke up with her'cause she went on The 700 Club to promote her album?
Acabaste com ela por que ela foi ao "The 700 Club" para promover o álbum dela?
That after you broke up with me, I went out with somebody else?
Que depois de terminares comigo, eu ter saído com alguém?
You broke up with me.
Foste tu que acabaste comigo.
You broke up.
Nós acabámos.
I missed you so much when you broke up with me, Brooke.
Senti tanto a tua falta quando acabaste comigo, Brooke.
You broke up with me, remember?
Acabas-te comigo, recordas-te?
- Why do you care? You broke up with me.
- Isso interessa-te porquê?
You broke up with me.
Acabaste tudo.
I know that we haven't spoke since you broke up with me in the 11 th grade, but I just wanted to let you know that I'm getting married.
Eu sei que não falamos desde que acabaste comigo no 11º ano, mas só queria que soubesses que me vou casar.
i thought you broke up with gabriel.
Pensei que tivesses acabado com o Gabriel.
I didn't want you to miss the opportunity, so I broke up with you.
Como não queria que perdesses a oportunidade, acabei contigo.
you and your buddies shot up the cemetery and then broke into the Livingston house.
Raphael, você e seus camaradas vendiam drogas no cemitério e agora já começam a dar trabalho, não é?
Don't you know we broke up?
Não sabias que terminámos?
I know you were probably kind of surprised to see that I was seeing someone so soon after we broke up but I didn't think it would bother you, since you're the one who broke up with me.
Sei que deves ter ficado muito surpreendida por ver que andava com alguém logo após termos acabado, mas não pensei que te incomodasse, até porque foste tu quem terminou.
By the way, did you know she broke up with him?
Sabe que... o deixou?
It was you. You're the reason my parents broke up.
O senhor foi a razão da separação dos meus pais.
He broke up with you over sex, and that was sophomore year.
Ele acabou contigo por causa do sexo e isso era no segundo ano.
But if you're so over me, how come you haven't had a single serious relationship since we broke up?
Mas se já me esqueceste, como é que ainda não tiveste uma única relação séria desde que acabámos?
I broke up with debbie'cause I thought it would help you, and you weren't even trying?
Eu acabei com a Debbie, a pensar que isso te fosse ajudr. e nem sequer tentas-te? !
She broke up with you?
Ela acabou contigo?
Well, did she say why she broke up with you?
Disse porquê?
- So Brooke just broke up with you?
- A Brooke acabou contigo?
Well, you know, he told me that he broke up a fight at the shelter.
Sabes, ele disse-me que interrompeu uma luta no abrigo.
I've been not telling you all day because I thought it was kind and I thought I was giving you space, but I can't not tell you because you're here and you're you and I broke up with Finn.
Estive sem te dizer o dia todo porque pensei que era simpático dar-te espaço, mas não posso deixar de te dizer porque estás aqui e tu és tu e acabei com o Finn.
Which is why I broke up with you.
Foi por isso que acabei tudo.
And that time I broke my ankle in Ned's ravine and you gave me the fist, and I was able to get up and walk all the way home?
E aquela vez em que parti o tornozelo na ravina do Ned e tu deste-me a mão e fui capaz de me levantar e ir a caminhar até casa?
Tell her you're the one I never got over after we broke up.
Diz-lhe que tu foste aquela que nunca esqueci depois de termos rompido.
Tommy, you and Paula broke up because she never saw you.
- Tommy, tu e a Paula terminaram porque ela nunca te via.
So? I heard that you and Tyra broke up.
Ouvi dizer que tu e a Tyra acabaram.
You mean how lily and marshall broke up, And lily's gone and nothing else Even remotely important happened last night,
Referes-te a como a Lily e o Marshall acabaram, e que a Lily vai embora e nada mais sequer remotamente importante aconteceu na noite passada, sim, penso que ele sabe.
What, Kara broke up with you?
O quê, a Kara acabou contigo?
I'm really sorry that you and Julie broke up.
Lamento muito que tu e a Julie tenham acabado.
Oh, Liz, finally. It's time you broke up with him.
I already broke up with you!
Já acabei contigo.
Is it hard for you because you just broke up with that Floyd guy?
É difícil para ti por teres acabado com o tal Floyd?
It was on sale. I thought you and Floyd broke up.
- Não tinhas acabado com o Floyd?
I already broke up with Bret, so I already broke up with you...
Já acabei com o Bret, por isso também já acabei contigo...
I'm beginning to remember Why i broke up with you.
Estou a começar a lembrar-me porque é que acabei contigo.
Uh, i broke up with you.
Eu é que acabei contigo.
Aren't reporters supposed to get their facts right? 'Cause i so broke up with you.
Não é suposto os jornalistas confirmarem os factos?
Look, Case, the reason I broke up with you is...
Olha, Case, a razão porque eu acabei contigo foi...
- The reason i broke up with you...
- A razão porque eu terminei contigo...

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