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You saw him translate Portuguese

2,513 parallel translation
When was the last time you saw him?
Quando o viu pela última vez?
I was just driving around and he fell, you saw him.
- Eu só estava a conduzir! E ele caiu.
You saw him too, didn't you?
Tu também o viste, não foi?
Remember where you saw him? No.
- Lembraste onde estava?
You saw him leave a message?
Viste-o a deixar uma mensagem?
- You saw him in my living room.
- Você viu-o na minha sala de estar.
I am questioning why you didn't tell them you saw him three days ago.
Estou a questionar o motivo de não lhes contar que o viu há 3 dias.
You saw him.
Tu viste-o.
You saw him in the paddock and went, " My God!
Tu viste-o no recinto e disseste : " Meu Deus!
You saw him. You know this is the third time this month I've had to do this for you.
- Sabes, esta é a 3ª vez este mês que eu faço isto por ti.
Maybe you saw him. No, I'm sorry.
- Talvez o tenha visto.
When was the last time you saw him?
Quando foi a última vez que o viste?
- You saw him. - What did we see?
- Vocês viram-a.
When was the last you saw him?
Qual foi a última vez que o viu?
How'd you feel when you saw him slit her throat?
Como te sentiste quando o viste cortar a sua garganta?
If you saw him on the street, And he tried to attack you again, I believe you could kill him.
Se o visses na rua e ele tentasse atacar-te outra vez, acredito que serias capaz de o matar.
You saw him hitting on someone?
Viste-o a meter-se com alguém?
When was the last time you saw him?
Pensa, Liam, por favor.
But you saw him.
Mas vocês viu-o.
When was the last time you saw him?
Quando foi a última vez que o viu?
When's the last time you saw him?
Quando foi a última vez que o viu?
You only saw him once.
Só o vistes uma vez.
You guys saw him. I saw him fall, I didn't see his goddamn arm get ripped off!
O que eu vi foi que tu arrancaste-lhe o braço, meu.
You saw how hard it was for her to leave him. But she's out trying to find a way to end this.
Viu como lhe foi difícil deixá-lo, mas anda por aí a tentar parar isto.
And you never saw him again?
E você nunca voltou a vê-lo?
This man you saw. Describe him to me.
Descreva-me o homem que viu.
Serving 30 years. So when was the last time you saw him?
Quando foi a última vez que o viu?
What, you never saw him?
O quê, tu nunca o viste?
I saw him and called you because I wanted you to see him.
Eu vi-o e chamei-te porque eu queria que o visses.
I saw you with him at school this morning.
- Eu vi-te...
- We just saw you talking to him.
- Ainda agora estavas a falar com ele.
I saw you bringing him in to the conference room yesterday.
Vi-os a trazê-lo para a sala de conferências ontem.
Actually, I came all the way here because of what I saw in Floyd's eyes when you got the drop on him.
Na verdade, vim até aqui por causa do que eu vi no olhos do Floyd quando você o fez baixar a arma.
I saw you with him.
Vi-a com ele.
You know your father promised he would stand with us forever. After marrying our Zamira. But we never saw him since.
O seu pai prometeu estar sempre ao nosso lado quando se casou com Zamira, mas nunca mais o vi.
Until I saw him with you.
Até que o vi contigo.
Have you completely forgotten the last time I saw him?
Esqueceste o que aconteceu?
He saw a crazy guy in uniform talking to other crazy. And you want to take him to the police station to see pictures of police officers.
Este maluco viu um tipo fardado a falar com outro maluco e você quer levá-lo à esquadra para ver fotografias de agentes?
You should have saw some of the tomatoes that were coming to visit him.
Você tinha de ver algumas das mulheres que vinham visitá-lo.
You're the witness, you saw the gun, you have to convince my boss and you have to back him up.
Você é a testemunha, viu a arma, terá que convencer o meu chefe a apoiá-lo.
You saw what he did to him in IED class.
Viste o que ele lhe fez na aula de explosivos.
- You saw him!
- O que nós vimos?
When you found out that George White was scheduled for surgery in your own hospital, you saw the chance to get back at him for killing your son.
Quando descobriste que o George White estava agendado para uma cirurgia no teu hospital, viste a oportunidade para te vingares dele por ter morto o teu filho.
I saw you in the hospital flirting with him.
Bem, é que... Vi-te no hospital a namoriscares com ele.
Maybe you followed him and saw him with another woman.
Talvez o tenha seguido e visto com outra mulher.
I saw the monitors when you turned him.
Vi os monitores quando o viraram.
He saw exactly what you wanted him to see, you monster, two people screwing in a hotel.
Ele viu exactamente o que querias que ele visse, monstro, duas pessoas a terem relações num hotel.
But it can't be, "Yeah, but no." You either saw him or you didn't.
Ou viram-no ou não viram. Foi algo assim, mas negro.
I need you to tell them you just saw him and that he's meeting a bagman at this location in an hour.
Preciso que digas que o viste, e que vai encontrar-se com um vendedor nesse lugar dentro de uma hora.
Oh I saw that Judge at the hospital, yeah you guys found him.
Eu vi o Juiz no hospital, o teu pessoal encontrou-o.
My son saw you with him.
O meu filho viu-vos com ele.

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