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You weren't even there translate Portuguese

68 parallel translation
You weren't even there.
Nem estavas lá.
Not to you. You weren't even there.
A ti não foi nem sequer lá estavas.
You weren't even there.
Tu nem sequer estavas lá.
And now I'm not even supposed to ask you why you weren't there.
E agora não posso perguntar-te porque não apareceste.
And I called the St. Francis and the clerk said that you weren't there, and you hadn't even made a reservation.
Telefonei para o St. Francis e o recepcionista disse que não estavas e que lá nem sequer havias feito reserva.
Weren't you even a little bit annoyed when you found out... there was another car and nobody told you?
Não ficaste um pouco irritado quando descobriste que havia outro carro e ninguém te disse?
Odell, please, you weren't even there, and I was.
Odell, você nem sequer estava lá, e eu estava.
You weren't even there.
Nem sequer Iá estiveste.
- Mommy, you weren't even there.
- Mamã, tu nem sequer estavas aqui.
You weren't even there.
Nem sequer estavas lá.
Now I'm not even supposed to ask why you weren't there.
E agora nem te posso perguntar porque não foste lá.
I mean, if you weren't sure, if there was even a chance of her being alive...
Quero dizer, se não tinhas a certeza, se havia uma hipótese de ela estar viva...
You weren't even there half the time.
Tu nem sequer lá estiveste metade do tempo.
You weren't even there.
Nem lá esteve.
You weren't even there.
Tu nem sequer lá estavas.
Even if you thought you weren't responsible, it went wrong and you were there.
Mesmo que não te julgasses responsável a coisa deu para o torto e estavas lá.
You weren't even there. If I had been, I'd have bloody well stopped you.
Não vamos discutir.
You weren't even there when you were there.
Nem sequer quando lá estavas estavas lá.
. You weren't even there that day.
O professor nem esteve no teste.
You weren't even there.
Não estiveste lá.
You weren't even there.
- Nem sequer estavas lá.
Come on, Gaius, even back when you weren't nuts... there was always that little voice in your head. That little voice helping you through the rough times, remember?
Mesmo quando não eras louco, sempre ouviste uma vozinha interior, aquela voz que te ajudava nos momentos difíceis, lembras-te?
You weren't even there.
Vocês nem sequer lá estavam.
You weren't even there.
Nem mesmo estava lá.
Well, we're still processing the scene but even if we weren't... grace, I know you think you're ready to go back in there.
Bem, ainda estamos a processar o local mas mesmo se não estivéssemos... Grace, sei que pensa que está pronta para voltar para lá.
You weren't even the most embarrassing parent there.
Nem sequer eras um dos pais que envergonhava mais lá.
It was in Weintraub's seminar. You weren't even there that day. You stayed in bed with a belly dancer.
Foi no seminário do Weintraub, tu nem sequer foste, estavas na cama com uma dançarina.
You weren't even there, Christian.
Nem estavas lá, Christian.
That thing will slice through you as if you weren't even there.
Trespassa-te como se nem existisses.
You weren't there. You didn't even try to be engaged.
Estavas ausente, nem sequer tentaste participar.
You weren't even there, you fucking loser.
Nem sequer lá estavas, seu falhado.
Even with Adrianna standing there in that towel, I knew you weren't that kind of guy, I should have trusted my instincts.
Mesmo com a Adrianna lá de toalha, sabia que não eras esse tipo, deveria confiar no meu instinto.
But you weren't even there.
Mas não estavas lá.
You weren't even there.
Nem sequer lá estava.
You were parking the van, you weren't even there.
Estava a estacionar o furgão. Nem sequer estavas lá.
Oh, Jethro, what do you know? You weren't even there.
Jethro, o que é que sabes?
Even if they weren't trying to stop you, there are nine million people in this city.
Mesmo que eles não estivessem a tentar impedir-te, há nove milhões de pessoas nesta cidade.
No. In fact, you weren't even there when we started. [Inhales]
Na verdade, nem tu estavas lá quando...
You weren't even there to enjoy it.
Nem sequer lá estavam para apreciar.
So, you weren't even there, were you?
Portanto, nem sequer lá estava, pois não?
If anyone saw you, Maria, if they even think you weren't there, it all comes down on me.
Se alguém tiver-te visto, Maria. Se sequer pensarem que tu não estiveste lá... vai tudo cair em cima de mim!
- You weren't even there!
- Nem sequer lá estavas!
You weren't even there before that.
Tu já nem estavas lá antes disso.
You weren't even there, ronnie.
Tu nem lá estavas, Ronnie.
You swore you weren't even there.
Juraste que nem sequer estiveste lá.
You weren't even there.
- Nem estavas lá.
Even more important in countries, where there was repressive regimes, that if you said something against the regime, they would come and take you away and you weren't saying anything anymore.
Mais importante ainda, é onde existem regimes de repressão, se quiser disser algo contra o regime, eles aparecem, mandam-te embora e tu nunca mais falaras nada.
- You weren't even there.
Tu nem estavas lá.
- You weren't even there.
- Nem sequer lá estavas.
You weren't even there.
Nem sequer lá estavas.
You weren't even there.
- Tu nem estavas lá.

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