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Anlami translate English

158 parallel translation
Bunun anlami ne?
What is the meaning of this?
Hayir, böyle konusmanin anlami yok, degil mi?
No, no sense to that kind of talk, though, is there?
Détournement teorik alana, var olan tüm düzeni bozan ve yerle bir eden ayni türde bir siddetli yikimi dahil ederek teorinin kendi basina bir anlami olmadigini, yalnizca tarihsel eylem ve gerçek anlamda bagli oldugu tarihsel düzeltme vasitasiyla kendini through historical action,
What, in theoretical formulation, presents itself as openly detourned, in denying all durable autonomy to the sphere... of the expressed theoretical, by causing the intervention there, by means of this violence, of the action that destroys and carries off all the existing order, recalls that this existence of the theoretical... is nothing in itself, and only come to be known... through historical action, and the historical correction which... is its true fidelity.
Büyümüs yasama çabasi bir çözüme ulasmazsa, o zaman genislemesinin nerede duracaginin bir anlami yoktur çünkü bizzat kendisi sikinti diyarinda sikisip kalmistir. Yoksullugu parlak gösterebilir fakat ona üstün gelemez.
If there is nothing beyond increased survival, no point where it ceases to grow, it's because it is not itself beyond privation, but rather, it is enriched privation.
... E75, M7 4'ün R'sine eşitse, R'nin anlami....
... where it is assumed that E75 equals R over M74, R being the ratio...
Bir anlami olduklarını nereden çıkardın?
What makes you think they mean anything?
Bu ögle yemeginin Camille için anlami çok büyük.
This lunch meant so much to Camille.
Bunun anlami o ne bilmiyorum.
You don't know what it means to be that.
Onu, ben bile söyleyemem.Ama bir anlami olmali...
That, even I can't tell you. But he must be meaning something...
Çünkü alt anlami olarak senden nefret ediyorumdur.
'Cause subliminally that means I hate you.
Bir anlami yoktu.
It didn't mean anything.
Ne demek anlami yoktu.
Like hell it didn't.
- Yani sÖzlerin hiçBir anlami yoktur,
- That means words don't mean nothing.
- Bunlarin anlami nedir?
- What is the point of this?
- Evet. Neden? Bir anlami mi var?
Why, does it mean something?
Bunun sence baska hiçbir anlami yok mu?
Is that all that it means to you?
- Bunun tek anlami var.
It can mean only one thing.
Bunun anlami çogunlukla burada görecegin seylerin... ... sana zarar veremeyecegini hatirlamak.
What that means mostly is remembering that anything you might see here can't hurt you.
Odevim istediginiz gibi oldu mu bilmiyorum. Toplumsal onem ya da istediginiz... diger noktalara degindim mi emin degilim. Ama sizin icin anlami varsa tesekkurler.
I'm not sure if this paper is what you wanted- - if I hit the social significance... or whatever you're looking for... but for what it's worth, thanks a lot.
- Onun anlami ne?
- What does that mean?
Bu yolun ne anlami kalir?
What use the means?
Hiçbir anlami olmayan bir çift gözlük mü?
Glasses without a purpose?
gay oldugunu soyluyorlardi... benim icin hicbi anlami yoktu!
If you're saying that you're gay you have no comprehension of what that means.
Bunun anlami o kücük bir cocuk.
For you, that'd be a step up.
Yani bir anlami yok.
Trust me.
It means...
Artik, elcinin yasamadigina göre, bu misyonu bitirmenin bir anlami kalmiyor.
Since the ambassador died we cannot carry the duty of the envoys anymore
Bunun anlami dans eden orkide degilmi?
meaning of a dancing orchid?
Sanirim, bunun anlami bana birazcikta olsa saygi duyuyor demek.
I guess that means he respects me a little.
Bunun anlami, askin onu mahfettigi anlamina gelmez.
That doesn't mean I don't love busting him about it.
Sana soru sormamin bir anlami yok.
It's pointless for me to ask you questions.
Colonel Hathi, Neler oluyor Bunlarin anlami ne?
[Pop] Colonel Hathi, what... what is the meaning of this?
Ne bunun anlami ne?
What... what is the meaning of this?
Denemenin anlami yok.
There's no use trying.
Bu bokla hayatin anlami yok.
I've got nothing to do with this shit.
Bunun anlami onlari insan olarak görmek istemezler.
It means they stop thinking of them as people.
Anlami "Ilk Goruste Ask"
which means "Love At First Sight".
Bunun hicbir anlami yok.
It doesn't make any sense.
Hic bir anlami yok.
It doesn't make sense.
Evet. Anlamï...
And here - brandkerngeschoss.
Anlamï, yangïn mermisi.
That means "incendiary bullet."
Anlamï : " Tüm ödemelerinizi ondan alacaksïnïz.
That means, uh, you're instructed to look to him for all payments.
Anlamï : "Tanïdïgïnïz ajanlarla görüşmesi yasaktïr."
Uh, that'd mean he is forbidden... to have any contact with agents known to you.
- Sence anlamï ne?
- What does it mean to you?
"Anlamï" Bay Wang.
"The," Mr. Wang.
"Bunun anlamï nedir?"
"What is the meaning of this?"
Bunun bir tek anlamï olabilir ve ben onu bilmiyorum.
That can only mean one thing and I don't know what it is.
Arkeolojik olarak bir anlami yok.
Archeologically this makes no sense.
Hayatin sensiz ne anlami var?
What's life without you?
bu tepkinin anlami nedir?
Like I said, what's the big whoop?

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