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Does that matter traducir español

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Or does that matter to you anymore?
¿ O ya no te importa más?
- Does that matter?
, ¿ Acaso importa?
- Does that matter?
- ¿ Importa eso? - No.
- What does that matter to you?
- ¿ Y qué más da que lo sea?
Sure I'm hurt, but what the hell does that matter?
Claro que estoy dolido, ¿ pero qué diablos importa?
So what does that matter?
¿ Y eso qué tiene que ver?
- What does that matter?
- ¿ Qué problema hay?
What matters is what gives the public pleasure and if lonely people, all over the world... prefer to think that this beautiful, sensuous woman... writes those vividly evocative books... then I say, what a beautiful secret to be asked to keep. but does that matter?
¿ Recuerdas esa noche, Charlotte?
So, you've been to prison. What does that matter?
Has estado en prisión. ¿ Qué importa eso?
What does that matter?
¿ Qué más da?
What does that matter now?
¿ Qué importa eso ahora?
Does that matter? That's Geoffrey's. Possibly to Geoffrey.
- Bretaña es de Geoffrey, ¿ no?
What does that matter?
¿ Qué importa eso?
And they ain't me. What the hell does that matter?
Y ellos no son yo. ¿ Entonces qué?
- Does that matter now?
- ¿ Qué importa eso ahora?
What does that matter?
Idiota, ésa en la tele.
- Does that matter?
- ¿ Eso importa?
Since when does that matter?
Desde cuando importa eso?
I didn't know you were religious! What does that matter?
- ¡ Pero si tú no crees en nada!
And what the fuck does that matter to me?
Qué mierda me importa.
- That does not matter.
- Eso no importa.
And he does remind me that it would be safest for Rohan to seek their friendship no matter how I may feel!
¡ Y me recuerda que sería más seguro para Rohan... buscar su amistad... independientemente de lo que piense!
That does not matter.
Eso no tiene ninguna importancia.
Does it matter to you at all that the owners have placed their complete confidence in me and that I have signed a letter of agreement in which I've accepted that responsibility?
¿ Te importa algo que hayan depositado su confianza en mí y que yo firmara un contrato de aceptación donde acepté esa responsabilidad?
- Does all that social stuff matter?
¿ Realmente importa todo este asunto social? Sí.
Does it really matter... whether or not the Charlotte that we see on television or read in the magazines... is the same person who writes the books?
Hace siete años, le envié a Russ el manuscrito de Mitch de Twice Nightly. Me manchó los dedos.
That doesn't matter now, does it?
Ahora ya no importa, ¿ verdad?
What does matter is that he freaked out at 25,000 feet.
Lo que sí importa es que por alguna razón enloqueció a 25.000 pies.
Does that woman really matter to you?
¿ Realmente te importa esa mujer?
What does it matter who won that meaningless contest?
¿ Qué importa quien ganó esa competencia sin sentido?
"it does not matter if the war is not real... " or when it is, that victory is not possible.
Da igual que la guerra no sea real... o si lo fuera, que la victoria no sea posible.
'What does matter is that he is an American child.
Lo que importa es que es un niño americano.
Does that really matter, guy?
- ¿ Acaso eso importa?
Yeah, I mean, what does it matter if you know that you're gonna end up dying anyway?
Si. ¿ Qué más da si sabes que acabarás muriéndote de todos modos?
Does it matter to you that Silva killed Roberto?
¿ Te importa a ti que Silva haya matado a Roberto?
Does it matter to you at all that, through your manipulations of the system... you cut loose the guy who killed your best friend?
¿ Es que no te importa que, por haber manipulado el sistema dejaste libre al tipo que mató a tu mejor amigo?
Oh, does it matter to you that I'm rich?
¿ Te importa que sea rico?
What does matter is that the only reason I'm alive is luck.
Lo que importa es que estoy vivo solamente por suerte.
It does not matter that devils say, does not import me where party is he does not import me if the soldier will be well or not.
No me importa que demonios les digan no me importa quienes son esos amigos. No me importa lo que el soldado dijera que estaba bien.
"It is a prevalent notion just now that religious opinion does not enter..." "as a matter of necessity in any considerable measure..." "into the treatment of scientific or literary subjects."
"Es un concepto frecuente hoy en día que la opinión religiosa no forma parte necesariamente del tratamiento de los temas científicos o literarios".
Does it matter to you that much?
¿ Es tan importante para ti?
That doesn't matter now, does it?
¿ Nada de eso cambia las cosas ahora, o sí?
I think she's Blackadder's girl, but that doesn't matter, does it, Blacky?
Creo que ella es la chica de Blackadder, pero eso no importa, ¿ verdad, Blacky?
- What's that, Sam? - When this baby comes no matter what he does, just don't hit him with anything.
- Cuando tengáis al niño por mal que se porte, nunca le peguéis.
To understand why matter is so solid they had to question the conventional ideas about the very existence of matter, and after many frustrating years they were forced to admit that matter does not exist with certainty in definite places, but rather shows tendencies to exist.
Para entender la solidez de la materia, tuvieron que cuestionar las ideas... a cerca de la existencia misma de la materia, y después de muchos años... se vieron forzados a admitir que la materia no existe con certeza... en lugares definidos, sino que muestra tendencias a existir.
That does not matter.
Eso no importa.
It does not matter that we will never reach our ultimate goal.
No tiene importancia no llegar a alcanzar nuestra meta.
An evil that great in this beautiful world... Finally, does it matter what the cause?
Un mal tan enorme en este hermoso mundo al final, ¿ importa la causa?
It is your arm that is weak... but if you want to continue that, it does not a matter in the end it is you who wanted that it was initiating you in the use of the weapon
Es tu brazo que es débil... pero sino quieres seguir no importa al final eres tú quien quería que te iniciase en el uso de las armas
and the arrow, a message that you have to send further possibly if you do not obtain it, it does not matter
y la flecha, un mensaje que tienes que enviar lo mas lejos posible si no lo consigues, no importa
Does it matter to her that these cars are blowing up?
¿ Le importa que esos coches exploten? No.

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