Which ones traducir español
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Come on then, which ones got the biggest dick?
Quién la tiene más grande?
You'll handpick which ones get to be his friends.
Seleccionarás a sus amigos.
I don't know which ones, but I...
No sé quienes, pero...
- Which ones? - Well, all of them.
¿ De cuáles?
Which ones are yours?
Cuales son los suyos?
Which ones look better with this?
Cual queda mejor con esto?
- Which ones the Yankees?
- ¿ Cuáles son los Yankees?
- Which ones there?
- ¿ Cuáles son?
Which ones?
¿ Cuales?
Spent 2 days printing these, then I couldn't decide which ones to hang at my show.
Pasé 2 días revelándolas, no podía decidir cuál colgar en mi exposición.
- OK, which ones do you want?
- Quién quieres?
Okay. Which ones?
Muy bien. ¿ Qué números?
- Which ones?
- ¿ Cuáles?
- Which ones?
- ¿ A cuáles?
Some say he invented several of the classics but he won't tell me which ones.
Algunos dicen que inventó varios de los clásicos pero no quiere decirme cuáles.
You're the ones who decide which paintings are worth $ 50 million and which ones are put on decorative plates.
Ustedes son los que deciden que pinturas valen 50 millones y cuales se ponen en platos decorativos.
Which ones in particular don't you like?
¿ Cual en particular, te desagrada?
My gosh, there are so many, I can't tell which ones are ours.
Dios mio, hay tantas, que no puedo decir cual es la nuestra.
Which ones?
¿ Qué manifestantes?
Which ones are new?
Cuáles son los nuevos?
Hey, Daria, which ones were the almonds, again?
Hey, Daria, ¿ cuáles fueron las almendras, otra vez?
Which ones?
¿ Cuáles?
Which ones are bad
¿ cuáles serían las que salieron mal?
I'd investigate the claims to see which ones were phony.
Veía cuáles eran falsas.
Which ones you talking about?
De cuales estas hablando?
Which ones?
¿ O no?
How do we find out which ones are the true keepers?
¿ Cómo saber quiénes son los verdaderos guardianes?
Which ones of them is it?
¿ Cuáles son?
Which ones?
? Cuàles?
I only wish I knew which ones would kill Adam.
Pero no sé cuáles podrían matar a Adán.
Which ones were they again?
¿ Cuáles eran ellos?
Right, but we can't possibly know which ones are dangerous when they are gonna snap. That's why taking their meds shouldn't be an option.
Sí, pero no podemos saber quiénes son peligrosos cuándo van a estallar por eso la medicación no debería ser una opción.
It says that t they're mixing Nevirapine with AZT, DDL... a bunch of 3 letter drugs which are the good ones.
Dicen, que están mezclando Nevirapina con AZT, DDL... Y un montón de drogas de 3ª letras que son muy buenas.
I only brought the ones authentic to the era in which the manor was built.
Sólo he traído las de la época en que la casa se construyó.
I've conducted some tests on Gibson Praise, and have come up with some rather unexpected conclusions. Ones which I myself have difficulty reconciling with what I know.
Le he realizado algunas pruebas a Gibson Praise, y he llegado a unas conclusiones bastantes sorprendentes, algunas de las cuales me cuesta encajar con lo que sé.
- Which ones?
É * - ¿ Cuáles son?
- I think you will see these new hot scenes, the ones in which Daisy exposes her breasts will increase sales in Thailand.
- Creo que debería ver en estas nuevas escenas Daisy muestra sus pechos. Incrementará las ventas en Tailandia.
But in about a month, you'll probably move up to two-to-ones... which is two nurses to every patient.
Pero en un mes pasarás a 2 por 1 o sea, dos enfermeras por cada paciente.
If it weren't so late, AIbertine, I'd show you how these key phrases, which you've begun to recognize as I do, the same ones in the sonata, the septet, and his other works,
Si no fuera demasiado tarde, mi pequeña Albertina, os enseñaría que esas melodías que empiezas a reconocer en la sonata, en el septeto, en otras obras.
Because clear ones don't call attention to themselves so much, which maybe you want.
Porque los claros no llaman tanto la atención, lo que quizás quieras.
Your points may be good ones, but... they are to be decided by the trier of fact, which in this case is the jury.
Sus puntos pueden ser buenos, pero... deben ser decididos por un árbitro, que en este caso es el jurado.
I can give you several studies which show psychotherapy may be harmful, especially when it comes to grief therapy for people losing loved ones. If you'd look at the data, you'll see talk therapy can, in many cases, prolong suffering.
Varios estudios muestran que la psicoterapia puede ser dañina durante la terapia de duelo por la pérdida de un ser querido.
The ones which allow slower-moving objects to pass through.
Los que permiten el paso a los objetos lentos.
They find out which one of you is VC and you'll be the ones out in the boonies on no sleep, forced marching for the next two nights.
Si descubren quien es el vietnamita vosotros iréis a la selva sin dormir, forzados a caminar las siguientes dos noches.
The witness is adopting a contemptuous attitude toward this Tribunal which is giving him trial that he never gave a living soul nor dead ones either!
En segundo lugar.... Su señoría, por favor. Al testigo se le debe permitir terminar de hablar.
There are 280 species of butterflies, not including the nocturnal ones, which must number much more than that.
There are 280 species of butterflies, not including the nocturnal ones, which must number much more than that.
Frank Wild shot the last of our faithful dogs of which we kept the five young ones for food.
" Frank Wild disparó al último de nuestros fieles perros, de los cuales mantenemos a 5 cachorros para comer.
The humour grows not from truly eccentric figures like the ones in The Old Dark House, but from average folk, as they encounter something which is beyond their beliefs.
El humor no nace de personajes excéntricos, como los de El caserón de las sombras, sino del pueblo llano, que se enfrenta a algo que supera sus creencias.
Which means that every kid candream of growing up and maybe one day starting his or her own company ; and hire the people you think will best serve that company, fire the ones you think don't.
Contratar a la gente que será mejor para esa compañía. Despedir a quienes cree que no.
I could so save the world if somebody handed me superpowers, but I'd think of a cool name and wear a mask to protect my loved ones, which Buffy doesn't even.
Yo podría salvar el mundo si alguien me diera superpoderes, tendría un nombre genial y llevaría máscara para proteger a los que quiero, cosa que Buffy nunca hace.
And he has no idea how cute he is, which is key because God save us from the ones who do.
Él no tiene idea de lo lindo que es que Dios nos libre de los que lo saben...
ones 44
which one is it 183
which 2889
which one do you like 19
which one 1435
which do you prefer 57
which is understandable 21
which is 1139
which is a shame 22
which is better 26
which one is it 183
which 2889
which one do you like 19
which one 1435
which do you prefer 57
which is understandable 21
which is 1139
which is a shame 22
which is better 26
which one do you prefer 16
which one are you 89
which is ridiculous 24
which i did 99
which one do you want 65
which is why you're here 18
which are 79
which is why 260
which is which 28
which is nice 40
which one are you 89
which is ridiculous 24
which i did 99
which one do you want 65
which is why you're here 18
which are 79
which is why 260
which is which 28
which is nice 40