And as of now traduction Espagnol
2,315 traduction parallèle
and as of now, there is no differentiation between the letter "o" and the zero, but we are working on that.
De momento, no hay diferencia entre la letra "O" y el cero. Pero estamos trabajando en ello, así que estad atentos.
What's best in you will live on in us, my friend. You were the finest of God's creatures, and you will now sit at his side as do his most gentle angels.
Lo mejor de ti vivirá en nosotros, mi amigo fué una de las mejores criaturas de dios y tu estarás ahora sentado a su lado al igual que sus mas queridos angeles.
The calculation right now is that with Obama, we've got 24 trillion dollars as a line of credit available only to Wall Street banks, insurance companies, credit cards, mutual fund companies and others, but only financial institutions.
La calculación ahora mismo es que con Obama, tenemos 24 trillones de dólares como una linea de crédito disponible sólo a los bancos de Wall Street, compañías de seguros, tarjetas de crédito, compañías de fondos mutuos y otros, pero sólo instituciones financieras.
And Lord Brown of course was the head of the largest oil company in... in the world and they were looking to buy into this as is happening now when the energy companies are becoming the big promoters of,
Y Lord Brown por supuesto era el líder de la compañia más grande de petróleo... en el mundo y estaban considerando participar en esto como está pasando ahora cuando las compañias de energía se están volviendo grandes promotores de oh, tenemos que volvernos ecológicos, irnos a energías alternativas
Cable company repairmen, truck drivers, maid services and hundreds of other professions that go inside homes and businesses without warrants are now on the government's payroll as citizen snitch spies.
Reparadores de compañias de cable, camioneros, servicios de criadas y cientas de otras profesiones que entran a domicilios y negocios sin autorización legal, ahora están en la planilla del gobierno como ciudanos soplones espías.
As for the Princess, well, she mysteriously survived the bloody coup, and now, instead of living the fairy tale, Riese was fighting for her life.
En cuanto a la princesa, misteriosamente sobrevivió al sangriento golpe de estado, y ahora, en lugar de estar viviendo un cuento de hadas, Riese luchaba por sobrevivir.
And allowing the enemy no respite, the Allies are now pressing hard on the heels of the Germans as they retreat northward in ever-growing confusion.
Sin darle tregua al enemigo, los aliados ahora le pisan los talones a los alemanes, mientras ellos se repliegan hacia el Norte, cada vez más confundidos. Hitler ha perdido como aliado a la Italia fascista... Sus tropas se han retirado de todos los frentes.
As a matter of fact, the only people who know anything about this are sitting in this room right now, and that is the way it's got to stay.
Como una cuestión de hecho, las únicas personas que saben algo sobre esto están sentadas en esta sala ahora mismo, y esa es la manera en que esto se vá a mantener.
I joined on a New Year's Day whim with a number of size 16 and over women aged 34-54, most of whom are on their own now at home with a pie and a bottle of wine, as your direct debit goes out of their bank accounts.
He venido solo un día en años y soy de talla 16... Las mujeres de 34 a 54, en su mayoría están en sus casas con un pastel y una botella de vino Mientras sus líneas de crédito se van directo a su cuenta bancaria
Yeah, I would say that, you know, by his gestures he feels pretty comfortable, and as of right now, they do have the numbers, but when you get comfortable in this game, things can come and haunt you, so you've got to stay humble in this game.
Sí, diría que sí, ya sabes, por sus gestos, se siente muy cómodo y ahora mismo, tienen los números, pero cuando te acomodas en este juego, las cosas vienen y te persiguen, así que debes mantenerte humilde en este juego.
Now, as Jedi Master Luminara Unduli and Obi-Wan Kenobi begin a cleanup of the planet, they launch an intense campaign to find Separatist leader Poggle the Lesser and bring him to justice.
Ahora, la maestra Jedi Luminara Unduli y Obi-Wan Kenobi y lanzan una intensa campaña para encontrar al líder separatista Poggle el Menor y llevarlo frente a la justicia.
Their cities are dying and now Goebbels and the Nazis want to send all Germans from 16 to 60 years old to their deaths, as part of the Volkssturm, the people's militia.
Sus ciudades están muriendo. Y ahora Goebbels y los Nazis quieren mandar a todos los Alemanes, desde 16 hasta 60 años a su muerte. Es parte del "Volkssturm", la milicia del pueblo.
Now the fly room was really buzzing. The team were soon able to find which parts of the fly's chromosomes accounted for traits like body colour and wing size, as well as eye colour.
Ahora, tenemos la certeza absoluta van Helmont realmente hizo este experimento, como yo, pero si lo hizo, entonces la única explicación razonable es que el ratón entró a comer un bocadillo.
And now I'm there too, as one of them...
Y ahora estoy ahí, como una de esas sombras.
"The Great Dragon", "Lucifer", "Tiamat", "Phaeton" was defeated and fell to the Earth and now dwells in the abyss, known as Hell, giving us the outline of the story of Lucifer rising us against the Lord, and being defeated and banished to rule the underworld.
fue derrotado y cayó a la tierra, y ahora habita el abismo, conocido como el infierno, dándonos el perfil de la historia de Lucifer levantándose en contra del señor ( Sol ) que después de ser derrotado fue desterrado al inframundo.
and even involved in the solar cult holiday that we now call Christmas. In the cult of Dionysus, many festivals were celebrated, such as The Greater Dionysia, celebrated in Athens around the spring equinox.
Todavía se encuentra el gorro "frigio" o mitraico en el símbolo de la diosa de la libertad en las monedas de dolar, en el escudo de armas de muchos países, por ejemplo en el escudo reverso del Paraguay,
And... as of now, I'm leaving this position.
¿ Qué tiene ella de grandioso que...
Orthodoxy didn't just survive, it flourished, moving out of the work of Cyril and Methodius east to Kiev, encompassing everything we now think of as Russia, to the frozen wastes of the Arctic in the far north.
La Ortodoxia no solo sobrevivió, sino que además prosperó, trasladando el trabajo de Cirilo y Methodios hacia el este a Kiev, abarcando todo lo que ahora conocemos como Rusia hasta los páramos helados del Ártico hacia el norte.
Now, as you know each and every one of you was searched upon your arrival here tonight.
Ahora, como ya saben todos ustedes fueron registrados esta noche cuando llegaron.
Now it's weather and traffic, and there's going to be big clusters of storms developing, going into night time hours as well...
Ahora, clima y tráfico y se están formando grandes agrupaciones de tormenta, para horas de la noche también...
Now, we all know Lucifer, just as in the nature of birds to sing and the bees to make honey, so it is the nature of the Devil to tempt...
Ahora, todos sabemos... y se ve claramente... así como es la naturalez a de las aves para cantar y de las abejas para hacer miel, es la naturalez a del diablo para tentar...
We've got a great thing going there right now, you have an opportunity to be successful as a person, as a student, and an opportunity to be a part of the next National Championship team with LSU.
Tenemos grandes cosas en marcha ahora mismo, tienes una oportunidad de tener éxito como persona, como un estudiante, y la oportunidad de ser parte del próximo Campeonato Nacional de equipo con la Universidad.
And as we await the tragic fate of Mary Horowitz... attention now on the boots she was wearing when she slipped into the mine... a story I couldn't tell until I'd walked a mile in Mary's shoes.
Mientras esperamos la trágica suerte de Mary Horowitz enfocamos la atención a las botas que llevaba cuando cayó a la mina. Es una historia que no podía contar hasta haber caminado en sus zapatos.
As of now, I made him sign all the scripts and stories that I wrote.
De momento le hice firmar todos los guiones y relatos que escribí.
Now that Hooker and I finally have a bit of clout, we can start to reclaim science as a profession.
Ahora que Hooker y yo tenemos algo de influencia, podemos empezar a reclamar la ciencia como profesión.
Until now, I regarded you as one of those rare mortals with whom one could disagree and yet feel no shade of animosity.
Hasta ahora, te consideraba como uno de esos raros mortales... con los que uno puede estar en desacuerdo... y sin embargo, no sienten la sombra de animosidad.
He died in'98, and now that April's getting married, I just figured, why not finish it up, give it to her sort of as a wedding present?
Murió en 1998, y ahora que April se va a casar me dije : "¿ Por qué no terminarlo?" Para dárselo como regalo de boda.
Now whether "Howl" is or is not "obscene" is of little importance to our world, faced as it is with the threat of physical survival, but... the problem of what is legally permissible in the description of sexual acts or feelings in arts and literature is of the greatest importance to a free society.
Ahora, si "Aullido" es o no es "obsceno" es poco... importante para nuestro mundo, preocupado de la sobrevivencia... física, pero... el problema es qué es legalmente permitido... en la descripción de los actos sexuales o sentimientos... en el arte y la literatura así como su importancia para... una sociedad libre.
Now just... just think of the hours of pleasure you'll be able to give, and receive, as a result.
Piense en las horas de placer que podrá brindar y recibir gracias a eso.
And, now, as promised if any of you would like to train for tomorrow's first round you have one hour.
Y ahora, como prometimos si alguno de ustedes quisiera entrenar para mañana tienen una hora.
But as of now, J and Natasha are still at large.
Pero a partir de ahora, J y Natasha siguen en libertad.
I'm just getting used to us as a couple. And now all of a sudden you're having a posse.
Apenas empezamos a ser pareja y de repente vas a tener una cuadrilla.
With the peace restored it was a time for celebration and recognition that our small band of owls who fate and a storm had blown into the Tree now stood before its king and queen as young Guardians.
Con la paz restaurada era el tiempo para una celebración y reconocimiento a nuestra pequeña banda de búhos que el destino y una tormenta habían llevado hasta el Árbol estaban ahora frente a su Rey y su reina como Jóvenes Guardianes.
However, as the two of you now run all communications in and out of this city, should I find that my long-range game of thud is interrupted
Sin embargo, como ustedes dos ahora se encargan de todas las comunicaciones que entran y salen de la ciudad si se interrumpiera mi partida de Thud a larga distancia...
I actually haven't had food for six weeks, but I feel better as a person, and you know, in terms of satisfied, then if I'd just eaten that meal right now.
Yo no he comido por seis semanas, pero me siento mejor como persona, y usted sabe, en términos de satisfacción, como si acabara de ingerir esa comida ahora.
This head of mine, and now, as you see I am a beggar, and now that we're having this conversation, would you happen to have a small coin, for the love of God?
Ésta mi cabeza, y ahora como el señor puede ver soy un mendigo, y ya que comencé a hablar en esto, ¡ ¿ tiene una monedita por el amor de Dios?
Renzler comes in for a couple million now, and you give him the option of jumping in as a full partner later?
Renzler participa con un par millones ahora, y le das la opción de convertirse en socio principal?
Were I in England now, as once I was, and had but this fish painted, not a holiday fool there but would give a piece of silver.
Si estuviera en Inglaterra ahora, como una vez lo estuve e hiciera que pintaran este pescado no habría un tonto ahí que no diera una pieza de plata.
Let's go ahead and just turn it off for right now, and let's go talk about it, as a matter of fact.
Entremos y apágala por ahora. Vamos a conversar.
Experts are trying to plan for that now, with better observation of the Sun's explosive magnetic surface, as well as designing shields for cables and creating surge preventers for transformers.
Los expertos estan tratando de planificar mediante una mejor observacion de las explosiones magneticas en el SOL, asi como se disenian protecciones para los cables y generando protectores de sobrecarga para transformadores.
The agenda of the spirit world, if there is an agenda is to allow us to experience our full potential and to deliver our full potential and maybe the choices that we are making right now as a civilization of a society, rebound far beyond ourselves.
La agenda del mundo espiritual, si es que hay una agenda, es permitirnos desarrollar y experimentar nuestro pleno potencial y tal vez las elecciones que hagamos ahora mismo como civilización de nuestra sociedad, tal vez tenga efecto más allá de nosotros mismos.
" The rumor mills are now buzzing that Joaquin Phoenix's retirement from acting and newfound career as a rapper is all part of an elaborate hoax that is being documented by his brother-in-law Casey Affleck.
"Los rumores dicen ahora que el retiro de Joaquin Phoenix de la actuación Publicista de Joaquín y su nueva carrera como rapper es parte de un engaño elaborado que está siendo documentado por su cuñado, Casey Affleck".
Vernon, Pugh, Peterson, they all peg you as the murderer. And the only chance you have of getting out of here is what you're looking at right now.
Vernon, Pugh, Peterson, todos te nombran a ti como el asesino y la única oportunidad que tienes de salir de ésta, es la que estás viendo.
Strict food and water rationing will be reinstated as of now.
Restrinja la comida y el agua. El racionamiento debe ser retomado a partir de ahora.
And now you're a part of it as well.
Y ahora eres parte de eso también.
Someone studied this as though it were all fact, not myth, and now they have control of the most dangerous abnormal on earth.
Algunos lo han estudiado como si fuera un hecho, y no un mito, y ahora tiene el control de los Anormales mas peligrosos de la tierra.
Someone studied this as though it were all fact, not myth, and now they have control of the most dangerous abnormal on Earth.
Alguien lo estudió tal como si todo fuera real, no un mito y ahora tiene el control del anormal más peligroso del mundo.
That was already established in India. And there were probably so many schools of yoga and meditation in those days, just as there are now.
Y probablemente había tan pocas escuelas de meditación- - en esos días como las hay ahora.
Went to work for Weyland Broadcasting as a weather girl, is now the host and executive producer of Death Match,
Se fue a trabajar para la cadena de televisión de Weyland como chica del tiempo. Ahora es la anfitriona y productora ejecutiva de "Pelea a Muerte"
A few hours ago, I discharged my last duty as King and Emperor, and now that I have been succeeded by my brother, the Duke of York, my first words must be to declare my allegiance to him.
Hace unas horas cumplí mi última obligación como rey y emperador y ahora que mi hermano, el duque de York, ha tomado mi sucesión mis primeras palabras son de lealtad hacia él.
You were... really not very good, and now I've sort of lost confidence in you as a therapist.
Usted fue... Realmente no es muy buena, Y ahora perdimos algo de confianza
and as far as i'm concerned 49
and as a result 91
and as you can see 106
and as for you 86
and as usual 32
and as far as i know 17
and as you know 78
and as your friend 23
and as i said 17
and as i recall 25
and as a result 91
and as you can see 106
and as for you 86
and as usual 32
and as far as i know 17
and as you know 78
and as your friend 23
and as i said 17
and as i recall 25
and as for me 30
and as far as i can tell 27
and as such 83
and as always 27
and as it turns out 36
and as 20
as of now 184
and a half 160
and apparently 261
and again 457
and as far as i can tell 27
and as such 83
and as always 27
and as it turns out 36
and as 20
as of now 184
and a half 160
and apparently 261
and again 457
and all the time 27
and all 124
and always will be 33
and at the end of the day 45
and another thing 192
and all this time 50
and all the while 36
and all that stuff 21
and at the end 28
and all of a sudden 204
and all 124
and always will be 33
and at the end of the day 45
and another thing 192
and all this time 50
and all the while 36
and all that stuff 21
and at the end 28
and all of a sudden 204
and at the time 25
and all of you 28
and also 645
and above all 105
and at the same time 75
and all that 128
and actually 119
and afterwards 122
and after 142
and all that jazz 24
and all of you 28
and also 645
and above all 105
and at the same time 75
and all that 128
and actually 119
and afterwards 122
and after 142
and all that jazz 24