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So they said traduction Espagnol

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It seemed like the Military, now after they got a black eye from Abu Ghraib, wanted to get a public opinion that they were policing their soldiers. And so they said,
Parecía que el ejército después de Abu Ghraib, golpeó... quería la opinión público a ver que... tomar medidas respecto a sus soldados.
And so they said, "We had this incident that happened a couple of years ago. We could still prosecute some of them."
Así que le dije : "Tenemos esta incidente de hace dos años... sin embargo, puede procesar algunos de ellos."
Yeah, the surgery went a little wrong, so they said, "Is it OK if we make it into a vagina?" So I said, "Sure."
Sí, la cirugía salio un poco mal, así que dijeron, "¿ Está bien si lo hacemos vagina?" Y dije, "Claro".
- So they said no.
- Entonces dijeron que no.
As I said, one's on top of the other, so they're identical.
Como dije, uno está sobre otro, así que son idénticos.
She said your head was so swollen, she was surprised they made a helmet big enough to fit.
Que te dabas tantos aires... que la noqueaban los ventarrones.
They said that there was enough fat in your head to rebuild you a new body, so they got scientists in the other room working on it.
Dijeron que tenías tanta grasa en la cabeza como para reconstruir el cuerpo... así que hay científicos al lado trabajando en eso.
- They said they knew she was here and I might as well admit it so nobody gets hurt and goes to jail.
Dijeron que está aquí en casa, y que es mejor decir la verdad. - Así nadie saldría perjudicado.
So if everybody took a poop in the middle of Main Street you'd do it too? 'Cause they said it was right?
Si todo el mundo cagara en la calle, ¿ nosotros también?
They said they were gonna pay me with a bunch of egg rolls, and I figure that's cool, you know, because I actually like their egg rolls, so I didn't mind doing it for them.
Me iban dar a cambio un montón de rollitos... Y pensé que bien, ya sabe, porque me gustan esos rollitos... Así que no me importaba hacerlo.
They said my vocal chords would be fine, so I let them operate
Dicen que mis cuerdas vocales pueden recuperarse tras la operación.
But there was something bad, so... When she said they were engaged, I told her, I was against it.
Pero había algo en él, entonces cuando dijo que estaban comprometidos le dije que no estaba de acuerdo.
Then they said he got a kidney for transplant and then they said he died on the operating table, so- -
Y después dijeron que murió en el quirófano.
Mr... the German said the door was locked when they helped him back, and he had the key, so...
Escapaba de un hombre. Y al verano siguiente la encontró.
Reno Lab said that the bullets were too damaged, you know, from bouncing around inside the victims'skulls, so they just couldn't get any kind of comparison at all.
El laboratorio de Reno dijo que estaban muy dañadas por los rebotes en el cráneo de las víctimas. Así que no pudieron hacer ninguna comparación.
They knew the Barbi was working for the Americans and the Americans revealed that to the French the French wanted they to send him to Paris so we can testify and America said no that would you come to Stuttgart and you can talk to him there
Sabían que Barbie estaba trabajando para los estadounidenses y los estadounidenses se lo confirmaron a los franceses, los franceses dijeron, "¿ Podrían enviarlo a París para testificar?" y los estadounidenses dijeron, " No. ¿ Podrían ustedes ir a Stuttgart y hablar con él?
They said that you bother Greeks so they work for them...
Se dice que molestabas a los griegos para poder trabajar para ellos.
So they looked over and they said,
La miraron y dijeron...
And then right after that, they found the thing in the money, and he got so pissed, he said he was going to kill me.
Y justo después de eso, encontraron la cosa en el dinero, y... se enfadó tanto, dijo que iba a matarme.
So this is- - This is what they said initially..
No fue una historia entretenedora, pero sí tierna.
Oh, I talked to the officer in charge, and he said that Ice Pick wouldn't say anything, so they punished him by letting him out on bail.
Hablé con el oficial a cargo, y él dijo que Picahielo no quiso decir nada así que lo castigaron dejándolo salir bajo fianza.
They said you had eaten so well yesterday.
Dijeron que comiste muy bien ayer.
There were ten left when they found it, but Ferris said that he had a full clip, so what happened
Faltaban 10 cuando la encontraron, pero Ferris dijo que el cargador estaba completo,... -... entonces, ¿ qué pasó con- -?
They were drugged, it said so on the news!
Fueron drogados, ¡ lo dijeron en las noticias!
I left and saw they'd dropped the cell, so I took it and said :
Salí y vi que se les había caído el móvil, así que lo tomé y les dije :
So, the State Department said because the scramjet's a prototype, they're not worried about it as an imminent threat.
El Departamento de Estado dijo que como el Scramjet es un prototipo no estaban preocupados por ello como amenaza inminente.
well, as you had no trouble reminding me, i slept with howie zuckerman, so the least you could do is go for a swim, and kate said they found the case on the bottom.
Bueno, como tu no has tenido problemas para recordarme que dormí con Howie Zuckerman, asi que lo menos que podrías hacer es darte un baño Kate dijo que encontraron el maletín en el fondo.
All right, freakboy, your phone has been ringing off the hook, so I finally answered it, and warrick and nick said they have a ton of trace, and they really need you to clear the decks.
Muy bien, chico raro, tu teléfono ha estado sonando como loco, entonces, finalmente lo atendí, y Warrick y Nick dijeron que tienen toneladas de rastros, y ellos te necesitan para limpiar las cubiertas.
And then they called us up and they said, "We need you boys." so they redeployed our asses to Mosul.
Y luego nos llamaron y dijeron que nos necesitaban así que nos mandaron a Mosul.
I said you'd taken a drug so they treated it as a crime!
¡ Dije que habías tomado drogas, así que lo trataron como un crimen!
Then when they said it was murder, I was so scared, because I did not know if I was the one who did this thing.
Cuando dijeron que era asesinato, me asusté mucho. ... porque no sabía si lo había hecho yo.
Uh, they said today's the latest, so...
Dicen que hoy será, así que...
You were the one who said that they were way more prepared than we were.So I don't wanna hear that.
Tú eras la única que decía que estaban más preparados que nosotros Así que no quiero escucharlo
Stanley said they were marking the dice, so I figured you smeared them up a little bit, you know, make a few false moves, get a reaction.
Stanley dijo que marcaban los dados, así que pensé que si los manchabas un poco, y hacías unos movimientos falsos, conseguirías una reacción.
So, Joey, um, you know, they said that- -
Entonces, Joey, sabes... me dijeron que...
So what i'm hearing is kenny thought it was something, it wasn't, and I think you just said that they had paninis.
- ¿ Es gracioso, no? - Sí, un poco gracioso.
So even though you said no butter, they don't listen to it? They don't listen to me.
Entonces aunque digas sin manteca le colocan igual?
The arrest report is so confusing. They said he had drugs, but his drug test was negative.
Decían que tenía drogas, pero el resultado del test ha dado negativo.
So that they imagine what is "succulent" the one that I have just said should have them left with the flea behind the ear.
- Para que se imaginen "suculento"... lo que dije, debía haberlo dicho como "una pulga atrás de la oreja".
They said you weren't in, so I waited.
Dijeron que no estaba, así que esperé.
- They had a fight yesterday. Scott said he was gonna make it so she could never seeJack again.
Oye, no sé qué crees que hizo, pero tienes... tienes al tipo equivocado.
They said you were home sick. So I'm playing hooky. Is that a crime?
Si tiene una coartada, Señor Kernek este es un buen momento para decirla.
So I thought they were done. But no, they said I needed a shower. But there was no shower.
Pensé que ya habían terminado pero no, dijeron que necesitaba una ducha pero no había ducha, sólo un caballo llamado Peppers.
They said on the news that it's, like, aiming toward Mississippi, so we might get the outskirts of it.
Dicen en las noticias que se dirige a Misisipi... - y que sólo nos pegará la parte externa. - Adivina qué.
'Cause they said we're gonna have strong winds, so she's trying to get up out this trailer.
Dicen que habrá vientos fuertes, así que quiere dejar la casa rodante.
They said, I was so cute.
Dijeron que era tan tierna.
Good people... they also said hurtful things, but out of ignorance, so I cut them some slack and they came around.
Buenas personas... También dijeron cosas feas, pero por ignorancia, así que les dí una oportunidad. Y cambiaron su idea.
I could see the worry and the pain they were going through, so I always said, you know, "He's out there," you know.
Veo la preocupación y el dolor por el que estaban atravesando, como siempre digo, ya sabes, "él está ahí fuera," ya sabes.
I got a call back in November and, erm, from a television producer for Hard Copy and he said that a boy who had been missing earlier for four years had turned up and he wanted me to track him down so they could get an interview with him.
Recibí en noviembre una llamada de un productor de televisión de Hard Copy y me dijo que un niño que estuvo desaparecido por cuatro años había aparecido y que quería seguirle la pista para poder tener una entrevista con él.
Well, maybe they wanted him so badly to be their son that they said he was their son, but it was starting to get ridiculous.
Bueno, tal vez ellos querían tan encarecidamente que fuera su hijo que dijeron que era su hijo, pero comenzaba a volverse ridículo.
- So why haven't they said anything?
Entonces, ¿ por qué no dijeron nada?

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