Except for him traduction Français
226 traduction parallèle
Except for him, I'm the only one qualified to dive in it.
A part lui, je suis l'unique personne formée pour l'utiliser.
What a lovely-looking couple, except for him.
Quel couple adorable, sans lui.
All from out of town, except for him and me.
Tous étrangers à la ville, sauf lui et moi.
Except for him, it's a quiet night.
A part ce patient, c'est calme.
I mean, except for him.
À part lui, je n'en ai pas.
I would be long dead except for him.
Je serais mort depuis belle lurette sans lui.
Except for him, she would have died a lot earlier.
Sans lui, elle serait morte plus tôt.
Except for him being there.
Tout, sauf ce gars.
That's why you should revise it. I don't think it's because you don't like melodramas, but because you can't write them. PD Joo, contact the assistant director and tell him Scene 42 and Scene 43 will be revised, so he should proceed with the other scenes'filming, except for those scenes.
Je ne pense pas que c'est parce que vous n'aimez pas les mélodrames mais parce que vous ne savez pas les écrire. excepté ces deux-là.
Except that he offered me a horse for myself only. No, I see no reason to mistrust him.
Non, sauf qu'il a offert de m'épargner la vie.
I never took my glasses from his face except for an instant to let him see mine.
Je ne l'ai pas quitté de mes jumelles, sauf pour le laisser me regarder.
He's all washed up, except tonight he's going for a quick tour. He's taking $ 1,000 in five-dollar bills and he's going to hand them out to these tramps in gratitude for what they've done for him.
Il repart ce soir pour quelques heures distribuer des billets de 5 $ à ces vagabonds en guise de remerciement de ce qu'ils ont fait pour lui.
An honest man who can win. We got an honest man, but nobody votes for him except his brother and his wife.
Nous avons un tel homme dans nos rangs, mais personne ne vote pour lui à part son frère et sa femme.
Except... he's waiting for some killers to come and get him. Huh.
Il attend des tueurs qui viennent l'abattre.
- Except for the guys that pushed him!
- Sauf pour les gars qui l'ont poussé!
The other man becomes ill and would die, except for a physician... who returns him to health - to rob and lie again.
L'autre homme tombe malade et mourrait si ce n'était d'un médecin... qui le guérit - pour voler et mentir de nouveau.
Because I wouldn't turn him in except for having a good reason.
Je ne le dénoncerais pas sans avoir une bonne raison.
Well, five or 10 minutes wouldn't have made much difference, except to the man who was waiting for him.
Cinq ou dix minutes ne font pas une grande différence... sauf pour l'homme qui l'attendait.
In general, I would say we are for him. Except when it comes to those features of character... in which we might be disposed to be against him.
Nous sommes pour lui, sauf quand certains traits de son caractère nous incitent à être contre.
I say he very likely would have, except for something that will soon happen to him, something that will considerably alter his existence... and ours.
Je dis "très probable" si quelque chose n'allait pas bientôt lui arriver. Quelque chose qui changera considérablement sa vie, et la nôtre.
Well, well, I got the key from him and I managed to free us. Except for our wrists.
J'ai pris sa clé et j'ai réussi à nous libérer, excepté nos poignets.
Well, I'd feel sorry for him too, except for one thing : If he ever finds out about you I'll get thrown out of the space program.
En effet, mais c'est oublier que s'il apprend ton existence, je serai chassé du programme spatial.
And your father, except for the slap, you like him too, right?
Et ton père, à part la giffle, tu l'aimes bien aussi, pas vrai?
We've never laid eyes on him, except for those.
Nous ne l'avons jamais rencontré.
We can't do very much for him out there, can we? Except take him out of the flower beds.
On ne peut rien faire, sauf l'enlever de la plate-bande.
I've busted everything so far except this here gray, and you can have him for a pet when I get finished.
Je les ai tous dressés sauf ce cheval gris. J'en ferai un toutou docile.
Except for Alexe there are 10 more guys who got their throats slit by him. But I never could prove it.
A part d'Alexe, je connais encore dix a qui il les a coupe la gorge, mais je n'ai jamais eu de preuves contre lui.
- Vous ne pouvez plus rien faire, à part l'enterrer, remballer ses affaires et vous barrer!
Nothing more to be done, except wait for the fever to break or to kill him.
On ne peut rien de plus sinon attendre que la fièvre tombe... ou le tue.
We haven't been able to find out much about him, sir Except for this.
On n'a rien trouvé sur lui à part ça.
There is no one else for them except a fat innkeeper who only remembers his name because people shout it at him all day!
Ce n'est pas un aubergiste gras et stupide qui les tirera d'affaire!
Jack and Kate owe Nick and me $ 1 23 each for provisions. except for the wine and beer which Nick brought. which everybody owes him $ 47 each for.
, Jack et Kate nous doivent, à Nick et à moi 123 $ pour la nourriture, mis à part le vin et la bière que Nick a achetés et pour lesquels nous lui devons chacun 47 $.
I won't identify him except to say that he works for an English-speaking embassy here... and he's close to someone who has good contacts with the military.
Je ne peux pas vous dire son nom, mais il travaille pour une ambassade et il est proche d'une personne qui a des contacts dans l'armée.
My mother and I were left without a relation in the world except for one uncle, Ralph Smith, who went to Africa 15 years ago, and we have not had a word from him since, despite our Christmas cards and photographs.
Ma mère et moi... Nous nous sommes retrouvées sans parents, à part un oncle, Ralph Smith, parti vivre en Afrique il y a quinze ans. Nous sommes sans nouvelles de lui depuis ce temps, malgré nos cartes de Noël et de Nouvel an.
Except perhaps for Mr. Shaw, and we'll be providing him with the best defense money can buy.
Sauf pour M. Shaw. Mais je lui paierai la défense qu'il mérite.
Except for his features, there is nothing about him I find familiar.
Excepté notre apparence, nous n'avons rien en commun.
Except that for him, we'll need more than two.
Avec des comme ça, il en faudra plus de deux.
Ask for a little contribution to improve the town, everybody digs deep, except him.
Il est le seul à refuser de verser une contribution pour améliorer la ville.
Everyone complains about him except for the P.E. teacher.
Vos collègues se plaignent de lui constamment.
Except for him.
Sauf lui.
It wasn't so bad, except for all those jobs you had to do for him in return.
C'était pas mal, sauf pour les services que tu as dû lui rendre par la suite.
Except for Billy Slater. She showed him her boobs.
Sauf Billy Slater à qui elle a montré ses seins.
Except for the part about killing him.
A part sa mise à mort.
He sticks with his story, they can never pin this on him except for the GSR.
S'il s'en tient à sa version des faits, ils ne peuvent pas l'épingler sauf avec le test de résidu de poudre.
You see except for the maid she's all alone in the house with him.
Vous voyez, il n'y a que la bonne. Elle est seule dans la maison avec lui.
It was a horrible thing, except it was also Travolta's birthday, so we had a nice birthday cake for him.
C'était affreux, sauf que c'était l'anniversaire de Travolta et qu'on lui avait préparé un beau gâteau.
What can your silence do for him, except to tempt him?
Que pouvez-vous pour lui en vous taisant?
No one ever really bought me stuff before... except my mom's boyfriend Chester... who got me for my birthday when I was 12... a bottle of something called Garden of Eden body oil... which he said would be good for my skin... and which he wanted to show me how to use... which I let him do.
Personne ne m'avait rien acheté avant, à part Chester, le copain de ma mère. Quand j'ai eu 12 ans, il m'a offert un flacon d'huile pour le corps du "Jardin d'Eden". Il disait que ce serait bon pour ma peau et il a voulu me montrer comment l'utiliser.
Except for the fact that we're in the middle of a plot to assassinate him,
Lis ça, mon frère! Regardez-moi tous ces gens!
I have not thought of him... since he left, except for the mention Harriet made of him the other day.
Je ne pense plus à lui. Il a fallu qu'Harriet en parle et...
In each case, except for the Supervisor who must've seen him, he stole the victim's food.
Dans tous les cas, sauf pour le surveillant qui a dû le voir, il a volé la nourriture des victimes.
except for you 175
except for us 19
except for me 72
except for her 17
except for 89
except for one thing 106
except for one 63
except for that 35
except for the 24
except for this 43
except for us 19
except for me 72
except for her 17
except for 89
except for one thing 106
except for one 63
except for that 35
except for the 24
except for this 43
except for this one 26
for him 328
for himself 17
himself 154
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him too 56
him or me 60
him who 26
for him 328
for himself 17
himself 154
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him too 56
him or me 60
him who 26
except 945
except you 292
except me 168
exceptional 32
except one 86
except what 26
except this 31
except this time 34
except yours 16
except us 33
except you 292
except me 168
exceptional 32
except one 86
except what 26
except this 31
except this time 34
except yours 16
except us 33