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Give it a shot traduction Français

968 traduction parallèle
Why not just give it a shot?
Pourquoi ne pas juste essayer?
I don't know if I'm competent or if I'm just lucky, but I will give it a shot for you.
Je ne suis pas très expérimentée. J'ignore si mon intuition et la chance reviendront. Merci de me laisser jouer.
Give it a shot.
Essayez quand même.
I think we ought to give it a shot.
Il faut tenter le coup.
Let's give it a shot.
On pourrait essayer.
Since going there, give it a shot in his ass for me.
Pendant que vous y êtes, donnez lui un coup de pied au cul de ma part.
I have to give it a shot in his head.
Je vais lui tirer dans la tête.
Want to give it a shot?
Tu veux qu'on teste un coup?
- Maybe we'll give it a shot.
- Peut-être on essaiera.
I'll give it a shot. - Devon, did you hear that?
- Devon, vous avez entendu?
Come on, give it a shot.
- Allez, du balai!
- You wanna give it a shot? - Sure.
- Tu veux essayer?
He may have been on his way to Twin Falls or a bigger city, but as long as he's here, I'm gonna give it a shot.
Il se rendait peut-être à Twin Falls ou une plus grande ville, mais s'il est là, je vais tenter le coup.
As you say, Michael, give it a shot.
Faîtes donc, Michael, tentez le coup.
- You want to give it a shot?
- Vous voulez essayer?
Okay, let's give it a shot, but lots of pieces are missing.
Ok, regardons ce que ça donne, mais il manque beaucoup d'images.
I'll give it a shot.
Je tenterai le coup.
I'll give it a shot. I hesitate to use the power vested in me by the Post Office and the Almighty, but I'll make an exception.
J'hésite à user des pouvoirs dont je suis investi par La Poste et le Tout-Puissant.
Look, I don't know how to explain this, but I wanna be a performer, and I knew if I didn't give it a shot, a real shot, that I'd be miserable and so would my marriage.
Écoutez, je ne sais pas comment l'expliquer... mais je veux être un artiste... et je savais que si je n'essayais pas vraiment... je serais aussi misérable que mon mariage.
Come on, just give it a shot.
Allez, tentez le coup.
All right, I'll give it a shot.
D'accord. Je tente le coup.
OK, Rocky, give it a shot.
Okay, Rocky, lance-toi.
- Just give it a shot.
- Regarde! Regarde!
This must be the stuff. Come on, Lynn, get down here. Let's give it a shot.
Maintenant, pour la couleur des joues, je crois que Terry propose quelque chose comme...
let's give it a shot! the kennel idea is dead?
On mangera des boîtes de conserve.
Then let's give it a shot.
C'est parti, mon kiki!
- Let's give it a shot. - Great!
- Tentons le coup.
Let's give it a shot.
I've got to give it a shot.
Je dois me donner une chance.
Give it a shot.
All right, I'll give it a shot.
Je vais essayer.
Well, give it a shot, Hillary.
Essayez, Hillary.
- Do you mind if I give it a shot?
- Ça t'ennuie si j'y vais?
- Come on, boss. Give it a shot.
- Allez, essaie.
I'm gonna give it a shot.
Je vais essayer.
Now, take it easy, or we'll have to give you a shot.
Du calme, ou on va devoir vous faire une piqûre.
- How would it look for the big shot to go around asking... those people, mama, give me a quarter to see the movie show.
- Juste l'argent du tabac. Demandes-en à ces dames!
You can give her a shot for whatever she's got but it just won't work
Vous pouvez lui donner une piqûre pour traiter ce qu'elle semble couver Mais ça ne marchera pas
Now, I'm gonna give you a nice little shot, and before you know it, you'll be back across the Channel.
Je vais vous faire une petite piqûre, et vous serez de l'autre côté de la Manche en un clin d'œil.
I'll go out there, I'll give it my best shot, right?
On a renversé les modèles dominants.
He'll give her a shot. It'll calm her down.
Il va lui faire une injection, ça la calmera.
I got it, Ed would have been simpler, give me a shot in Moscow... like so many others.
Le plus simple était de me tuer à Moscou comme tant d'autres.
I didn't say I can prove it, but let's give the theory a shot.
Je ne prétends pas le prouver, mais ne négligeons pas cette théorie.
It would give you a great shot.
Ce serait un superbe tremplin pour vous.
With just a little shot of milk to give it a head.
Avec un peu de lait en plus.
'I think it'll give us a clean shot to the state line.'
Elle nous pose direct à la frontière de l'État.
Won't you give her a shot? It's hard labor.
Il faut retarder les contractions.
Give it a shot.
Essaie toujours.
- Give it a little shot.
Un petit bisou. Merci.
Too bad. Yeah, I think that it was his way of trying to give me a shot at a big story... the way... the way my old man used to do for him.
C'était sa façon de me donner ma chance d'écrire un article important...
And I'll shoot you, because I feel like it, because I'm going to give you a shot in the middle of the eyebrows!
Je vais te tuer, parce que j'aime ça, je vais te tirer entre les yeux.

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