Still going traduction Français
3,310 traduction parallèle
Is the sprinkler still going?
Ca tient toujours pour l'arroseur?
You're still going down for the attempt.
Vous êtes toujours accusé pour la tentative.
We're still going to love you, you're still Amy and Ashley and Robie's mom, and you're still my Anne.
Nous t'aimerons toujours, tu seras toujours la mère d'Amy, Ashley et Robie, et tu seras toujours ma Anne.
I'm still going to take care of you.
Je continuer à prendre soin de vous.
Ugh, they're still going to need a fall guy.
Ugh, ils leur faudra tout de même une tête de turc.
Nothing popped on Amy's e-mail or phone calls, and the techs are still going through Kristina's computer.
Rien sur la boîte mail d'Amy ou ses appels, et les techniciens sont toujours sur l'ordinateur de Kristina.
You're still going to be beating them away with a stick.
Tu es toujours en train de tenter de les battre avec un bâton.
Everything's still going well, isn't it? Yeah.
Tout se passe bien, n'est ce pas?
I was wondering if her job was still going.
Je me demandais si son boulot existait toujours.
You think you're still going to Vegas?
Tu penses vraiment que tu vas aller à Vegas?
But you're still going to have to protect me.
Mais tu devras toujours me protéger.
Still going with the anti-military angle.
On continue sur l'angle anti-militaire.
That genebomb that created me it's still going off.
La bombe génétique qui m'a transformé continue à faire de l'effet.
Even if we do, we're still going to have to go along with the wedding that your mother wants to have all because you said you wanted a wedding and I didn't.
Même si on le fait, on va quand même devoir faire avec le mariage que ta mère veut faire tout ça parce que tu as dit que tu voulais te marier et moi pas.
Bad people are still going missing, and Doakes never had a boat.
Les mauvaises personnes sont toujours manquantes et Doakes n'a jamais eu de bateau.
We're still going to need an extra hand.
On va avoir besoin d'un coup de main.
You're still going on about this?
Ca continue, cette histoire!
It was a fair sentence, but it's still going to be a long three years away from her kids.
La sentence est juste mais cela va être trois longues années loin de ses enfants.
I mean, the party's still going on.
Je veux dire, la fête continue
What it's still going to be.
L'histoire qui est prévue.
So I closed the account, but the transaction's still going through. Hmm.
J'ai fermé le compte, mais la transaction est en cours.
No, Robo-Kensi's still going strong.
Non, Robo-Kensi se porte toujours bien.
But you're still going to dance, right?
mais tu va toujours dancer, non?
You're still going after him, aren't you?
Tu lui cours toujours après?
It's still going.
C'est pas terminé.
I'm still going, I'm still alive.
Je le suis toujours, je suis toujours en vie.
Are we still going away?
Est ce qu'on s'en va toujours?
Yes, we're still going away just like I promised.
Oui, on va partir loin comme je te l'ai promis.
Still going by Developer? Still a pompous ass?
But you're still going to prison, pal.
Mais tu vas toujours en prison.
It didn't end yet, I'm still going, 49.
Ce n'est pas fini, je n'ai que 49 ans.
He lost his job, his fiancée, his loft, but last I saw him, he was still getting up every morning, putting on his suit and going to work.
il a perdu son travail, sa fiancée, son appartement, mais la dernière fois que je l'ai vu, il se levait tous les matins, mettait son costume et partait travailler.
Dom's still eating it and he's still getting pain so it doesn't take a genius to work out what's going on.
Dom mange toujours ici et il ressent des douleurs. Faut pas être un génie pour comprendre.
So now I'm going to wait three more days, and if he's still a problem, I'm going to take care of him.
Donc, je vais encore attendre 3 jours de plus, et si c'est encore un problème, je vais m'occuper de lui.
I-if you're still cool with me going to Collins with you.
Si tu veux toujours qu'on aille à Collins.
Now, we may only be going about 20 feet down, but there's still risks.
Nous n'allons descendre qu'à environ 6 mètres de profondeur, mais il y a tout de même des risques.
I'm still alive, but I don't think I'm going to like the reason why.
Je suis toujours en vie, mais je ne pense pas que je vais aimer pourquoi.
Going into the booth, I've practiced it to the point where it's still gonna be original and creative, but I'm gonna have the confidence of practicing and rehearsing behind me.
Dans la cabine, je l'ai pratiqué à fond. où ça doit toujours être original et créatif. mais je vais avoir la confiance de l'entraînement et de la répétition derrière moi.
But you do still fault me for going to Eritrea in the first place.
Mais vous m'en voulez toujours pour avoir été en Erythrée en premier lieu.
I thought you were going to be cool. No, no, no, I am still cool!
Je croyais que vous seriez cool.
Keep going. I can still hear you.
Vas-y, je t'entends.
I am not asking them for help. They're still calling me and leaving me messages, asking me when I'm gonna get realistic and meet a nice boy and start going to church again.
je ne vais pas leur demander de l'aide ils n'arrêtent pas de m'appeler et de me laisser des messages, me demandant quand je vais devenir réaliste et rencontrer un gentil garçon et retourner à l'église.
Is he still going through with it?
Il va le faire?
Now, if we've got a shooter still out there and the guy he's after is still alive, he's going to try again.
Si nous avons toujours un tireur en liberté et le mec après qui il en a est toujours en vie, Il va le refaire.
Okay, so, going with that, why would Kimball still be in town?
Ok donc en considérant tout ça, pourquoi Kimball est toujours en ville.
My son is going to be three years old this year and I'm still acting like a three-year-old.
Mon fils va avoir 3 ans cette année et j'agis toujours comme si j'en avais 3 aussi
I was still thinking of going back to school.
Je pensais encore reprendre mes études.
Not say you are going to wait until after college or prepare yourself to become entrepreneur or to take classes even about entrepreneurship but just to it while you are still taking classes and to not give any excuses for building a company
Ne dites pas que vous attendrez la fin de vos études ou que vous préparerez à l'entrepreneuriat, ou que suivrez des cours pour ça. N'hésitez pas, foncez. Même pendant vos études, créez votre entreprise et ne trouvez pas d'excuses.
Mr. Renko's still in surgery, but it's going better than we hoped.
Mr Renko est toujours en chirurgie mais son état est mieux que nous l'espérions.
And I still have to finish all the costumes by tonight, which I have no idea how I'm going to do.
Et je dois encore finir tous les costumes d'ici ce soir, Et je n'ai aucune idée de comment je vais pouvoir le faire.
I'm having one of the worst days of my life and... you're still the one person who can make me feel like everything is going to be okay... even when it's not.
Je suis en train de passer la pire journée de ma vie et... tu restes toujours la personne qui peut me donner le sentiment que tout ira pour le mieux... même si ce n'est pas le cas.
going 418
going to school 16
going forward 36
going my way 25
going somewhere 221
going well 18
going out 103
going twice 111
going on 106
going to 34
going to school 16
going forward 36
going my way 25
going somewhere 221
going well 18
going out 103
going twice 111
going on 106
going to 34
going up 86
going once 140
going down 118
going to work 25
going home 92
going back 37
going in 43
going away 31
going again 27
going where 53
going once 140
going down 118
going to work 25
going home 92
going back 37
going in 43
going away 31
going again 27
going where 53
still 4121
stiller 42
still got it 62
still friends 19
still in bed 17
still nothing 186
still working 28
still here 218
still alive 122
still the same 29
stiller 42
still got it 62
still friends 19
still in bed 17
still nothing 186
still working 28
still here 218
still alive 122
still the same 29
still sleeping 19
still there 93
still waiting 37
still awake 22
still breathing 27
still missing 18
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still does 23
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still working on it 47
still there 93
still waiting 37
still awake 22
still breathing 27
still missing 18
still me 27
still does 23
still hot 20
still working on it 47
still asleep 18
still warm 51
still no 38
still are 18
still no pulse 27
still looking 54
still am 36
still no answer 37
still do 40
still no word 18
still warm 51
still no 38
still are 18
still no pulse 27
still looking 54
still am 36
still no answer 37
still do 40
still no word 18