With anyone tradutor Espanhol
10,118 parallel translation
If he got into any fights or arguments with anyone?
¿ Si se había metido en alguna pelea o disputa con alguien?
Have you ever had contact with anyone at these meetings who took a suspicious interest in your story?
¿ Ha tenido contacto con alguien en esas reuniones que se interesara sospechosamente por su historia?
Any contact with anyone in Colombia?
¿ Algún contacto con alguien de Colombia?
Have you shared your password with anyone?
¿ Ha compartido la contraseña con nadie?
I didn't know you kept up with anyone from Abuddin.
No sabía que mantenías el contacto con alguien de Abuddin.
Were they traveling with anyone else?
¿ Estaban viajando con alguien más?
Was Kyle communicating with anyone else?
¿ Se comunicaba Kyle con alguien más?
I didn't share first place with anyone.
No compartí el premio.
Amber, did you notice if he talked to anyone, or left with anyone?
Amber, ¿ lo vio hablando o yéndose con alguien?
And you haven't sat down for a profile with anyone in almost three years.
Y no has dejado que nadie te entrevistara desde hace casi tres años.
You need to know yourself before you can share your life with anyone.
¡ Tienes que conocerte a ti mismo antes de poder compartir su vida con alguien.
Anyone with mental health issues that maybe have been prescribed antipsychotics.
Cualquiera con enfermedades mentales que pudieran haber sido tratados con antipsicóticos.
You will have complete and unfettered access to anyone you wish to speak with.
Tendrá acceso completo con quien quiera hablar.
Was there anyone in his meetings that took an interest in Brian or his relationship with you and Christine, anyone that stuck out as odd?
¿ Había alguien en esas reuniones que se interesara por Brian o su relación contigo y Christine, alguien que te resultara raro?
and eliminating anyone who disagrees with him.
y eliminando a cualquiera que no estuviera de acuerdo con él.
is anyone left in this game is anyone left in this game willing the play with me? Willing the play with me?
Es triste percatarse de eso.
Anyone screwing around with those bugs is in big trouble.
Cualquier persona de joder con esos bichos es en un gran problema.
But now, apparently, anyone with an Ed Hardy parka and, like, DeLeón Tequila carabiners can just mount her?
Pero ahora, al parecer, ¿ cualquiera con un anorak Ed Hardy y unos mosquetones DeLeón Tequila puede escalarlo?
Well, losing a child, I'm sure, would be a struggle for anyone, especially someone with a job as stressful of yours.
Bueno, perder a un hijo, estoy seguro, que sería una lucha para cualquiera especialmente para alguien con un trabajo tan estresante como el tuyo.
Was anyone else with you when you saw his face?
¿ Había alguien más contigo cuando viste su cara?
I don't discuss my patients with my wife or anyone.
Yo no discuto a mis pacientes con mi esposa ni con nadie.
The only way to find out what's going on in that lab is a private session with Zuber, unless anyone has any better ideas.
La única forma de averiguar qué estaba pasando en el laboratorio es en una sesión privada con Zuber, a no ser que alguien tenga una mejor idea.
If they see me, they will kill me and anyone that I am with.
Si me descubren, me matarán y a cualquiera que esté conmigo.
we thought there was a we thought there was a bromance there. Bromance there. it's clear that anyone who it's clear that anyone who has a strong bond with one other
Está claro que cualquiera que tenga un lazo fuerte con otra persona no va a lograrlo.
Detective Prima could not have deleted the e-mail, nor could anyone else connected with the case have done so.
El detective Prima no pudo haber borrado el correo... ni lo pudo hacer nadie más relacionado con el caso.
Well, I'm sorry, but you haven't been subpoenaed or called by anyone connected with this case...
Lo siento, pero ustedes no fueron citados... o emplazados por nadie en conexión con este caso...
Anyone with a fever goes downstairs.
Cualquiera con fiebre va a abajo.
Plus, I don't trust anyone with... explanations.
Además, yo no confío en nadie con... explicaciones.
I did so with great regret But also with a deep conviction That neither I, nor anyone associated with my campaign,
Así lo hice con gran pesar pero también con una profunda convicción que ni yo, ni nadie asociado con mi campaña, fue el responsable de la manipulación con las máquinas de votación.
As much as anyone can work with Ivan.
Tanto como cualquiera pueda trabajar con Ivan.
It's great. There's more VC money flying'around than anyone knows what to do with.
Hay tanto dinero de inversionistas por ahí que nadie sabe que hacer con el.
To be honest with you, we're not even remotely accustomed to anyone getting close to Gibbs.
Si te soy sincero, no estamos acostumbrados ni por casualidad a que alguien intime con Gibbs.
We did some checking up with your adoption agency to see if we can locate anyone who might know Ms. Gibson? Yes.
Revisamos con la Agencia de Adopción... para ver si podemos localizar a alguien... que pueda conocer a la Sra. Gibson.
We have to track down anyone who ever had any contact with Charles DiLaurentis.
Tenemos que localizar a alguien que hubiera tenido algún contacto con Charles DiLaurentis.
Anyone hiding her will be charged with aiding and abetting a terrorist, including you.
Cualquiera que la esconda será acusado con ayudar y ser cómplice de un terrorista, incluyéndote a ti.
He's bad for anyone who comes in contact with him.
Es malo para cualquiera que entre en contacto con él.
Anyone with long-range capabilities, use them.
Cualquiera con capacidades de largo alcance, úsenlas.
But if you mess with someone's heart, there's nothing anyone can do about it, except me.
Pero si te equivocas con el corazón de alguien, no hay nada a nadie pueda hacer al respecto, excepto yo.
If anyone's gonna be okay with who you are, it's Jimmy.
Si alguien va a estar bien con lo que eres, es Jimmy.
Have you found anyone to hit with that yet?
¿ Ya encontró a alguien para pegarle con eso?
If anyone had told me Mary would hitch up with a mechanic and Edith would marry one of the grandest men in England, I'd have knocked them down.
Si alguien me hubiera dicho que Mary conseguiría un mecánico y Edith, uno de los hombres más grandes de Inglaterra, lo hubiera golpeado.
Was there anything unusual going on with her lately that might explain why anyone would want to hurt her?
Había algo inusual pasando con ella últimamente que podría explicar por qué alguien querría hacerle daño?
He's involved with athletes, musicians, anyone trying to get out.
Está involucrado con los atletas, músicos, cualquiera que trate de salir
'.. anyone who had or has contact with any girls who were'working in this area at the time.
Cualquier persona que tuvo o tiene contacto con alguna chica que estaba... trabajando en el área en ese momento.
Although Santa is responsible for selecting the HOHOHO, "Anyone who disagrees with his decision may publicly lodge an objection."
Aunque Santa es el responsable de seleccionar el HOHO... cualquiera que disienta de su decisión, puede presentar públicamente una objeción ".
I won't let anyone sit in the bench with me at school.
No voy a dejar que nadie se siente en el banco conmigo en la escuela.
Now anyone got a problem with another woman and is thinking of taking retribution, you can think again.
Si alguien tiene un problema con otra reclusa y está pensando en tomar represalias, que lo vuelva a pensar.
Would anyone drink with a girl in tow?
¿ Debería alguien beber con una chica en el remolque?
Does she have anyone with her?
¿ Hay alguien con ella?
He hasn't put away anyone with even a loose affiliation with them in over a decade.
No ha encerrado a nadie ni siquiera con una relación lejana con ellos en la última decada.
But in secret, I work with my adoptive sister for the DEO to protect my city from alien life and anyone else that means to cause it harm.
Pero en secreto, trabajo con mi hermana adoptiva para DEO para proteger mi ciudad de vida alienígena y de cualquier otro que quiera dañarla.
anyone 1207
anyone home 132
anyone here 106
anyone in there 20
anyone else 312
anyone can 23
anyone can do that 18
anyone there 88
anyone can see that 16
anyone i know 36
anyone home 132
anyone here 106
anyone in there 20
anyone else 312
anyone can 23
anyone can do that 18
anyone there 88
anyone can see that 16
anyone i know 36
anyone can do it 19
anyone at all 33
anyone hurt 24
anyone in particular 26
anyone see you 19
with you 1138
with me 1243
with all due respect 1080
with you by my side 17
with all my heart 134
anyone at all 33
anyone hurt 24
anyone in particular 26
anyone see you 19
with you 1138
with me 1243
with all due respect 1080
with you by my side 17
with all my heart 134
with your family 23
with your permission 239
with men 23
with your 48
with your mother 23
with this ring 42
with your help 124
with your wife 28
with your dad 25
with pleasure 453
with your permission 239
with men 23
with your 48
with your mother 23
with this ring 42
with your help 124
with your wife 28
with your dad 25
with pleasure 453
with your father 34
with her 211
with whom 203
with that in mind 45
with us 243
with your life 24
with your hands 23
with good reason 53
with it 82
with that said 19
with her 211
with whom 203
with that in mind 45
with us 243
with your life 24
with your hands 23
with good reason 53
with it 82
with that said 19