And for the record tradutor Francês
1,056 parallel translation
Whether or not I want to punish Will... and for the record, I haven't come out pro or con... why are you so mad at him?
Que je puisse ou non avoir envie de punir Will, et d'ailleurs, je ne t'ai pas dit si j'étais pour ou contre, ça ne me dit pas ce que tu lui reproches?
And for the record, neither do i.
Et d'ailleurs, moi non plus
And for the record, I make candy.
Pour ta gouverne, je fabrique des bonbons.
And for the record, Kel, I didn't sleep with Brigitte either.
Mlle Moscato, peu importe où tu vas, prends-moi avec toi.
And for the record, having a witness is a lot better than probable cause.
Pour ta gouverne, c'est mieux d'avoir un témoin qu'un motif.
Yeah, well... yeah. I'm glad you feel strongly about it, Daria, and for the record, I agree with you.
Je suis ravie de cet engagement, et d'ailleurs, je suis d'accord avec toi.
And just for the record, what are you talking about?
Mais au fait, de quoi parlez-vous?
The seriousness of the charge speaks for itself, Your Honor... and in light of Mr. Smalls'previous record... the People ask that no bail be granted.
Le sérieux de l'inculpation est éloquent, Votre Honneur... et vu le casier judiciaire de M. Smalls, le jury refuse toute mise en liberté.
I mean, even if your record is broken, you still hold the record for the most consecutive days without sex, and no high school kid's gonna break that one.
Même s'ils battent ton record, dis-toi que tu détiens encore celui de la plus longue abstinence. Et aucun lycéen ne risque de battre ton record.
If I prosecute the others, the rapists will stay in jail for the full five years. And the rape will go on record.
Grâce à ce procès Ies violeurs feront 5 ans, et ce sera au casier.
- We felt that with your record of service and with the high esteem the public holds for you- -
Nous pensions que quelqu'un avec une expérience, et une renommée telle que la vôtre...
I want to put on the record somewhere that I asked for a separate trial and I was refused.
Je veux que figure dans le dossier.
Your Honor, I'd like to have this entered into the record... as Exhibit "B" for the prosecution... and read into the record.
Votre Honneur, je voudrais que ceci soit joint au procès-verbal... en tant que seconde pièce à conviction à charge... et que lecture en soit faite.
What about ten commendations for valor and the best felony arrest record in the history of this department?
Et 10 distinctions pour bravoure et le record d'arrestations de criminels de cette section.
However, I would like to state for the record that Larry here, Mr. Franconi refuses to say anything, invoking his privilege under the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments.
Je voudrais toutefois déclarer pour le protocole que Larry ici présent, M. Franconi, refuse de dire quoi que ce soit, en invoquant son droit en vertu des 5ème et 14ème amendements.
[Drumroll On Record Player] And now... the act you've all been waiting for.
Et maintenant le numéro que vous attendez tous.
They say to me, if I come to Vietnam for two years... No action, just work in a lab... they'll drop all charges and wipe the record clean. I'd only been in jail 13 hours.
Ils m'ont dit que si j'allais au Vietnam pendant deux ans... sans aller au feu, seulement pour travailler dans un laboratoire... ils feraient disparaître toutes les charges et me rendraient un casier vierge.
My name is Johnny and I would like to know the name of that piece of piano music you were playing a minute ago so I can buy the record for my lady love, whose name is Frankie, is that a coincidence?
Je m'appelle Johnny, je voudrais savoir le titre du morceau de piano que vous avez passé il y a une minute. J'offrirai le disque à la dame de mes pensées, qui s'appelle Frankie. Quelle coïncidence, non?
The record shows that Captain Kirk once held the rank of Admiral and he was broken for taking matters into his own hands.
Le Capitaine Kirk fut nommé une fois Amiral. Et l'Amiral Kirk fut cassé pour avoir agi à sa guise en dépit des ordres.
Having reviewed the record of the lower court, which is overwhelming in its evidence against the defendant, my colleagues and I have come to the conclusion that a more severe sentence is called for.
Ayant révisé les dossiers du tribunal inférieur qui ne laissent aucun doute quant aux preuves contre le prévenu, mes collègues et moi sommes arrivés à la conclusion qu'une peine plus sévère est nécessaire.
Ever since that scandal about Horace Pendelby Davenport and the three tons of Gorgonzola, it's been written into the committee rules that no one with a criminal record may offer himself for election.
Depuis que le scandale sur Horace Pendelby Davenport et les trois tonnes de Gorgonzola, on été écrit dans les règles du comité qu'aucune personne ayant un casier judiciaire peut s'offrir à l'élection.
For the record, tell us your name and position.
Veuillez décliner vos nom, grade et profession.
Yeah, looking for used record stores that don't exist and pretending that you know where they are and then asking the locals and then pretending you understand their language, and you don't.
À la recherche de disquaires d'occasion qui n'existent pas en faisant semblant de savoir où ils sont et en demandant aux gens du coin en faisant semblant de comprendre leur langue.
He has enough to worry about... God forbid our clients decide to plead not guilty... and testify for the record that they were given an order.
Il a assez de soucis comme ça... au cas où nos clients décideraient de plaider non coupables... et de témoigner publiquement qu ´ ils ont reçu un ordre.
Would you state your full name and occupation, for the record?
Veuillez décliner vos nom et profession pour le procès-verbal.
Would you state your name, rank and current billet for the record, sir?
Veuillez décliner vos nom, rang et affection actuelle.
And I'd like that note corrected for the record. Now, please sir...
Et je vous demande de modifier ça sur l'enregistrement.
We first came together about 1960, and rehearsed for about three years, and made the first record in 1963.
On s'est mis ensemble en 1960, on a répété pendant trois ans, et fait notre premier disque en 1963.
I've been playing with the same one for about half an hour and I still have chances.
30 mn sur la même partie. J'en ai encore pour un moment. Je suis en train de battre le record.
I mean for God's sake, 500,000 troops were mobilised in the Gulf, a war fought and won in less time, without everyone involved having a nervous breakdown and being sent flowers.
La guerre du Golfe a mobilisé 500 000 hommes, et a été gagnée en un temps record, sans que personne ne déprime ou reçoive des fleurs!
Sentencing hearing to be scheduled, but I'd say to the defendant, on the record so far, you're going to prison for a long time, and when you get there you can be Esteban or Gaitan
La sentence est remise à plus tard mais je peux dire au défendeur qu'au vu du dossier, vous irez en prison pour un long moment.
Shall we go in now and do this for the record?
On rentre faire notre petit cinéma?
He will be in cahoots with the Columbia Record and Tape Company guy. Been after my ass for years. Troy Dyer.
Il sera de mèche avec mon créancier de Columbia Records and Tape qui me court après depuis des années.
And just for the record you didn't know until the police told you that this man was dead of his wounds?
Pour mémoire, vous ignoriez, jusqu'à ce que la police vous l'apprenne, que cet homme était mort?
For the record, it is the conclusion of this panel that your actions aboard the Alabama were consistent with the best traditions of the Navy, and in the interests of the United States.
Officiellement, nous en concluons que vos actions à bord de l'Alabama servent les traditions de la Marine et les intérêts de la nation.
Twelve more and he will tie Wee Willie Keeler's all-time record who set the mark in 1897 for the Baltimore Orioles.
Encore 12, et il battra le record de Keeler établi en 1897 pour les Orioles.
We'd like to thank everybody for buying this particular record - for starting us off in America and giving us the chance to come here and see you all in Washington
Vous remercier surtout d'avoir acheté ce disque qui nous a permis de débuter en Amérique et de venir vous voir tous ici á Washington
A kid had gone into Brian's record store and had asked for My Bonnie He found out that the Beatles were supposed to be a Liverpool band and were playing the Cavern so he came down to check us out
Un mec a demandé My Bonnie au magasin de disques de Brian ll a appris que nous étions un groupe de Liverpool
I did the organ on the record and decided to play it on stage for the first time
Comme j'avais joué de l'orgue sur le disque, j'ai voulu en jouer sur scéne
Everyone, he broke the 1995 record for the clamp-and-run procedure... -... and saved a life.
Écoutez, il a battu le record 1995 de la procédure clamp et sauvé une vie.
For the record, it is also my opinion that, outside of child homicide, which may be more tragic and heinous, this is one of the most angry and dehumanizing murders imaginable.
Je tiens également à souligner qu'à part le meurtre d'un enfant, sans conteste plus odieux encore, ce crime est l'un des plus atroces et avilissants qui soit.
So,..... I'd like you to listen..... and then comment for the record.
J'aimerais que vous l'écoutiez et la commentiez, à titre officiel.
And just for the record she did not run out on Barry because she had syphilis.
Ceci dit en passant... elle n'a pas quitté Barry pour cause de syphilis.
For the record Chief O'Brien has been in 235 separate engagements and Starfleet has decorated him 15 times.
- Il faut noter que le chef O'Brien a participé à 235 combats et que Starfleet l'a décoré 15 fois.
You've only pressed the record button. For some reason you've gotta press record and play simultaneously.
En fait, il fallait appuyer aussi sur la touche "play".
Regarding the other man, the telephone number we had for him has been disconnected and there's no record of an account.
Pour ce qui est de l'autre individu, son téléphone a été coupé et il n'y a aucune trace d'abonnement.
I need to take that magic and get it to the record company. And they're waiting for us.
Il faut que j'apporte cette magie à la maison de disques.
I'd imagine you and your colored troops would appreciate a chance to set the record straight. For good and all.
Je pensais que vos troupes apprécieraient d'avoir la chance de rétablir la situation pour le bien de tous.
Certainly, with Gale Weathers'book... and now the movie... it's set the record straight for Cotton Weary.
Grâce au livre de Gale Weathers et au film, les choses sont claires.
You know, Selena, I am so proud of you for the opening of the boutique and the new record.
- Tu sais, Selena, je suis si fière de toi. .. pour la nouvelle boutique, et maintenant le nouveau disque.
State your name and rank for the record, please.
Déclinez vos nom et grade pour la déposition.
and forever 16
and forgive us our trespasses 37
and for us 23
and for now 27
and for all i know 16
and for once 56
and for good reason 43
and for whatever reason 27
and for some reason 87
and forsaking all others 18
and forgive us our trespasses 37
and for us 23
and for now 27
and for all i know 16
and for once 56
and for good reason 43
and for whatever reason 27
and for some reason 87
and forsaking all others 18
and for the first time in my life 26
and for dessert 24
and forgive me 21
and for god's sake 35
and for that 299
and for me 98
and for the first time 59
and for you 233
and for your information 74
and for a while 22
and for dessert 24
and forgive me 21
and for god's sake 35
and for that 299
and for me 98
and for the first time 59
and for you 233
and for your information 74
and for a while 22
and fortunately 16
and for 69
and for what 396
and for that reason 27
and for what it's worth 63
and for this 25
for the record 849
and fyi 64
and friends 41
and fuck you 55
and for 69
and for what 396
and for that reason 27
and for what it's worth 63
and for this 25
for the record 849
and fyi 64
and friends 41
and fuck you 55
and father 32
and fourth 18
and finally 517
and from now on 89
and fast 161
and furthermore 69
and funny 55
and fire 35
and frankly 308
and fourth 18
and finally 517
and from now on 89
and fast 161
and furthermore 69
and funny 55
and fire 35
and frankly 308