Before we leave tradutor Francês
662 parallel translation
We'll fill it up before we leave.
- On la remplira avant de partir.
No, but we want to get him off the train before we leave here.
Non, mais on veut l'avoir avant de partir d'ici.
You practice very hard, and then maybe I'll talk to you again before we leave for Hollywood.
Entraînez-vous et on se reparle avant mon départ pour Hollywood.
Is there anything you'd like to get before we leave?
Vous ne voulez rien prendre avec vous?
Before we leave I want to wish our cricket 1 1...
Et maintenant, je souhaite a notre equipe de cricket...
We're just trying to earn our living, same as you are ans we's like to be pals before we leave.
On essaie de gagner notre vie, comme vous, et on voudrait être payées avant de partir.
I've got people I must see before we leave.
J'ai des gens à voir avant de partir.
Explain bent fender on parents'car before we leave Honolulu.
Explique le parechoc poqué de la voiture de tes parents avant le départ de Honolulu.
We got housekeeping to do before we leave.
on a du ménage à faire avant de partir.
Tomorrow morning, before we leave. These trucks won't be enough to take all the workers to the station.
Ces camions ne suffisent pas à transporter les mondines.
Then how about having just one with us before we leave? Thanks.
On prend un dernier verre?
- Before we leave!
Avant que nous partions.
Anybody want a drink of water or something before we leave?
Quelqu'un veut un verre d'eau ou quoi que ce soit avant de partir?
Leopoldo, how about before we leave town we grab a bite to eat?
Dis-moi un peu. Si on mangeait un bout avant de quitter la ville?
We could grab a bite to eat before we leave town.
- Si on mangeait un bout?
I'll catch up with him before we leave.
Je le verrai avant notre départ.
There'll be a full inspection on the post before we leave tonight.
Il y aura un examen complet avant notre départ ce soir.
Otis, the sheriff left you a messy job, but my friend and I would like these drinks before we leave.
Le shérif vous a laissé ses saletés, mais on aimerait boire nos verres avant d'y aller.
Tomorrow before we leave, you can count on it.
Demain, avant qu'on parte, vous pouvez y compter.
It's late, and I have to pick up some things before we leave.
Il est tard, et j'ai du rangement à faire avant notre départ.
My regiment leaves for Mexico and we would like to be engaged before I leave.
Mon régiment part pour le Mexique, et nous aimerions nous fiancer avant mon départ.
Give me leave, King Gunther, to make ready your ship for your royal bride. We should set sail for home before sundown!
Roi Gunther, permets-moi d'informer la flotte qu'avant ce soir, nous voguerons vers notre patrie avec Bruenhild, ta royale fiancée!
Well, I hope we shall meet again before you leave.
J'espère te revoir avant ton départ.
We'll get them before they leave the island.
Nous les aurons avant qu'ils quittent l'île.
We'll see you tomorrow before you leave.
- On vous verra demain avant le départ.
I say we ought to leave here before the Apaches find us!
Il faut partir avant d'ètre découverts!
Hurry, we gotta catch those wagons before they leave the river.
Vite, il faut rattraper ces chariots avant qu'ils ne quittent le fleuve.
Before you leave, sir, here we have a strange custom.
Avant de partir, nous avons une etrange habitude.
We must leave before he finds you're gone.
Nous devons partir avant qu'il découvre ton absence.
I think we should have a good talk before you leave. I have to take up a few things with these gentlemen.
Nous devons parler avant votre départ, mais j'ai plusieurs choses à régler.
If your stomach for justice is cooling, I advise you leave before we proceed.
Si vous êtes devenu si sensible... je vous conseille de partir.
We're not gonna get married before you leave?
On ne va pas se marier avant ton départ?
Before you ruin the whole your happiness, it's better that we leave.
Avant de gâcher complètement ton bonheur, il vaut mieux que nous nous séparions.
Say uh, can't we get something to eat before we leave?
Vous voulez manger avant de partir?
The night before I was to leave, we went out on the lake together.
La veille de mon départ on est allés sur le lac.
If Mr. Bourne calls before you leave, tell him we're all packed, and that I've gone for a drive with Mr. Dwyer.
Si M. Bourne appelle, les bagages sont prêts et je fais un tour avec M. Dwyer.
We'd better leave before I start screaming.
Il vaut mieux que nous partions.
Several hours before we were to leave he came home.
Quelques heures avant le départ, il est venu me voir. Il s'est montré violent.
- You said we could leave before 1.00.
Tu avais promis qu'on serait libres à 1 h.
We do this every morning uh, before I leave for class, so that Bonzo- -
On fait cela chaque matin, quand je pars, pour que Bonzo...
Shall we see you before you leave for camp?
Nous reverrons-vous?
If things go on, either you will be done away with before we ever get to Africa or you will leave and announce Peterson to the authorities. And that will be the ruin of all my plans and hopes.
Si ça continue, ils vous feront disparaître avant d'arriver en Afrique ou vous vivrez et dénoncerez Peterson aux autorités et ce sera la ruine de tous mes projets et de mes espoirs.
We'll leave then, not before.
On partira à ce moment-là.
Didn't they leave camp the day before we did?
Ils sont partis un jour avant nous.
How long before we can leave this rural paradise?
Quand pourrons-nous quitter ce paradis? J'aurais préféré que vous ne le trouviez pas.
The French will be here before we're ready to leave.
Sinon, il sera trop tard!
We all figured that you'd leave town before you'd face up to Allison without your boys standing by to help you out.
On pensait tous que tu quitterais la ville avant d'affronter Allison, sans tes hommes à tes côtés pour t'aider.
If we leave now, we'll probably be in Siberia before this dance breaks up.
Si on part maintenant, on sera en Sibérie avant la fin de la danse.
We leave before dawn.
Nous partons avant l'aube.
We'll continue to fight as valorously as before, and leave it to the State Duma...
Nous nous battrons avec la même vaillance, comme avant, pour le reste c'est à la Douma d'État...
We are virtually unanimous that the gentleman in question be asked to leave before lunchtime tomorrow.
Nous sommes unanimes, l'homme en question doit recevoir l'ordre de partir demain, avant le déjeuner.
before we begin 97
before we get started 62
before we start 86
before we go any further 58
before we go 60
before we met 21
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before we do anything 17
before we go in 27
before we left 19
before we get started 62
before we start 86
before we go any further 58
before we go 60
before we met 21
before we do 20
before we do anything 17
before we go in 27
before we left 19
before we do that 19
before we do this 16
before we 26
we leave 57
we leave tomorrow 17
we leave at dawn 18
we leave now 22
we leave tonight 18
we leave at 17
leave me 436
before we do this 16
before we 26
we leave 57
we leave tomorrow 17
we leave at dawn 18
we leave now 22
we leave tonight 18
we leave at 17
leave me 436
leave 1433
leaves 53
leave it here 29
leave me the fuck alone 22
leave it with me 73
leave me in peace 46
leave a message 819
leave me alone 2886
leave it to me 292
leave us alone 361
leaves 53
leave it here 29
leave me the fuck alone 22
leave it with me 73
leave me in peace 46
leave a message 819
leave me alone 2886
leave it to me 292
leave us alone 361
leave it 1083
leave it there 89
leave me a message 124
leave it out 59
leave her 167
leave it at that 22
leave us 380
leave now 176
leave me out of this 19
leave me here 38
leave it there 89
leave me a message 124
leave it out 59
leave her 167
leave it at that 22
leave us 380
leave now 176
leave me out of this 19
leave me here 38