Come here to me tradutor Francês
3,563 parallel translation
Come here to me.
Viens près de moi.
Do you think that I wanted to come here after the way you stabbed me in the back?
Est-ce que tu penses que je voulais venir ici après la façon dont tu m'as poignardé dans le dos?
Must be really important for you to come and find me here.
Kate : ça doit être vraiment important pour venir jusqu'ici me trouver.
So what did you do- - just come up here to annoy the crap out of me or did you actually need something?
Alors qu'est-ce que tu as fait- - tu es juste venue ici pour m'ennuyer ou as-tu vraiment besoin de quelque chose?
You know, I'm not going to come through here if you're going to arrest me.
Je traverserai pas pour me faire arrêter.
So, my friend Roxanne told me that, well, that we should come here and talk to you and get to the bottom of this, so here we are.
Donc, mon amie Roxanne m'a dit que nous devrions venir ici pour vous parler et connaitre le fin mot de l'histoire, donc nous voilà.
You're welcome to come down here and try to stop me.
Je t'en prie, descends et essaie de m'arrêter.
Our financial records say- - Mr. Litt, we were willing to look the other way, but since you have come in here and threatened me,
Nos dossiers financiers disent, Mr.Litt, nous étions prêt à regarder de l'autre coté, Mais depuis que vous êtes venu ici et que vous m'avez menacé,
I'll explain it all later, but, I need you to come down here and bail me out.
Je t'expliquerai plus tard. Mais j'ai besoin que tu viennes ici, et que tu payes ma caution.
You didn't come here to talk about me.
Tu n'es pas venu içi pour parler de moi.
And that you would decide to be with me, and then I would come back here and we would un-cuff him together.
On serait revenus là, et on l'aurait libéré ensemble.
I didn't come here to fight, John Ross.
Je ne suis pas venue ici pour me battre, John Ross.
Have you come here to taunt me?
Tu es venu me narguer?
I told you not to come see me here.
Je t'ai dit de ne pas venir me voir ici.
I didn't come here to fight.
Je ne suis pas venu ici pour me battre.
I can hide up here, wait for Speltzer to come home.
Je peux me cacher là en attendant que Speltzer rentre chez lui.
♪ no need to fake, here I am, come on and take me ♪
♪ no need to fake, here I am, come on and take me ♪
If that were true, you wouldn't have come here to talk to me.
Si c'était vrai, tu ne serais pas venu pour me parler.
Did you just come out here to bother me?
Tu es venu uniquement pour m'embêter?
I come out here, I was trying to bum a ride...
Je suis venu ici, j'ai essayé de me faire emmener...
Did you come in here to tell me that?
Tu es venu ici pour me dire ça?
Must be, if you have time to come in here and share this fascinating story with me.
ça doit l'être si tu as le temps de venir ici et de partager cette histoire avec moi
Father, dear, come over here and look at what they gave to me
Père, mon cher, viens ici et regarde ce qu'on m'a donné
It would kill them worse than the first two times to come in here and say good-bye to me.
Ce serait encore pire que les deux autres fois, s'ils venaient me dire adieu.
Did you come here to make me feel better or worse?
Tu es venue pour m'aider à me sentir mieux ou pire?
I come in here to shred in peace, and you walk in and you scare the crap out of me.
Je viens ici pour déchiqueter tranquillement, et tu es entré et tu m'a foutu la frousse.
And the fact that you would come here to tell me that shows me just what kind of self-serving trash you are.
Et le fait que vous veniez ici pour me dire ça me prouve quel genre d'ordure égoïste vous êtes.
Your wife begs me to come, your children smile and curtsey, and you and I wind up out here.
Ta femme me traîne ici, tes enfants sourient et font la révérence, et toi et moi finissons ici.
there before I could come back to here was that it wasn't an accident, that this Hawkins ran me off the road, that he was trying to kill me.
là-bas avant de pouvoir revenir ici que ce n'était pas un accident, Ce Hawkins m'a poussé en dehors de la route, il a essayé de me tuer.
Here, come on, man, give it to me, dude.
Allez, mec, donne-le moi, mon pote.
Here's the thing about apologies... They don't come naturally to me.
Le truc avec les excuses... c'est qu'elles ne me viennent pas naturellement.
Here's the thing about apologies, Wilson... they don't come naturally to me.
Voilà ce que je pense des excuses, Wilson... elles ne me viennent pas naturellement.
You didn't have to come all the way out here just to tell me that.
Tu n'avais pas à venir faire tout ce chemin pour venir ici juste pour me dire ça.
Look, I didn't come over here to argue, okay?
Écoutez, je ne suis pas venu ici pour me disputer d'accord?
If I had put "please come and talk to me", would you be here?
Si j avais dit "S'il te plait viens et parle avec moi", Serais-tu ici?
Did you come here to tell me things I already know?
Es-tu venu ici pour me dire des choses que je savais déjà?
Well, uh, the boss wanted me to tell you he wished he could be here but he couldn't make it. Come on.
Le patron m'a dit de te dire qu'il aurait aimé être là, mais qu'il ne pouvait pas venir.
Henry wanted to come over and just stay with me until they got here.
Henry veut rester avec moi jusqu'à ce qu'ils reviennent.
I got a text to come straight here.
Ton message me disait de venir directement ici.
I didn't come here to make no friends. I come to make enemies.
Je viens ici pour me faire des ennemis.
Who do you think asked me to come here?
Qui croyez vous qui m'a demandé d'être ici?
Come to think of it, I... Can't recall you preaching at all since we arrived here at our new home.
En y pensant, je ne me... rappelle pas vous avoir vu prêcher du tout depuis notre arrivée ici dans notre nouveau foyer.
He used to come in here and dance with me for hours,'cause he just lost his mama.
il avait l'habitude de venir ici et de dansé avec moi pendant des heures, parce qu'il venait juste de perdre sa mère.
You want to come in here and charge me a billion dollars?
Tu viens ici, me faire payer 1 milliard de dollars?
So, Bart Simpson, did you really come all the way here just to see me?
Alors, tu as vraiment fait tout ce chemin pour venir me voir?
Uh, I've got an urgent text to come down here.
Euh, j'ai reçu un sms urgent me disant de descendre ici.
He's the one who forced me to come back here.
C'est lui qui m'a forcee a revenir ici, c'est pas moi.
The cheese told me to come here.
Le fromage m'as dit de venir ici.
And, um, he... he wanted me and Jake and him to come out here and talk about what's been going on.
Et, il... il voulait que Jake et moi venions ici pour parler de ce qui s'est passé.
Mike wanted to come here to give you the hard sell but I figured it'd be better coming from me.
Mike voulait te mettre la pression, mais je me suis dit... que ça passerait mieux si c'était moi.
Jenna, what did you come here to tell me?
Jenna, qu'es-tu venue me dire ici?
come here 17944
come here often 29
come here now 38
come here quickly 17
come here for a second 72
come here a sec 37
come here a moment 21
come here a minute 67
come here for a minute 22
come here for a sec 17
come here often 29
come here now 38
come here quickly 17
come here for a second 72
come here a sec 37
come here a moment 21
come here a minute 67
come here for a minute 22
come here for a sec 17
come here a second 47
to meet you 22
to mexico 17
to me 1767
to meet 21
come on 167938
come in 9605
come on baby 22
come and find me 23
come on everybody 23
to meet you 22
to mexico 17
to me 1767
to meet 21
come on 167938
come in 9605
come on baby 22
come and find me 23
come on everybody 23
come downstairs 38
come to me 469
come on let's go 25
come with me 3958
come back 2373
come with me if you want to live 21
come on man 75
come on guys 95
come on in 3933
come on over 148
come to me 469
come on let's go 25
come with me 3958
come back 2373
come with me if you want to live 21
come on man 75
come on guys 95
come on in 3933
come on over 148
come back soon 95
come one 123
come over here 869
come to daddy 102
come on now 949
come on boy 27
come to my room 21
come on down 295
come on home 31
come inside 424
come one 123
come over here 869
come to daddy 102
come on now 949
come on boy 27
come to my room 21
come on down 295
come on home 31
come inside 424