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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ F ] / Fucking move

Fucking move tradutor Francês

588 parallel translation
He can't fucking move!
Il peut pas bouger!
I want to hit something that can't even fucking move!
Je veux cogner quelque chose qui bouge pas!
Don't you fucking move.
Ne bouge pas!
And don't you dare fucking move from here!
Ne bouge pas jusqu'à ce que je te le dise!
It's not going to fucking move!
Ça bouge pas!
Don't fucking move!
Bouge pas!
Don't fucking move! Don't move.
Sale con, tu bouges pas!
Don't fucking move.
Ne bouge pas.
Don't you dare fucking move around... or I'll stick this thing so far up your fucking ass... you won't even know what hit you. You'll go all the way to the moon.
N'essaie pas de bouger ou je vais te botter les fesses... jusqu'à ce qu'elles soient bleues.
Just fucking move on, ready or not.
On suit comme des cons. Prêts ou pas.
Don't you fucking move.
Ne bouge pas d'un poil.
Nobody fucking move!
Personne ne bouge!
They're just waiting to make their fucking move.
Ils attendent le putain de moment d'agir.
Don't shoot! Don't move! Don't fucking move!
Pas un geste!
Don't fucking move.
Pas un geste!
Don't fucking move.
Surtout ne bougez pas!
I want to get out of this fucking bunker as much as you but he can't move.
Je veux sortir d'ici autant que vous mais il peut pas bouger.
Poor fucking Alice dies giving birth... you can't even bother to move the body... and now the bitch has sold the kid!
Pauvre Alice qui meurt en accouchant... Tu ne peux même pas prendre la peine de déplacer le corps... et maintenant cette garce vend le gosse!
Come on, you fucking ass. Move it! Come on, get her!
Tu vas y aller?
Come on, Matthew, move your fucking ass.
Allez Matthew, bouge ton cul!
Like a goddamn little tweety bird, " Oh, here's a move'It's fucking degrading.
Comme un putain d'oiseau, '"Oh, mon astuce." C'est vraiment dégradant.
Move it you fucking bastards!
Plus vite, bande de merdeux!
Come on, boys. Move the fucking ball.
On va leur faire la peau à ces salauds!
Sands! Move your fucking self!
Amenez-vous, bon sang!
I ain't got all fucking night! Now move!
Je ne vais pas passer la nuit ici.
Move your fucking parade!
Du balai, les majorettes!
Shut your fucking face... and if you move, I'll clean the shit outta your brains!
tu vas la fermer ta gueule... et toi si tu bouges, je te nettoie la merde qui te reste dans la cervelle!
Move the fucking car.
Bouge la bagnole.
You move one more muscle and I'll blow your fucking brains out! You got that? Freeze!
Si tu bouges, je t'éclate la tête.
Francis, move your fucking ass!
Francis, bouge ton cul!
Just fucking don't move.
Ne fais pas un geste.
Move and I'll blow your fucking head clean off!
Bouge, et je te transforme en marmelade.
Anybody move, I'll blow your fucking head off.
Si vous bougez, je vous fais exploser la tête.
Did you see my fucking hand move or didn't you?
Tu as vu ma main bouger, oui ou merde?
Move your fucking ass, pops!
Bouge tes fesses, mec!
Larry, move your fucking ass and stash these now.
Larry, bouge-toi le cul et planque-moi ça.
I'll fucking kill you. Move it!
- Je vais vous tuer!
Move your fucking car!
Vire ta bagnole!
If I move, man, the fucking dog is gonna kill me.
Si je bouge, le clebs va me tuer.
Because I can't move my fucking rig without it.
Parce que je ne peux pas déplacer mon camion autrement!
Fucking move it!
Fonce, merde!
I'm gonna put you in fucking high heels again! Go ahead and make your move, motherfucker!
Essaie ordure, et tu vas rejoindre Al!
Move the fucking car!
Enlève la bagnole de là!
- Get your fucking hands off me! - Move it!
Ne me touchez pas!
Don't move a fucking muscle, either of you.
Ne faites aucun geste, tous les deux.
Don't move or I'll fucking kill you! Son of a bitch.
Ne bouge pas ou je te descends, fils de pute!
Move your fucking asses.
Bougez vos culs.
That's right, go ahead, Big Boy. Make your move. I'll shove this goddamn shotgun up your ass and blow the top of your fucking head off.
C'est ça, vas-y mon gars, je vais te foutre mon flingue dans le cul et t'exploser la tête.
- Now move away from the fucking car.
- Dégage de ma caisse.
Je ne plaisante pas.
- Don't you fucking move!
Bouge pas!

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