Unfortunately for you tradutor Francês
363 parallel translation
Unfortunately for you, Barabbas, the law is indispensable.
Malheureusement pour toi, Barabbas, la loi est indispensable.
Unfortunately for you, we have nothing to say.
- Malheureusement pour vous, nous n'avons rien à nous dire.
Unfortunately for you that is not to be.
Non, ça n'arrivera pas.
As I see it you killed Phillip Musgrave in his own room, carried his body down through the secret passageway, out through the greenhouse into the garage where you crammed it into the rumble seat of that roadster but unfortunately for you,
D'après moi, vous avez tué Phillip dans sa chambre, vous l'avez transporté par le passage secret vers la serre, jusqu'au garage, pour le cacher dans le cabriolet. Dommage pour vous, vous aviez un témoin.
- But unfortunately for you, someone did.
- Hélas pour vous, quelqu'un l'a fait.
Unfortunately for you, he acquainted me with all the pertinent facts.
Malheureusement pour vous, il m'en a révélé tous les détails.
Unfortunately for you... the bosses can resist for years.
Malheureusement pour vous, les patrons peuvent tenir des années.
Well, unfortunately for you all, the plans are to be changed.
Malheureusement pour vous, il y a un changement de plan.
Unfortunately for you, dreaming is not enough to become a god.
Malheureusement pour toi, le rêve ne suffit pas pour être un Dieu.
But unfortunately for you, they follow the stock market on the west Coast, too.
Mais malheureusement, ils suivent également la bourse sur la côte Ouest.
It happens that, unfortunately for you, on the day of the first murder you were in the vicinity, and on the evening of the second you are... centre stage :
A deux pas de chez vous. Or, il se trouve que, malheureusement pour vous, - Le jour du premier meurtre vous êtes dans le secteur,
But, unfortunately for you, I did no such thing.
Mais, hélas pour vous, rien de tel.
I'm not overjoyed to have you here Wolfsen, unfortunately for you we need your experience.
Je ne suis pas ravi de vous avoir ici Wolfsen, malheureusement pour vous nous avons besoin de votre expérience.
Unfortunately for you, I need the money.
Malheureusement pour vous, j'ai besoin d'argent.
And unfortunately for you, like it or not, you always will be.
Et hélas, que vous le vouliez ou pas, vous le serez toujours.
Unfortunately for you, I'm the head of this department.
Hélas pour vous, c'est moi qui dirige ce département.
Unfortunately for you, Mr. DeMaria, I observed an entirely different scenario.
Malheureusement pour vous, M. DeMaria, j'ai assisté à une tout autre scène.
I'd like to warn you for some reasons, but I know the futility of such an action and how he who warns is detested by him who loves unfortunately.
Je te mettrais en garde pour bien des raisons, si je ne savais combien cela est vain, et haïssable à celui qui aime sans retour.
Thank you kindly, but unfortunately my father is waiting for me.
Merci beaucoup mais mon père m'attend.
because of the early arrival of your ship we unfortunately cannot come for you before tomorrow morning your adoptive father and mitsuko
En raison de l'arrivée en avance de ton navire, malheureusement Nous ne pouvons pas venir te chercher avant demain matin Ton père adoptif et Mitsuko
We persuaded, that is the word, sir, we persuaded Miss O'Shaughnessy to tell us where she told Captain Jacoby to take the falcon. We further persuaded her to phone your office in an attempt to draw you away, before Jacoby got there but unfortunately for us it had taken us too long to persuade Miss O'Shaughnessy.
On a "persuadé" Miss O'Shaughnessy de nous dire où Jacoby emportait le faucon et d'appeler votre bureau pour vous en faire sortir avant l'arrivée de Jacoby, mais hélas... ça nous a pris trop de temps.
Unfortunately, I have a tender feeling for you. Oh, I'm as annoyed with the fact as you are.
Malheureusement, je vous aime.
I have, most unfortunately... another item of sad news for you.
J'ai hélas à vous annoncer une autre mauvaise nouvelle.
Well unfortunately the administration put a spanner in the works for you.
Mais malheureusement, l'administration a torpillé votre travail.
Unfortunately, things haven't gone well, there's no need for you now.
Nous avons eu des difficultés, tu sais. Il a fallu réduire le personnel.
I know my husband was supposed to kill him, but unfortunately for you, George was an animal lover.
Il est vivant.
Unfortunately, I think the only thing she'd like is for you to be someone else.
Ce qu'elle veut, c'est que tu changes.
It isn't unknown, you know, for patients to seduce personnel and vice versa, unfortunately.
Il n'est pas rare que les patients séduisent le personnel et vice-versa, malheureusement.
[Unfortunately for Peppone, one of the three was Don Camillo.] What a long life-line you have! And what do you read, in my love-line?
Don Camillo élabora un projet de vengeance qui le paierait largement de sa défaite.
Unfortunately, my husband's pajamas would be too big for you, and my son's, too small.
Malheureusement, les pyjamas de mon mari seront trop grands pour vous et ceux de mon fils, trop petits.
I have a fondness for this model, Mr Spock, which you, unfortunately, are ill-equipped to appreciate.
J'ai un faible pour ce modèle, M. Spock, que vous n'avez malheureusement pas les moyens d'apprécier.
Unfortunately not, and I'm very sorry for you.
Malheureusement pas et j'en suis bien désolé pour toi.
Unfortunately, I cannot say the same for you, madam.
Je ne peux pas en dire autant, madame.
Unfortunately, there's nothing you can do for us.
Je t'accueillerais bien dans mon clan mais j'ai assez de joueurs.
- Unfortunately, it will be much later. - What do you mean? You see, my present show is booked for three months.
Malheureusement, ce sera bien plus tard.
My poor child, unfortunately there is no provision for you to continue your education here in the convent, so you will have to leave today.
Hélas, ma pauvre enfant, ce ne sera pas suffisant pour vous permettre de rester parmi nous. Vous devez partir aujourd'hui.
Unfortunately for me and you.
Malheureusement pour moi et pour vous.
You see, you unfortunately plumped for our'Neverpay'policy, which, you know, if you never claim is very worthwhile... but you had to claim, and, well, there it is.
Malheureusement, vous êtes en plein dans le cadre de notre contrat "Jamais-Payé", qui, si vous ne déclarez aucun sinistre, est très intéressante... mais vous avez un sinistre et c'est comme ça.
Well, unfortunately, there's nothing I can do for you.
Malheureusement je ne peux rien faire pour vous.
Uh, not many people know this, but I smoke cigars. Now this may sound trivial to you, but unfortunately cigars are rather bad for the political image, so to speak.
Ça semble curieux mais c'est mauvais pour l'image politique.
these persons will unfortunately hail you, given their excessive passion for sciences which I will never fail to rebuke them for.
Je ne cesserai pas de le leur reprocher.
Thank you. Unfortunately I have some friends waiting for me.
Merci, mais je dois y aller.
I'm coming to pick you, for the last time unfortunately.
Je viens te chercher, pour la dernière fois, hélas.
Fortunately for him and unfortunately for us, we help you escape.
Par chance, nous jouions notre rôle également. Un rôle détestable.
But, unfortunately, there are no special places for boys like you at present.
Or, malheureusement, il n'y a pas d'endroit pour les garçons comme vous actuellement.
Unfortunately, I can't translate it for you.
Malheureusement, je ne peux pas le traduire pour vous.
Unfortunately, for all its advantages, you know, the positronic brain has one fault :
"Zone interdite Personnel autorisé seulement"
I can't begin to express my gratitude for your care and affection, but unfortunately you've misunderstood.
Je ne peux vous dire ma gratitude pour votre attention et votre affection, mais malheureusement vous avez mal compris la situation.
You've put the pieces together very nicely, but unfortunately it's too late for you and the others.
Tu as tiré les conclusions qui s'imposaient. Trop tard, hélas. Pour toi comme pour les autres.
Unfortunately, you must be punished... for the incident with your late friend... Opelka.
Malheureusement, vous devez être puni... pour l'incident avec feu votre ami, Opelka.
Sorry for the fright, Miss Giles. Unfortunately, you fainted before Holmes could add that he personally believes your father not only innocent, but alive.
Désolé de vous avoir effrayée, mais Holmes allait ajouter qu'il croit votre père innocent et encore en vie.
unfortunately for me 17
for you 2938
for your information 371
for your birthday 37
for your own good 102
for your own sake 81
for your sake 205
for your daughter 16
for your 26
for your mother 31
for you 2938
for your information 371
for your birthday 37
for your own good 102
for your own sake 81
for your sake 205
for your daughter 16
for your 26
for your mother 31
for your safety 30
for your time 16
for your own safety 97
for your trouble 28
for your wife 22
for your help 20
for your family 28
for yourself 58
for your own protection 24
for you too 25
for your time 16
for your own safety 97
for your trouble 28
for your wife 22
for your help 20
for your family 28
for yourself 58
for your own protection 24
for you too 25
for your loss 23
for your son 19
for your father 16
for you and me 24
you know 156049
you know what 23733
you see 13602
you will be 199
you got this 563
young 1055
for your son 19
for your father 16
for you and me 24
you know 156049
you know what 23733
you see 13602
you will be 199
you got this 563
young 1055
your 1839
you got it 4932
youtube 39
you suck 398
you can do it 1412
you bitch 789
you're cute 195
you okay 9168
youn 21
yourself 387
you got it 4932
youtube 39
you suck 398
you can do it 1412
you bitch 789
you're cute 195
you okay 9168
youn 21
yourself 387
your hat 64
your own 34
yours 1007
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your honor 7894
younger 104
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you know that 5741
your own 34
yours 1007
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your honor 7894
younger 104
you tell 24
you got a pen 63
you are 6060
you know that 5741