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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ W ] / Why should he

Why should he tradutor Francês

841 parallel translation
Why should he come here at 11 : 00 at night?
Que viendrait-il faire ici à 23 h?
Well, why should he be?
- Ça se comprend.
So, why should he buy out a show and close it... and take her away to Cuba just as she's about to get a good break?
Pourquoi acheter la revue, la saborder et emmener la fille à Cuba, alors que tu allais en faire une vedette?
- Why should he?
- lmpossible.
Why should he want to do that?
Et pourquoi donc?
Then why should he say in his letter that he has a secret to confide in me?
Alors pourquoi me dirait-il dans sa lettre qu'il a un secret à me confier?
Why should he stay, whom love does press to go?
Pourquoi serait-il resté, celui que l'amour pressait de partir?
Why should he?
Pourquoi donc?
Why should he want to do that?
Mais pourquoi?
Why should he? He's not a prisoner here. Here's here on his own volition.
Il est prisonnier volontaire.
Why should he?
Pourquoi il l'aurait fait?
Why should he be in despair?
Pourquoi serait-il désespéré?
After all, why should he be?
Pas particulièrement. C'est normal.
Why should he be angry?
Pourquoi devrait-il être en colère?
- Why should he?
- Pourquoi il le ferait?
Why should he dream he's in a Japanese garden?
Pourquoi mériterait-il de rêver à un jardin japonais?
If he's not the king, why should he be afraid to show his face?
S'il n'est pas le roi, il n'a aucune raison de se cacher.
If he wanted to frame Church with the knife... why should he try to kill me when I find it?
Si le couteau devait piéger Church pourquoi me tirer dessus?
Then why should he spoil the beauty of this moment?
Alors pourquoi gâcher cet instant en parlant de lui?
Yes. But why should he?
Oui, mais pourquoi?
Why should he?
Why should he think of you, when he's rolling in that hundred grand?
Seul le fric les intéresse.
- Why should he be involved?
- Pourquoi le serait-il?
Because he's got two months'pay coming, why should he loan from you?
Il avait deux mois de paie à venir.
- Why should he?
- Pourquoi?
- But why should he pretend to be a beggar?
- Pourquoi passer pour un mendiant?
Why should he buy a hat?
Pourquoi l'acheter?
Why should he kill his best friend?
Pourquoi tuerait-il son meilleur ami?
Why should he try to instruct me in mine?
Pourquoi se mêlerait-il du mien?
It's the truth, isn't it? Why should he die believing a lie?
Pourquoi le laisser mourir dans un mensonge?
Why should he be?
Why should he come at a time like this?
Pourquoi doit-il venir un jour comme celui-ci?
Now, why should he go and get himself punched silly trying to be a champ?
Alors pourquoi irait-il prendre des coups de poing pour être champion?
That's why you should revise it. I don't think it's because you don't like melodramas, but because you can't write them. PD Joo, contact the assistant director and tell him Scene 42 and Scene 43 will be revised, so he should proceed with the other scenes'filming, except for those scenes.
Je ne pense pas que c'est parce que vous n'aimez pas les mélodrames mais parce que vous ne savez pas les écrire. excepté ces deux-là.
Why do you think he should lie about himself when it meant he would be killed?
pourquoi aurait-il dû mentir sur lui-même et annoncer sa propre mise á mort?
Why should you help him now he doesn " t need you?
Il n "a plus besoin de toi, pourquoi l" aider?
When he said "why a duck," I should have smelled a rat. I did, but I didn't know who it was.
Quand il a dit : "Pourquoi via un duc?", j'ai flairé quelque chose sans savoir ce que c'était.
If a woman can't hold her man, there is no reason why he should take the blame.
Si une femme ne sait pas retenir son homme il ne doit se faire aucun type de reproche.
Oh why should the Swami want to kill my little boy? Perhaps he didn't.
Pourquo ¡ est-ce que le Swam ¡ voula ¡ t tuer mon f ¡ Is?
I don't see why any man should get excited... because he's asked about his hometown.
Une question aussi simple vous gêne-t-elle?
Why should we give him a job? What can he do?
Pourquoi on l'engagerait?
Why should I stick in school and have a good time when he has to stand in a bread line?
Pourquoi je resterais à l'école, à m'amuser, quand il doit aller à la soupe populaire?
I don't see any reason why he should ever come home at all.
Je ne vois pas ce qui pourrait le motiver à rentrer chez lui.
Mrs. Warriner, step up and tell me why you regard the dog... as your personal property, so the court may decide if he should remain with you.
Pourquoi considérez-vous que ce chien vous appartient?
But why this big lug, who practically spent the weekend with me, who shared the whole thing with me, who I thought was my friend, why he should believe all those things...
Pourquoi celui avec qui j'ai passé presque tout le week-end, qui a partagé le tout avec moi, qui était censé être mon ami, devrait-il me croire...
Why should my brother be hunting stuffed leopards in Brazil... when he can find them right here in New York? Of course. It's a stuffed leopard.
Un léopard empaillé?
Why should he care what happens to you?
Pourquoi se soucierait-il de ce qui vous arrive?
After all, if he's a good agent, and she's a bargain at the price... why should you object to her getting some dough out of it?
Après tout, si c'est un bon agent, et qu'elle est l'enjeu du marché... pourquoi verriez-vous une objection à ce qu'elle touche de l'argent?
That's why he should be pampered.
Justement! Et c'est notre dernier dîner.
Why should he mind?
Pourquoi devrait-il s'offenser?
She sent her brother back by dwelling on all the reasons why he should stay away.
Elle a fait revenir son frère, en rabâchant les raisons pour qu'il ne le fasse pas.

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