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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ W ] / Would that work

Would that work tradutor Francês

1,391 parallel translation
Why would that work?
- Pourquoi ça marcherait?
So how would that work, Dad?
Comment ça marche, papa?
Would that work for you?
Ça t'irait?
Would that work?
Et ça marcherait?
It beggars reason to believe that these same two agents would ever agree to work for the man who killed their loved ones.
Ca défie toute raison de penser que ces deux personnes accepteraient de travailler pour l'homme qui a tué leurs proches.
Rambaldi wrote that a man would come and discover the true meaning of his work, and in doing so would change the world.
Rambaldi a écrit qu'un homme découvrirait le sens de son œuvre et changerait le monde.
That would work.
Ça marcherait.
It's just sometimes they don't work out the way you thought that they would.
Parfois, ça ne donne pas exactement ce qu'on attend.
I had big plans that this would be a family business, that's why I work so hard
J'avais comme projet que ça devienne une affaire de famille, c'est pour ça que je travaille tant.
That he knew it would work.
Qu'il savait que ça marcherait.
That said, how would this work?
Ceci étant, comment ça marche? Je démissionne...
You know, I'm thinking that the word "legacy" would work better than "foundation."
Employons le terme héritage au lieu de fondation.
- Well maybe, Cy, Mr Utter... would want to tell us about a wagon drive he took last night... and who was in concealment at the behest of that whore... used to work for you and how the morning's shit-kicking resulted.
Cy, peut-être que M. Utter, pourrait nous parler de la balade en chariot qu'il a faite hier soir et qui il cachait sur les ordres de cette putain qui travaillait pour toi, et en quoi c'est lié à la branlée qu'il a filée ce matin.
That would be work.
C'est le travail.
And then of course by the time I get off work and drive all the way back there, the kennel will definitely be closed, so I'd have to break in, and that would set off some kind of security system, and then I'd be arrested, and so I should probably put a nail file in my shoe and how much longer are you going to make me do this?
Bien sûr, quand j'aurai fini et que je pourrai rentrer, le chenil sera fermé, j'entrerai par effraction en déclenchant un système d'alarme, je serai emprisonnée, donc il me faut une lime à ongles,
Fellow employees said that he'd work double shifts, sometimes he would sleep at the restaurant.
Vous vous souvenez de nous?
How did you know that would work?
Comment tu savais que ça marcherait?
I don't know if that would work, but I guess it's worth a shot.
Je suis pas certaine que ça marche, mais ça vaut le coup d'essayer.
I would rather that we work it out ourselves.
Tu sais quoi? je préfère que nous trouvions la solution ensemble
Now, I tried really hard to make that one work. But every night I would wake up in the middle of the night, crying.
J'ai tout fait pour que ça fonctionne, mais toutes les nuits, je me réveillais en pleurs.
We didn't get that far. But if we had, I would've explained that it doesn't work for me. And I would've told you to fuck off.
On n'est pas allée très loin mais si c'était le cas, je t'aurais... je t'aurais expliqué que ça n'est pas pour moi et je t'aurais envoyé balader!
He promised us that it would work.
Il nous a promis que ça marcherait.
On the record, the Mayor's office would like you both to know that he supports the work of your project, and he's happy to do anything he can to help.
Au passage, le bureau du maire aimerait vous faire savoir à tous les deux qu'il soutient votre projet, et qu'il sera ravi de faire son maximum pour aider.
That would work for me.
Ça marche pour moi.
Well, they probably would have offered me another position here, but Dr. Hoke was kind of, kind of a mentor to me, and you work that closely with someone, it's hard.
On m'aurait proposé un autre poste ici, mais le docteur Hoke a été... Il a été mon mentor. Quand on travaille en équipe, c'est dur.
That's good,'cause I don't think the synchronized apology would work.
Tant mieux parce que je ne crois pas que les excuses synchronisées fonctionneraient.
With that in mind, I would like to take a moment of silence to remember Marissa Cooper and the great work she did as social chair.
Gardons cela en tête pour une minute de silence En souvenir de Marissa Cooper et le super boulot qu'elle a fait en tant qu'organisatrice
Why would God set me on something that was so clearly the devil's work?
Pourquoi Dieu m'enverrait-il accomplir l'œuvre du diable?
I've heard that you're an amazing doctor, and I would be honored to have the opportunity to work with you, Mr. Gold.
Vous êtes un chercheur renommé, et je serais honorée d'avoir l'opportunité de travailler avec vous, Mr Gold.
I mean, none of this work would even seem that hard if I didn't feel like I was sitting here in some kind of torture chamber all day.
Tout ce boulot serait facile si je n'étais pas assise dans une chambre de torture.
I didn't think that would work.
- Je ne pensais pas que ça marcherait.
Oh, God, I was sure that would work.
Bon Dieu, j'étais sûr que ça allait marcher.
No! No! That would only work if the retrovirus is doing what we had originally intended it to do.
Cela ne fonctionnerait que si le rétrovirus faisait ce que nous avions prévu qu'il fasse.
Aye, that would work.
Ouais, ça marcherait.
That's how long I estimated the inhibitor would work.
C'est mon estimation de la durée d'efficacité de l'inhibiteur.
Their hope was that one day the Lantians would return to reclaim it and reward the Sudarians for their work.
Ils espéraient qu'un jour, les Lantiens viendraient le réclamer et récompenseraient les Sudariens.
I'm admittedly looking for a rationale that would allow Doctor McKay to continue his very important work.
Je cherche une raison qui permettrait au Dr. McKay de continuer son important travail.
Has it occurred to you that our jobs would be easier if we didn't have to work in secrecy?
Il ne vous est jamais venu à l'esprit que notre travail serait beaucoup plus simple si nous ne le faisions pas dans le secret?
For instance, today he told me that somebody I work with would do something heroic, and they would be my soul mate.
Par exemple aujourd'hui, il m'a dit que quelqu'un avec qui je travaille ferait quelque chose d'héroïque, et qu'il deviendrait mon âme-soeur.
If you had checked with me, I would've told you that wouldn't work.
Si vous m'aviez demandé, je vous aurais dit que ça ne marcherait pas.
- Yeah, it would have been nice to work on that hotel. But I am- - I'm equally passionate about, um... converting your terrace into an eco-friendly ferret village
J'aurais adoré travailler à l'hôtel, mais je suis tout aussi passionnée par l'idée de convertir votre terrasse en un gentil village de furets.
Real World : Hawaii, that would work.
Comment ça peut avoir du succès?
... Grenouille knew that his life in Grimal's tannery would be worth precisely as much as the work he could accomplish.
Grenouille sut que sa vie à la tannerie Grimale aurait précisément la même valeur... que le travail qu'il serait capable d'accomplir.
And that would work?
Et cela serait efficace?
I knew that I would have to work at night.
Je savais que je devrais faire ça de nuit.
At first, I figured that the split was just something temporary, something that you two would work out and get past, but after tonight I think it's pretty clear that you two genuinely do not want to get back together.
Au début, je croyais que votre séparation serait temporaire, un problème passager dont vous alliez vous remettre, mais après ce soir, il est clair que vous ne voulez vraiment pas vous réconcilier.
I guarantee that I would work hard of
Y a de quoi faire.
I knew I had something back there that would work.
Je savais que j'avais quelque chose qui pourrait fonctionner.
And when I went to the Congress in the middle 1970s, I helped to organize the first hearings on global warming and asked my professor to come and be the leadoff witness. And I thought that would have such a big impact, we'd be on the way to solving this problem, but it didn't work that way.
Élu au Congrès dans les années 1970, j'ai contribué à l'organisation des premiers débats et demandé à mon professeur de témoigner, sûr que le choc serait tel qu'on trouverait des solutions.
You think it would work in that box room?
Vous croyez ça possible dans ce cagibi?
Gee, I was sure that would work.
Mince, j'étais sûr que ça marcherait.

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