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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ H ] / Have dinner with me

Have dinner with me tradutor Português

445 parallel translation
- Yes, dear. I'm desolate to go. As it is my last night... would you and your charming wife accept to have dinner with me tonight?
Lamento ter de partir... mas já que é a minha última noite aqui, jantarias comigo... e a tua encantadora esposa?
Maybe you'd like to have dinner with me.
Talvez pudesse jantar comigo.
Would you have dinner with me tomorrow night?
Jantas comigo amanhã à noite?
Why won't you stay downtown and have dinner with me? I told you.
Por que não ficas na baixa, e jantas comigo?
Oh, Fanny, wouldn't you and Georgie like to have dinner with me in my room tonight?
Fanny, tu e o Georgie näo gostariam de jantar comigo no quarto, esta noite?
Will you have dinner with me again tomorrow night?
Podes jantar comigo outra vez amanhã à noite?
Will you have dinner with me, Louise?
Janta comigo, Louise?
- Have dinner with me tonight?
- Janta comigo, logo à noite?
I was wondering if you'd have dinner with me some night.
Gostaria de saber se quer jantar comigo uma noite destas.
Well, could I persuade you to have dinner with me first?
Bem, posso convencê-la a jantar como antes?
Strap, you're to have dinner with me tonight.
Strap, vai jantar comigo está noite.
But first I wanted to ask you to have dinner with me tonight.
Mas primeiro queria perguntar-lhe se quer jantar comigo esta noite.
Will you have dinner with me tonight?
Queres jantar comigo?
Will you have dinner with me?
Quer jantar comigo?
As long as his brains are intact and you come have dinner with me, I forgive you.
Desde que o cérebro esteja intacto e venhas jantar comigo, perdoo-te.
No. Well, then would you do me a favour? Would you have dinner with me?
Então porque não me faz o favor de jantar comigo?
- Mr. Scott-Padget will you have dinner with me?
Scott-Padget janta comigo, esta noite?
Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?
Quer vir jantar comigo logo?
Come and have dinner with me and Eleanore tomorrow.
- Venha jantar conosco amanhã.
Why not have dinner with me? My club?
Porque não vem jantar comigo, no clube?
Have dinner with me.
Venha jantar comigo.
Fanny, will you have dinner with me tonight?
Fanny, janta comigo esta noite?
- Do you want to have dinner with me?
- Olha! Quer comer comigo?
Why don't you have dinner with me tonight?
Porque não jantas comigo esta noite?
I'd consider it a privilege if you would have dinner with me.
Seria uma honra se jantasse comigo.
To have dinner with me.
Mais tarde, o mesmo sketch...
If I call, will you have dinner with me?
Se eu lhe telefonar, janta comigo?
If I go away and leave you in peace, will you have dinner with me?
Se eu a deixar em paz, aceita jantar comigo?
Then you can have dinner with me.
Podemos jantar convosco esta tarde? Temos sido bonzinhos, não?
- Why don't you have dinner with me?
- Porque näo janta comigo?
I was wondering if you'd have dinner with me?
Gostarias de jantar comigo?
Lily, do you want to have dinner with me?
Lily, queres jantar comigo?
100 bucks against you have dinner with me tonight.
100 dólares ou janta comigo esta noite.
Have dinner with me.
Jante comigo.
No, I invited this man to have dinner with me.
Não, convidei este senhor para jantar comigo.
Tell him I'll bring him a doggy bag if you'll have dinner with me.
Diga que lhe dou uma cama nova se for jantar comigo.
Why don't you stay and have dinner with me?
Porque é que não fica e janta comigo?
I'd like to have dinner with you, Professor - can you spare some bread?
Gostaria de comer consigo, Professor. Poderia oferecer-me um pouco de pão?
Siletsky wants me to have dinner with him... if we don't get another idea... maybe I'll have to kill him, because only I can get to him.
Se não tivermos outra ideia, talvez tenha que ser eu a matá-lo, porque só eu consigo aproximar-me dele.
You know what would be fun to have with dinner?
Sabes o que me apetecia ao jantar?
Why don`t you have dinner with Simone and me tonight, huh?
Por que não janta com a Simone e comigo hoje à noite?
Brandt, would you like to have dinner with Françoise and me tonight?
Brandt, você gostaria de jantar com a Françoise e comigo hoje à noite?
And now, are you gonna buy me dinner, or do I have to call the bell captain and have him send up some clumsy kid with ice cubes?
E agora, ofereces-me um jantar, ou tenho de pedir que me mandem um miúdo desajeitado com cubos de gelo?
And what more perfect alibi could I have than a beautiful CONTROL agent swearing she was having dinner with me at the time?
Que melhor álibi podia eu ter.. ... do que uma bela agente da CONTROL jurando que estava a jantar comigo naquele momento?
He had the effrontery to ask if I'd have dinner with him tonight.
Teve o descaramento de pedir-me se queria cear com ele.
Would you like to have some dinner with me in the next few days or something?
Gostavas de jantar comigo... num destas dias ou assim?
Would you care to have dinner with me?
Gostaria de jantar comigo?
He didn't want me to have dinner with you but I fixed that.
Não queria que jantasse contigo, mas dei-lhe a volta.
How about you? You wanna have some dinner with me?
Quer vir jantar comigo?
And you want me to have dinner with you.
E quer que jante consigo.
Say, maybe you and that nice little Tudsbury girl can have a farewell dinner with Lady Maude and me tomorrow night.
Digamos, talvez você e aquela bonita moça de Tudsbury possam ter um jantar de despedida comigo e Lady Maude amanhã à noite.

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