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Think it through tradutor Português

850 parallel translation
Takes talent to get the news, think it through, write it and back it up with research.
É preciso talento, para conseguir os factos, pensá-los, redigi-los e apoiá-los.
I need a few hours... to think it through.
Preciso de algumas horas... para pensar.
I need to think it through.
Preciso de pensar nisso.
Think it through and decide.
Pensa-o e decide.
But you didn't think it through.
Mas você não pensou em tudo, pensou, Jake?
If you think this country's bad off now just wait'til I get through with it
Se você acha que este país é mau então esperem até eu acabar com isto
If you think you're paying too much now just wait'til I get through with it
Se acham que agora pagam muitos impostos então esperem até eu acabar com isto.
- I think it'll go through. - You don't mean it?
- Acho que se vai concretizar.
Yes it is, but I think by cutting an edge here and there, we could slip through.
- Pois é, mas acho que cortando um pouco aqui e ali, cá nos arranjamos.
Say, I got a big business deal coming up and if it goes through the way I think it ought to, I can quit for life.
Me apresentou um grande negócio e se me sai como acredito, poderei me retirar desta vida.
I guess you didn't think I'd go through with it, did you?
Achou que eu não levava a minha avante?
You think he means it when he says he's through with politics?
Achas que está a falar a sério quando diz que, para ele, a política acabou?
You really think you can put it through?
Estão decididos a levá-lo adiante?
I think we can make it right through that pass.
Acho que conseguimos passar através daquela passagem.
Let it go, Tom, let her think about it through tomorrow.
Deixe-a pensar nisso pela manhã.
And when you think of all he went through, all that suffering... when you think of it, Valley Forge, all those bleeding feet.
E quando penso por tudo o que ele passou, todo aquele sofrimento... quando penso nisso, Valley Forge, todos aqueles pés sangrando.
I think you mean you simply don't love me enough to go on through with it.
Acho que não me amas o suficiente para quereres continuar comigo.
I think it's something you have, Which parender through immense pain. The guy?
Eu acho que é algo que se tem, que parender através de imensa dor.
Don't you think it would be a good idea to wait until we're absolutely sure. Gloria is going through with it?
Não achas melhor esperar até termos a certeza absoluta, de que a Gloria vai nisso?
You think I can't do it, mister, you just keep on that juggling. Be flying through the air like you was more a prairie hen than you are a horse.
Julgas que não sou capaz, menino, pois continua esse malabarismo e vais voar pelo ar como se fosses um tetraz-da-pradaria e não um cavalo.
every time I... I think of it I live through it all over again.
Cada vez... que o recordo, é como se o voltasse a vivê-lo.
I think the eternal peace is possible, but, I don't know how to express it, only not through political balance.
A meu ver, a paz eterna é possível, só que eu näo sei como explicá-lo. Só sei que o equilíbrio político nada tem a ver com o assunto.
Está a chegar agora, chefe.
I don't think it's got through to you yet what's going on around here.
Acho que ainda não compreendeste o que se passa aqui.
I think the eternal peace is possible, but, I don't know how to express it, only not through political balance.
A meu ver, a paz eterna é possível, só que eu não sei como explicá-lo. Só sei que o equilíbrio político nada tem a ver com o assunto.
I'll try a bit longer but I don't think it's operating through me.
Vou tentar mais um pouco, mas isto não parece funcionar.
It's 21 : 30. Do you think Boyden got through?
São 21 : 30, acha que o Boyden conseguiu?
Think you can get it through enemy lines?
Achas que podes passar pelas linhas inimigas?
I think the wind's running through it. It's all right. Are they okay?
Acho que os ventos estão a diminuir.
Well, we don't think you'll make it through.
- Não achamos que tenha idéia disso.
Well, if this is the period that I think it is, there are two great empires spreading their way through the galaxy of the Milky Way.
Bem, se este é o período que eu penso que é, existem dois grandes impérios espalhando-se pela galáxia da Via Láctea.
I think a lot of people who were close to him... saw that he was getting ready to go through another phase... that would have been a strong change, and it would've been a different Jimi.
Muitas pessoas íntimas dele... viram que ele ia entrar numa fase diferente... que seria uma grande mudança e teria sido um Jimi diferente.
Halfway through, I do some soul-searching and think... "You could have worked harder, given more. You have the second half to make up for it."
A meio, faço um exame de consciência e penso que podia ter dado mais e que só me resta a outra metade para compensar.
I'm very late! Do you think it's gonna eat through the paint?
Estou atrasada.
I think we'll be coming right through it.
A esquadra vai passar através dela.
... some kind of silly warning you know and they, they opened the show, I think, and they also closed the show which I thought was like a... an astute planning on Sullivan's part, because it would made you very angry if you had to sit through the whole show to wait to see The Rutles, you know, so they clearly, every-one had tuned in to that week's show, just to see The Rutles.
Eles abriram o programa, acho, e fecharam também, pareceu-me uma jogada astuta por parte do Ed Sullivan... Porque as pessoas se irritariam se esperassem todo o programa para ver os Rutles. Porque claramente tinham ido ali naquela semana só para vê-los...
I've been thinking about all those towns we've gone through and all them people who was cheering'us, man. People falling'in behind us. - And I think I've figured it out.
Quando penso nas cidades e nas pessoas a aplaudir-nos e a seguir-nos, acho que descobri porquê.
I think it's going to eat through the goddamn hull.
Acho que vai corroer o casco.
I don't think I can make it through the reception. Let's get the kids and split.
Acho que não vou aguentar Vamos buscar as crianças e vamos embora, ok?
When I think about you and Nola... and this sweet child having to go through the same heartaches we went through... it's enough to make you cry.
Ah, Frank, quando penso em ti, na Nola... e nesta linda menina tendo que sofrer o mesmo que nós sofremos... dá-me vontade de chorar.
I think it lets through those who've lost all hope.
Parece-me que deixa entrar... quem já não tem esperança.
I wouldn't live through the last three weeks for the universe, but it gave me time to think.
Sim. Exilaram-no num palneta no Quadrante 6. Não terás que te preocupar com ele por muito tempo.
Thank you, Wilma : Well, I wouldn't want to live through the last three weeks : : : For anything in the universe, but uh, at least it gave me some time to think :
Não quero passar pelo que passei nestas três semanas por nada deste universo, mas que me serviram para pensar um pouco.
Kip thought about it for a while and then answered with about 50 lines of equations which showed that a really advanced civilization might establish and hold open wormholes which we might think of as tubes through the fourth dimension which connect the Earth with another place without having to traverse the intervening distance.
Kip pensou sobre isso durante uns momentos e respondeu com cerca de 50 linhas de equações, que mostravam que uma civilização realmente avançada, poderia estabelecer e manter abertos túneis, nos quais podemos pensar como tubos através da quarta dimensão, e que ligariam a Terra com outro lugar no universo, sem ter de atravessar a distância intermediária.
And think what grief it is for me to find myself deprived of this great joy through the avarice of a father, and for it to be impossible for me to give any proof of my love to her who is all in all to me.
E imagina como me é difícil ver que, devido á avareza de meu pai, estou impedido de gozar dessa alegria e de dar á minha amada uma prova do meu amor.
I think it is time for a race through the forest.
Acho que é o momento para mais uma corrida pela floresta.
All the good times we've been through, and all the bad times... it breaks my heart to think that the only reason you came with me was for money!
Com os bons e maus momentos que passámos juntos, e pensar que só andam comigo por dinheiro!
If it's any incentive for you to pull through, I think you got a chance with her.
Se isto serve para te restabeleceres, acho que tens hipóteses com ela.
One other thing, I think it rips through your clothes when it takes you over.
Outra coisa. Penso que rasga as roupas quando se apodera de uma pessoa.
I would like to say too, surely Londoners didn't have very much to laugh about, but nobody had a sharper sense of humour once the bombers had gone home than Londoners, and I think it's their humour that carried them through.
Eu faço-o. Se tu pudesses gostar de mim
- I think, think about Europe and humour will take us through it, I hope. Well, that's a lovely thought.
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