Try to remember tradutor Português
750 parallel translation
Try to remember, Helen.
Tente lembrar-se, Helen.
Take a good look at him, Dad, and try to remember him, because... he's going to be your son-in-law.
Olhe bem para ele, pai, e tente fixá-lo, porque... ele vai ser o seu genro.
- I'll have to try to remember.
- Vou tentar lembrar-me.
I can try to remember something.
Posso fazer um esforço para me lembrar.
I want you to try to remember.
Quero que tente lembrar-se.
Now, captain, please leave my house... and try to remember not to come here again.
E agora, Capitão Butler, saia, por favor, e tente lembrar-se de nunca mais cá voltar.
Try to remember.
Tente recordá-lo, Sra. Norman.
I try to remember that Marshal Pétain is an old man now and in the hands of the barbarians.
Tento lembrar-me de que o marechal Petain é um homem idoso, agora. Entregue nas mãos de bárbaros.
You will never see me again. Try to remember me, dear Gladys, without bitterness.
Tenta recordar-me, querida Gladys, sem amargura.
Try to remember.
Tente lembrar-se.
Did you ever try to remember something like somebody's name, have it on the tip of your tongue almost, then, just as... -... you're about to say it, lose it?
Já se tentou lembrar de alguma coisa, como o nome de alguém, chegando quase a tê-lo na ponta da língua, e depois quando o vai a dizer, perde-o?
Try to remember Rienzi's exact words when he asked you... to bring the three hoods to Sally's hotel room.
Em que termos exigiu Rienzi que você conduzisse os assassinos até Sally?
Try to remember that.
Tente lembrar-se disso.
Try to remember him living. The vigor, the zest of him alive.
Lembre-se dele vivo, o seu vigor, a sua força.
Try to remember me and all I've said.
Tente recordar-se de mim e do que lhe disse.
Try to remember the peace you've found.
Tente recordar a paz que encontrou.
Try to remember what I taught you, elegance, elegance...
Tentem recordar tudo o que eu ensinei : elegância, elegância...
If I sound brash and more like a banker than a scientist, try to remember that it takes money to run an institute like ours.
Se pareço mais banqueiro que cientista, lembrem-se que é preciso dinheiro para gerir um instituto.
Try to remember.
Tente lembrar.
You should wait till morning, and then... perhaps try to remember from which hotel you have wandered?
É melhor esperar até amanhã de manhã para descobrir qual é o seu hotel.
I'll try to remember everything... you ever said.
Vou tentar lembrar de tudo... que você disse.
I must try to remember.
Tenho de procurar lembrar-me.
Please, try to remember.
Por favor, tente lembrar-se. Como foi infectada?
Try to remember.
Tente recordar.
It's just that now when I try to remember the pain, all I can remember is my mama kissing it away.
Mas sempre que me tento lembrar da dor, só me recordo da minha mãe dar um beijinho.
Now try to remember
Vê se percebes.
Try to remember. You have to.
Tenta recordar-te, é preciso.
Try to remember.
Tenta recordar-te...
In any case, try to remember.
De qualquer forma, tenta não esquecer.
- I will try to remember that.
- Tentarei não me esquecer.
Then why do you try to remember them?
Então, por que tentas recordá-las?
Or in Florence, perhaps... where try to remember it for yourself, Natasha.
Ou então em Florença, onde... Tente recordar por si, Natasha. Onde?
Please try to remember.
Tente lembrar-se.
Try to remember what you've overheard.
Veja lá se se lembra do que ouviu.
Try to remember...
Veja lá se se recorda...
I'll try to remember that.
Tentarei lembrar-me disso.
- You've got to try to remember.
- Tem de tentar lembrar-se.
Try to remember.
Tente lembrar-se!
Max, this is important, try to remember.
Max, isto é importante,.. ... tente lembrar-se.
Try to remember, Max, time is running out. It's almost 12 : 30.
Tente lembrar-se, Max, o tempo está a esgotar-se... já são quase 12 : 30.
So try to remember that.
Tentem lembrar-se disso.
- Listen to me. Try and remember.
- Escute, e veja se decora.
I've been racking my brain to try and remember what it was I said.
Estou me torturando pra lembrar o que foi que eu disse.
I must remember that and try to control myself.
Devo recordar-me disso e controlar-me.
I bet you'll remember this the next time you try to do a good deed.
Vais lembrar-te disto da próxima vez que tentares fazer uma boa acção.
Try and remember why you came to New York.
Tenta lembrar-te porque é que tu vieste para Nova Iorque.
Now, remember, Harry, we're friends and we're buddies, and we're supposed to stick together, so you shouldn't try and run away from me.
Lembra-te, Harry, nós somos amigos e compinchas, e é suposto ficarmos juntos, por isso não devias tentar fugir de mim.
Now, remember, all you have to do is speak your lines clearly try not to trip over the furniture and we'll run longer than The Mousetrap.
Vamos, a festa acabou. A única coisa que têm a fazer é dizer claramente as deixas, não batam na mobília e ficamos mais tempo em cena do que "A Ratoeira".
Try and remember, Hymie, because if someone has been tampering with your circuits, it would have to be somebody from inside of CONTROL.
Tente lembrar-se, Hymie, porque, se alguém alterou os seus circuitos,.. .. foi feito por alguém dentro da CONTROL e isso quer dizer que há um espião la dentro.
Exactly. Now remember, Max, try to make it sound conversational and natural.
Lembre-se, Max faça parecer uma conversa normal.
But if you ever try to come across.... lf l ever do decide to come back, I'll remember that.
Mas se tentar atravessar... Se um dia decidir voltar, vou lembrar-me disso.
try to keep up 60
try to understand 163
try to get some sleep 40
try to get some rest 25
try to stay calm 47
try to understand me 17
try to relax 119
try to 36
try to calm down 25
try to sleep 39
try to understand 163
try to get some sleep 40
try to get some rest 25
try to stay calm 47
try to understand me 17
try to relax 119
try to 36
try to calm down 25
try to sleep 39
try to breathe 17
to remember 22
remember 10256
remembered 17
remember me 722
remember who you are 28
remember your training 25
remember this 223
remember this day 16
remember your promise 19
to remember 22
remember 10256
remembered 17
remember me 722
remember who you are 28
remember your training 25
remember this 223
remember this day 16
remember your promise 19
remember when 16
remember when we were kids 18
remember this one 18
remember us 50
remember what i taught you 16
remember that 729
remember what you said 29
remember what we talked about 38
remember what i told you 67
remember that one 18
remember when we were kids 18
remember this one 18
remember us 50
remember what i taught you 16
remember that 729
remember what you said 29
remember what we talked about 38
remember what i told you 67
remember that one 18