Who would it be tradutor Português
715 parallel translation
Why? When two countries are at war and one is attacked... who would it be but the enemy?
Quando dois países estão em guerra e um é atacado, quem poderá ser senão o inimigo?
If you chose the most fabulous character in English literature, who would it be?
Se tivesses que escolher a mais fabulosa personagem da literatura inglesa... quem escolherias?
- Who would it be? Joe, your little darling.
- Quem haveria de ser?
If you could get any interview you want... excluding one with Sukarno, who would it be?
Se quisesse uma entrevista, excluindo Sukarno...
I'll leave it to you. Would any court not be in sympathy with a woman who gave up her best years for your uncle?
Sr. Deeds, imagina um tribunal que não dê razão a uma mulher que sacrificou os melhores anos da vida pelo seu tio?
- Also, it would be unwise of us... to permit the existence of anyone who cannot be trusted.
Além disso, seria imprudente da nossa parte permitir que existisse alguém em quem não se pode confiar.
Would it be indiscreet of me to ask who this young man is?
Seria indiscrição minha perguntar quem é esse jovem?
See, there's a lot of kids just like you who are Jewish and if you said it, it would be admitting there was something bad in being Jewish and something swell in not.
Há muitos miúdos como tu, que são judeus, e se o dissesses, seria admitir que há mal em ser judeu e que é bom não ser.
Why, who else would I be wearing it for, Ross?
Para quem mais a usaria, Ross?
We've had an anxious day, Captain, wondering if it would be you or the police who would call on us.
Tivemos um dia ansioso, capitão, à espera de saber se seria você ou a policia que nos iria chamar.
It is gratifying to learn that women exist who would permit themselves... to be auctioned off for the price of a slit throat.
É gratificante saber que existem mulheres dispostas a deixarem-se vender pelo preço de um pescoço cortado.
- I couldn't be sure if it would be you who came.
- Não tinha a certeza que serias tu.
Ajournalist in Switzerland met with a German scientist who stated that your project would be an incredible breakthrough in anti-Godzilla operations in Japan when completed. It's the truth.
É verdade.
It would be a good trophy to show to those who still waver.
Será um bom troféu para mostrar aos indecisos.
Would it be bad manners to ask who tipped off the police at the market?
É má educação perguntar quem informou a polícia?
He said it's people like us who would make this country what it should be.
Ele disse que eram pessoas como nós que fariam deste um grande país.
It would be her who'd throw herself at him.
Sabia que se atiraria sobre ele.
Who else would it be?
- Quem haveria de ser?
But it would be just too bad if a part of this huge operation couldn't have saved... one of the two guys who made it all possible.
Mas seria uma pena se uma parte desta operação... não salva-se um dos dois homens que a tornou possivel.
If we knew the secret of why it is empty and what its function was supposed to be in determining proof of identity, we would also know the secret of who killed Elston Carr.
Se soubéssemos o segredo do porquê está vazia e qual função deveria ter na determinação da prova de identidade, nós também saberíamos o segredo de quem matou Elston Carr.
And also according to that same miner's law, it would be perfectly legal for me to shoot any man who tried to jump my claim.
E também, segundo essa mesma lei dos mineiros, seria perfeitamente legal eu matar qualquer homem que tentasse apoderar-se da minha concessão.
I was so good that once a day someone would ride into town to make me prove it. And every morning I'd start my drinking a few minutes earlier until one morning the guy who asked me to prove it turned out to be 16 years old.
Tão bom que todo o dia... alguém chegava à cidade para que eu o demonstrasse... e em cada manhã... eu começava a beber uns minutos antes... até que numa manhã... o tipo que me desafiou só tinha 16 anos...
Now, you wouldn't have thought it was going to be your own father... Who would be responsible for this change in my attitude?
Você nunca iria pensar que seria o seu próprio pai o responsável pela minha mudança de atitude.
Who would be the happier for it?
Quem ficará mais feliz com ela?
I should be obliged if you would go there posthaste and inquire into the history of this play where it was produced in 1951, who was in it, and so on.
Ficaria muito agradecida se lá fosse de imediato e se informasse sobre a história desta peça. Onde foi produzida em 1951, quem participou nela e tudo isso.
A man who would take a bit of blooming heather from an old lady... ... and crush it in a civil ceremony in Las Vegas... ... deserves to be horsewhipped.
Um homem capaz de tirar uma donzela a uma velha e de a levar para uma cerimónia civil em Las Vegas, merece ser chicoteado.
It would be me who wouldn't be any good as a husband.
Eu é que não haveria de prestar como marido.
Now, if these men are who they claim to be... it would be reasonable... to expect them to be able to write down a list of those agents.
Se estes homens são quem dizem ser, seria razoável... esperar que fossem capazes de escrever uma lista desses agentes.
It would be very useful for us if we knew of some Americans... who did not share their government's naive sentiments.
Ser-nos-ia muito útil conhecer alguns americanos... que não partilhem dos sentimentos ingénuos do seu governo.
I figured you'd be the one man in this town who would find it difficult to lie to me.
Achei que seria o único na cidade... que teria dificuldades de mentir para mim. O Sr. Dusaine é o perito em leis.
It would be interesting to see what four people could do, if given the equipment, who didn't know anything about it, and told to get on with it and do something. I think we'd come off better.
Seria interessante ver o que quatro pessoas fariam, se lhes dessem o equipamento, e sem saber nada dele tivessem de começar a usá-lo.
And even I knew that one day when the people came to their senses and swept the Conservatives back into power it would be these men who, together with my father would form the government.
E até mesmo eu sabia que, um dia, quando as pessoas caíssem em si e voltassem a pôr os Conservadores no poder, seriam estes dois homens que, juntamente com 0 meu pai, formariam 0 governo.
Who wants that said this, it would be greeted with enthusiasm.
Quem quer que o dissesse, seria saudado com entusiasmo.
E it said me that the clinic stops children who start in Hamburg it went to be destruida. went to be dismissed e that received letters threatening that they said that if it put the hands in Aryan children, would have problems.
E ele disse-me que a clínica para crianças que começara em Hamburgo ia... ele ia ser destituído e que recebia cartas ameaçadoras que diziam que se ele pusesse as mãos em crianças arianas, teria problemas.
Convinced of that the victory would be its before the Winter starting, it commanded the generals who continued.
Convencido de que a vitória seria sua antes do Inverno começar, ordenou aos generais que prosseguissem.
Because if I taught it to you, there would be no longer only two people in the world who knew it, but, but three.
Porque se te o ensinasse, não seríamos dois a conhecer o antikoto... mas seríamos três.
It would be me who wouldn't be any good as a husband.
Seria eu que não iria ser um bom marido.
It would be useful to question the humans who were found on the ship.
Seria útil questionar os humanos que foram encontrados na nave.
It wise person who the superiority material of the enemy, when it was mobilized in its fullness, would be smashing.
Ele sabia que a superioridade material do inimigo, quando fosse mobilizada na sua plenitude, seria esmagadora.
Hitler wise person who the supplying it would be the worse problem of the Allies, from there its determination in keeping the ports for the biggest possible time e in destroying them completely when finally they yielded.
Hitler sabia que o abastecimento seria o pior problema dos Aliados, daí a sua determinação em manter os portos pelo maior tempo possível e em destruí-los por completo quando finalmente cedessem.
Mr. and Mrs. Rita Trondheim, Reginald Bosankway who would be next to Norway in a rhyming dictionary if it included proper names and if he pronounced his name like that.
A IDADE DE OURO DA IRRIGAÇÃO DO CÓLON Mr. e Mrs. Rita Trondheim, Reginald Bosankuega, que ficaria ao lado da Noruega num dicionário de rimas, se incluísse nomes próprios e o nome se pronunciasse assim.
It would not be enough for a pathologist, especially if he were doing routine army pathology, to indulge himself in what is a special medical legal exercise of identification in which he knows, if he's had experience, he must use the services of a skilled dental surgeon, very often a dental surgeon whose work has become forensic or who may have turned over to forensic identification work entirely.
Não seria suficiente para um patologista, especialmente se estivesse a fazer patologia no exército, envolver-se num exercício específico de identificação que ele sabe, se tiver experiência, que deve ser feito por um cirurgião dentista habilidoso.
- Who else would it be, you ignoramus?
- Quem mais poderia ser, ignorante?
Who would've dreamed it could be so simple.
Quem adivinharia que pudesse ser tão simples.
Would it not be logical to appoint the man who has held the post of Minister of the Interior?
Seria de toda a justiça confiar a presidência a quem detém a pasta do Ministério do Interior. Não acha?
And who was altogether to be pitied as a poor little helpless abandoned wife. Whilst you, monsieur, took elaborately indiscreet pains to advertise your romance, instead of trying to conceal it as any prudent lover would.
Suscitando pena, como uma pobre esposa abandonada, enquanto o marido vai lá fora propagandear o seu romance, em vez de o manter em segredo como você faria com qualquer amante.
- Somewhere in here. The townpeople who has been forced to work on the fields estimate them to be approximately five miles... which, by jeep, would put it somewhere in this radius.
As pessoas da cidade que foram obrigadas a trabalhar no campo dizem que devem ser a cerca de oito quilómetros, o que, de jipe, nos situa mais ou menos aqui.
While we're running around trying to find out who's running this operation... as a new pilot... I think it would be a good idea to give this Dick Nash a really rough edge.
Enquanto andamos por aí a tentar descobrir quem manda nesta operação, acho que era boa ideia dar ao novo piloto, a este Dick Nash um lado duro.
I just never dreamed it would be one your friends who'd turn you in.
Mas nunca pensei que seria um dos seus amigos a entregá-lo.
In fact, were it not for the swift return to Kuala Lampur of her present employer, who finds her most satisfactory, she would not be available today for your consideration.
Green está nos nossos livros há anos e tem excelentes referências. Se não fosse pelo repentino regresso para Kuala Lumpur do seu patrão, que a acha muito satisfatória, ela hoje não estaria disponível para o senhor a ver.
That operative wouldn't be a guy who drives around in a black T-top, would it?
Esse operativo não será um tipo que conduz um carro preto, pois não?
who would do that 91
who would know 21
who would've thought 34
who would have thought 73
who would you pick 16
who would you choose 19
who would do such a thing 43
who wouldn't 128
who would 60
who would that be 34
who would know 21
who would've thought 34
who would have thought 73
who would you pick 16
who would you choose 19
who would do such a thing 43
who wouldn't 128
who would 60
who would that be 34
who wouldn't be 47
who would do something like that 20
who would do something like this 17
who would do this 52
it belongs to me 35
it begins 43
it better be good 19
it beats me 19
it belongs to you 21
it better 38
who would do something like that 20
who would do something like this 17
who would do this 52
it belongs to me 35
it begins 43
it better be good 19
it beats me 19
it belongs to you 21
it better 38
it belongs to us 19
it better not 20
it better be 85
it belonged to my mother 21
who were you with 40
who was it 877
who was that 1077
who were they 101
who was 108
who was there 49
it better not 20
it better be 85
it belonged to my mother 21
who were you with 40
who was it 877
who was that 1077
who were they 101
who was 108
who was there 49