Where were you at tradutor Russo
374 parallel translation
Miss Newsome, I must ask, where were you at three o'clock?
Мисс Ньюсом, я должен спросить, где вы были в три часа дня?
Where were you at midnight on June 17?
Где вы были в полночь 17 июня?
- Where were you at 20?
- Где ты был в свои 20?
- Where were you at 13?
- Где был ты в свои 13?
Where were you at this late hour?
Где ты была так поздно?
Where were you at intermission?
А где Вы были в антракте?
Where were you at 5 : 00 this morning?
Где ты была сегодня в пять утра?
Where were you at 11 : 00, Father?
Где вы были в одиннадцать часов вечера?
Where were you at 3pm on St Valentine's Day?
Где ты был в три часа в День святого Валентина?
- Where were you at that time?
- Где вы жили в это время? - В Нюрнберге.
Tell me, Mr. Dyle. Where were you at 3 : 30 a. m.?
Скажите, мистер Дайл, где вы были сегодня в 3.30 утра?
Where were you at the time that Kara was murdered? I'm not sure.
Где вы были, когда убили Кару?
Where were you at the time of Vollmer's death?
Где вы были во время смерти Фолльмера?
Shut up! Where were you at school today?
Что это с тобой сегодня в школе?
According to mademoiselle Alice the crime could happen between 18 : 35 and 18 : 40 where were you at this time?
По свидетельству мадемуазель Алисы, преступление могло состояться между 18 : 35 и 18 : 40.
Where were you at 18 : 35?
А вы? Где были Вы в 18 : 35?
Where were you at this time of night?
Где ты была в такое время?
Where were you at the time of the killing, Capa?
Где вы были в момент убийства, Кэпа?
Which is, of course, Mr Lee, where were you at the time of the murder?
А вопрос такой. Мистер Ли, где Вы были в момент убийства?
- Where were you at Talavera, sir?
- Где вы были при Талавере, сэр?
Where were you at the time?
А где в этот момент находились вы?
What I mean is, I was at a tea this afternoon where some people... were speaking of you and of Lucy, too.
- Я имела в виду,.. ... что меня пригласили на чай, и там люди говорили о вас, и о Люси тоже.
Mr. Fenster, where were you last night at 10 : 00?
Мистер Фенстер, где вы были прошлым вечером в 10 часов?
Where were you while the train stopped at Sulzbach for the cart?
Где вы были, когда поезд остановился в Сульцбахе из-за повозки?
And this is where he died. Even at the end, his thoughts were of you.
Даже в самом конце он думал о вас.
I think I'm going out of my mind. Can you at least tell me where you were?
- Скажи, хотя бы, где ты была?
You could at least have told us where you were going.
Ты хоть объявляй, куда уходишь.
At first glance, it seemed impossible to lose your way. At first glance. Down straight paths, between statues with frozen gestures and granite slabs, where even now you were losing your way forever, in the stillness of the night, alone with me.
На первый взгляд казалось, здесь невозможно потеряться... на протяжении прямолинейных аллей, среди статуй с застывшими жестами и гранитных плит, где вы теперь уже потерялись навсегда, в тихой ночи одна со мной.
I've been here at least half an hour, where were you?
Я тут уже минимум полчаса. Где вас носило?
[You didn't know where you were going at the time of the accident? ]
Вы не знали, куда вы ехали, когда это произошло.
You say you didn't know where you were going at the time of the accident?
Вы говорите, что не знали куда ехали, когда произошел несчастный случай?
I wanted to send you a telegram, or something But I didn't know where you were at that moment.
Хотела отправить тебе телеграмму, но не знала, где ты находишься.
When you were giving those Spanish lessons, you ever get a peek at where they kept the garrison money?
Когда вы давали уроки испанского языка, вы не заметили, где они хранят гарнизонные деньги?
[Chuckling] Where are your friends? The ones that were with you at the theater?
Я хотела прийти раньше, но по пути в больницу, я сдуру свернула не туда и оказалась знаешь где?
But if you're still in the hole where you were buried. How can you at the same time to be with God?
Но если ты еще лежишь в могиле, то как ты можешь одновременно быть у Бога?
Where were you at this time?
А когда Вы смотрели вдоль палубы, Вы никого не видели?
After all, where were you at the time of the murder?
Почти идеальное убийство :
Comrade Gruzdev, try to remember where you were at 7 p.m. Yesterday?
Товарищ Груздев, постарайтесь вспомнить, где вы были вчера в 7 вечера.
You better tell me where you were at 18 : 35.
Мы вернемся к этому вопросу позже.
You could have at least told me where you were going, said goodbye.
Ты мог бы сказать мне, куда и когда уходишь. Попрощаться со мной.
All I know is they were stored over at the medical supply warehouse where you were, and these two geniuses managed to open the goddamn container and let the son of a bitch out.
Все что я знаю, так это то, что это хранилось на складе медицинских поставок. а эти два гения умудрились открыть чертов контейнер и позволили выбраться одному сукиному сыну. Вылезти!
- Where were you? - Did you think I'd stay in all night..... staring at my tandoori chicken?
А ты думал, я весь вечер просижу, пялясь на приготовленную курицу?
Where were you last week, that is on November 22nd at eleven in the morning?
Где ты был на прошлой неделе, 22го ноября, в 11 часов утра?
Where were you last night when the train stopped at the water tank?
Где вы были прошлой ночью, когда поезд останавливался для заправки водой?
Where were you Sunday night at 10 : 00?
- Где вы были в воскресенье вечером, в 22 : 00?
You're vultures! Where were you when I sang at Farm Aid?
Где вы были когда я пел на концерте в помощь крестьянам?
Would you tell us where you were at the time of the murder, Mrs Lee? - In the drawing room.
В гостиной.
And I know we were disturbed at the lake but I must see you again where I saved your life, at 7 : 30.
Я знаю, там на озере, мы повздорили но мне нужно увидеть тебя снова там, где я спас твою жизнь, в 7 : 30.
- Where were you last night? - At home.
- Где вы были вчера вечером?
Where were you this morning at 11 : 00?
Где ты был этим утром в одиннадцать часов?
Where were you going at 2 : 00 today?
Куда ты собирался сегодня в 2 часа?
where were you yesterday 44
where were you born 75
where were you last night 335
where were we 595
where were you 1863
where were you today 31
where were you before 20
where were you this morning 44
where were you going 77
where were you then 16
where were you born 75
where were you last night 335
where were we 595
where were you 1863
where were you today 31
where were you before 20
where were you this morning 44
where were you going 77
where were you then 16
where were they 30
where were you that night 24
where were you between 40
where were you tonight 17
where were you guys 25
where were you all night 16
where were you last night between 28
where were you two nights ago 29
you ate it 17
you attacked me 18
where were you that night 24
where were you between 40
where were you tonight 17
where were you guys 25
where were you all night 16
where were you last night between 28
where were you two nights ago 29
you ate it 17
you attacked me 18
where 9895
where is he 5231
where are they 1692
where is it 2891
where is 140
where are you going 8373
where's mummy 20
where are you 7883
wherever 110
where are you from 827
where is he 5231
where are they 1692
where is it 2891
where is 140
where are you going 8373
where's mummy 20
where are you 7883
wherever 110
where are you from 827