Where were you then tradutor Russo
136 parallel translation
So where were you then?
Так где ты тогда был?
Where were you then?
А где были вы?
If not, where were you then?
Нет? Где же ты был?
So where were you then?
Так где же вы были?
Where were you then?
Где ты был тогда?
Where were you then?
Где ты был?
Where were you then?
- Тогда где ты был?
Now, then, I assume you were born. Where?
Так, теперь, где ты родилась?
Okay, then where were you before that?
Ладно, ладно. А до этого ты где был?
Then where were you during the hour?
Так где вы были в течение часа?
And you, Gigi, where were you back then?
А Вы, Жижи, где Вы были тогда?
You see, he used to be very close to the Führer, and then he saw the changes and where they were leading.
Видите ли, он был близок к фюреру, а потом понял, куда ведут перемены.
- Then where were you three days?
- Да послушай ты меня!
You somehow knew where you were then.
В те времена ты знал, где друг, а где враг.
Then might I take it, sir, that for that period, you were not within the boundaries of Lincolnshire where, I understand, it rained like a bitch?
Тогда я осмелюсь предположить, сэр, что в тот момент времени Вы не были... в пределах Линкольншира, где, как я понимаю, ливень был нехеровый?
Where were you last night then?
Тогда где ты был прошлой ночью?
Then tell them where you were and stop lying!
Тогда, скажи им, где ты был, и перестать врать!
Then, I saw you in a dream where you were a nun.
Затем - в другом сне, где она бьiла монахиней.
Then in a strange city, where you were a dancer, and then in a faraway city where you were the prisoner of pirates.
Потом - в странном городе, где тьi бьiл танцором, а после - в далеком селении, где тебя захватили в плен пиратьi.
- Then where were you?
Я не был на море.
If you were not really there - then where were...
Если это был не ты то где же ты...
Then Esmaeel came and asked where you were.
Пришёл Исмаил и спросил - где ты?
- Then where were you?
Ну и где ты была?
Aye. Well, we know Patrick Fuller was dead by 1.30, so... where were you between midnight and then?
Дженет Эллери сказала, что у Алистера были враги на работе - его "хороший друг" Томми Нортон терпеть его не мог.
Then where were you?
В постели... с тобой. А где была?
So, where were you, then?
Так где же?
That way... Then maybe you can find out where you were exactly. and what role you played.
Таким образом... возможно ты выяснишь, где точно ты был, и какую роль играл.
Now, then, Reverend, where were you at a quarter past four?
Итак, ваше преподобие, где вы были в 16 : 15?
I then proceeded to the lawn, where I met you, Doctor, and I said, "And who exactly might you be and what were you doing here?"
Затем я отправилась на лужайку, где повстречала вас, Доктор, и сказала : "Но кто вы и что вы здесь делаете?"
What if I were to position him in a way where I get behind him, and then Frank could throw that blanket that he's got right there over us, and then that way you can't see the penetration.
Что, если я так его загну, что окажусь сзади потом Фрэнк мог бы накрыть нас покрывалом, которое он держит вот здесь и ты не сможешь увидеть акт проникновения.
So then where were you the day that sara got killed?
И где же ты был в тот день, когда Сару убили?
Well, then you won't mind us asking where you were on Sunday night between the hours of 6.00 and 7.00 pm, will you?
Значит ты не против, если мы спросим где ты был в воскресенье ночью между 6.00 и 7.00 часами вечера?
We've been into RHQ every day, they didn't know where you were, then they did, but not how badly hurt.
Мы были в штаб-квартире каждый день, но они не знали, где ты, а потом узнали, но не то, насколько серьезно ты ранен.
She literally killed somebody - - and then ate their corpse. Yeah, I saw where you were going
Нет, я просто, хотела сказать, что она буквально убила кого-то... и сьела труп.
Then where were you all night?
- Тогда где ты был всю ночь?
Then where were you last Thursday night?
Тогда где вы были в прошлый четверг ночью?
You know, I think it comes from a family where if you didn't talk, they didn't know you were there and... - Oh, and then I have this father who...
Ты знаешь, мне кажется, это пошло от семьи, где если... если ты на заговоришь, они... они не узнают, что ты там и... о, а тогда у меня был отец, который...
Where were you living then?
Где ты в то время жила?
It was Austria, where you were winning, he was behind you, and then the call came through... "Would you mind awfully getting out of his way?"
В Австрии, где ты лидировал, а он ехал позади, и команда вышла на связь... "Будь так добр, уйди с его пути".
Then at 6 : 00, someone finds his body, and no one can vouch for where you were after 5 : 00?
Затем, в шесть утра находят его труп, и никто не может поручиться, где ты был после пяти.
Then where were you when I needed you?
Тогда где ты пропадал, когда был мне так нужен?
And between then and now, you were committed to the locked ward of St. Stefan's where you continued to display violent aggression.
И в юном возрасте совершили чудовищный проступок, из-за которого оказались в психлечебнице, где проявляли агрессию.
Well, then where were you the night that she was killed?
Ну, где ты был ночь, что она была убита?
Where were you between then and 4 : 00?
Где вы были между 2 : 00 и 4 : 00?
Then, where were you?
А где же ты был?
Then tell me where you were.
Тогда скажи, где ты был.
I gave you a shot at the mail room, led you up the ranks, and then paid for you to go to Harvard, where, by the way, you jerked off the entire time you were there, and I still hired you. And you've benefited from that ever since.
Я дала тебе шанс, начать с разносчика писем, продвигала по карьерной лестнице, заплатила за твое обучение в Гарварде, где, между прочим, ты валял дурака все время пока там учился, и я все равно наняла тебя.
And then, a year later, it's where you were conceived.
И потом, годом позже, там же была зачата ты.
If you were so born here, then where's your birth certificate?
Если вы здесь родились, то где же ваше свидетельство о рождении?
- Do you know where you were, then?
- Вы знаете где вы были тогда?
- Where were you before then?
Где вы были до того?
where were you yesterday 44
where were you born 75
where were you last night 335
where were we 595
where were you 1863
where were you today 31
where were you at 53
where were you before 20
where were you this morning 44
where were you going 77
where were you born 75
where were you last night 335
where were we 595
where were you 1863
where were you today 31
where were you at 53
where were you before 20
where were you this morning 44
where were you going 77
where were they 30
where were you that night 24
where were you between 40
where were you tonight 17
where were you guys 25
where were you all night 16
where were you last night between 28
where were you two nights ago 29
where 9895
where is he 5231
where were you that night 24
where were you between 40
where were you tonight 17
where were you guys 25
where were you all night 16
where were you last night between 28
where were you two nights ago 29
where 9895
where is he 5231
where are they 1692
where is it 2891
where is 140
where are you going 8373
where's mummy 20
where are you 7883
wherever 110
where are you from 827
where's my money 195
where do you live 434
where is it 2891
where is 140
where are you going 8373
where's mummy 20
where are you 7883
wherever 110
where are you from 827
where's my money 195
where do you live 434