About anything перевод на испанский
34,770 параллельный перевод
Raj, why don't I care about anything?
Raj, ¿ por qué no me importa nada?
Stewie, is this about anything but oral stuff while you're driving?
Stewie, ¿ esto se trata de algo más que cosas orales mientras conduces?
He could do just about anything.
Podía hacer cualquier cosa.
He could make me do... Just about anything.
Podía hacerme hacer casi cualquier cosa.
a cutting tool that can slice through just about anything.
una herramienta cortante que puede rebanar casi cualquier cosa.
It only creaks when you really like someone, but can't do anything about it.
Sólo cruje cuando realmente le gusta alguien. Pero no puede hacer nada al respecto.
Do you remember anything at all about those years?
¿ Recuerdas siquiera algo de todos estos años?
You're always keen to hear stories about my unusual childhood, but I didn't think I had anything on you.
Siempre estás ansiosa por oír historias sobre mi infancia inusual, pero no creí tener nada sobre ti.
Look, I don't know anything about Beth Stone or any campground, but I think I do know how you got confused about Latham.
Retrocede. Miren, no sé nada de Beth Stone o ningún campamento, pero creo que sé cómo se confundieron con lo de Latham.
Show me where he keeps the holocron. I don't know anything about him.
Enséñame dónde guarda el holocrón.
Mr. President, do you have anything to say about the Muslim teenager in Dearborn who was beaten by police?
Sr presidente, ¿ tiene algo que decir sobre el joven musulmán de Dearborn al que dio una paliza la Policía?
Do we know anything about the condition of the boy, the one in the Michigan?
¿ Sabemos algo del estado del chico, el de Michigan?
I mean, we don't know anything about them.
No sabemos nada de ellos.
Okay. And he didn't say anything about a deposition.
Y no dijo nada sobre una declaración.
But mine saw the end of the world coming, and didn't do anything about it.
Pero los míos vieron venir el fin de nuestro mundo, y no hicieron nada al respecto.
And just forget I said anything about it.
Y olvida lo que dije de eso.
She doesn't know anything about Cadmus and her mother.
Ella no sabe nada acerca de Cadmus y su madre.
He's the reason you are in so much pain, and he's the reason that I can't do anything about it.
Él es la razón de que estés sufriendo tanto y es la razón por la que no puedo hacer nada al respecto.
We're looking for anything within the blast radius, about three klicks in every direction around the base.
Estamos buscando cualquier cosa dentro del radio de la explosión, cerca de tres klicks en todas las direcciones alrededor de la base.
Maya, is there anything else, anything that you remember about him?
Maya, ¿ hay algo más, algo que puedas recordar de él?
Yeah, and then not do anything about them.
Sí, y luego no hacer nada al respecto.
Lucy, we have a dossier on you, and it doesn't say anything about a sister.
Lucy, tenemos un dossier sobre usted y no dice nada sobre una hermana.
Earl, is there anything you wanna tell Pilar about your trip to Disney World?
Earl, ¿ hay algo que le quieras decir a Pilar sobre vuestro viaje a Disney World?
I'm expressing my pain, not that I'd expect a 12-year-old girl to know anything about that.
Expreso mi dolor, aunque no esperaría que una niña de 12 años supiera algo de eso.
Well, they didn't say anything about late-night wrist movements, so I think you're in the clear.
Bueno, no dijeron nada sobre los movimientos nocturnos de la muñeca, así que creo que estás fuera de peligro.
None of them is gonna have anything good to say about you.
nadie va a poder decir nada bueno de ti.
You didn't say anything about G'doinks.
No has dicho nada de los chorlitos.
I'm gonna see if Randy posted anything on Snapchat about his travels.
Voy a ver si Randy subió algo a Snapchat sobre sus viajes.
If he does anything or goes anywhere in public, I need to know about it immediately.
Si hace algo o va a algún sitio público, necesito saberlo inmediatamente.
He didn't see anything wrong, and neither did the other guy about two weeks earlier.
No vio nada anormal y tampoco el otro tipo dos semanas antes.
Hey, listen, could you not say anything about this to the people at the university?
Oigan, ¿ podrían no decirle nada de esto a la gente de la universidad?
Is there anything else about these guys?
¿ Hay algo más sobre estos tipos?
Is there anything else you can tell me about this Navy SEAL we're trying to arrest?
¿ Hay algo más que me puedas decir sobre el SEAL que intentamos arrestar?
If she, um, if she says anything about it, you just give me a call, okay?
Si ella dice alguna cosa sobre ello, solo llámeme, ¿ de acuerdo?
Did you tell her anything... Anything about the man who took mommy?
¿ Le dijiste aglo... algo sobre el hombre que se llevó a mamá?
And I will even look out for this blue truck, but I do not want Raimy knowing anything about this.
E incluso buscaré esa camioneta azul, pero no quiero que Raimy sepa nada de esto.
We don't know anything about him.
No sabemos nada de él.
I do my best not to know anything about my students.
Intento no conocer a mis alumnos.
Didn't Mom and Dad teach you anything about hunting rock safety?
¿ Acaso no te enseñaron a cazar con rocas?
Didn't Mom and Dad teach you anything about doing what I say?
¿ Acaso no te enseñaron a hacerme caso?
Did you notice anything unusual about his behavior over the last day or two, anything at all?
Notó algo inusual en su comportamiento... durante el último día o dos, ¿ nada en absoluto?
Well, if there's anything you'd like to know about the exhibit, or the clean water initiative, or which bartender here makes the best martini, just let me know.
Bueno, si hay algo que te gustaría saber acerca de la exposición, o la iniciativa de agua limpia, o cual bar tender prepara el mejor Martini, sólo házmelo saber.
There was part of me that didn't want to know anything about it.
Una parte de mí no quería saber nada de eso.
In 1979 I went off to Saudi Arabia and really didn't think anything more about it.
En 1979, viajé a Arabia Saudita y dejé de pensar en ello.
In neither case was I reading anything about "The Anarchist Cookbook" or hearing it.
En ningún caso leí sobre La cocina del anarquista ni supe del libro.
- Now he thinks they're after him, whoever he competes with in this sex business of his that I'm not supposed to know anything about.
- Ahora piensa que están tras él, quienquiera que compita con su negocio sexual del cual se supone que no sé nada.
Is there anything we should know about him?
¿ Hay algo que deberíamos saber de él?
Don't talk about him or my family like you know anything about us.
No hables de él o de mi familia como si supieras alguna cosa de nosotros.
Some of the people who are talking about low carb diets are little better than and that's not to take anything away but they cannot- - Don't have the skills to evaluate scientific information.
- Las personas que hablan sobre dietas bajas en carbohidratos son poco más que reporteros de noticias, y no menosprecio sus habilidades de investigar cosas, pero ellos no tienen la habilidad de evaluar información científica.
But anything else I hear in confidence just comes down to whether I'm worried about being sued or not.
Pero cualquier otra cosa que escuché en confidencia... solo se revela si estoy preocupada... sobre ser demandada o no.
He doesn't know anything about it, Frank.
No sabe nada de ello, Frank.
anything you want 299
anything 4271
anything else i can help you with 18
anything is possible 128
anything can happen 91
anything else 1903
anything you can do 21
anything else you need 38
anything you need 253
anything for you 105
anything 4271
anything else i can help you with 18
anything is possible 128
anything can happen 91
anything else 1903
anything you can do 21
anything else you need 38
anything you need 253
anything for you 105
anything you say 115
anything for me 24
anything else i can get you 16
anything missing 28
anything goes 61
anything at all 445
anything's possible 153
anything out of the ordinary 49
anything else i should know 33
anything you want to tell me 32
anything for me 24
anything else i can get you 16
anything missing 28
anything goes 61
anything at all 445
anything's possible 153
anything out of the ordinary 49
anything else i should know 33
anything you want to tell me 32