Girl talk перевод на испанский
1,455 параллельный перевод
Girl talk. Dude, come on.
Charla de mujeres.
This looks like fun time for girl talk.
Esto parece como un buen momento para charla de chicas.
Michelle and I will have girl talk.
Michelle y yo tendremos una charla de chicas.
That girl talked to me and I didn't even have to talk to her first.
Esa chica me habló y no tuve que hablarle primero. Vamos, Thor.
Just a little girl talk, Mom.
Charla de chicas, Mamá.
Girl talk.
Cosas de chicas.
Save the girl talk for your mom.
Guarda la conversación de niñita para tu mamá.
Would you stop playing game girl, we're only here to talk!
Deja de hacerte la dura, solo vamos a hablar!
Get them to let me talk to their bad girl.
Les pediré que me dejen hablar con la chica mala.
Talk to the girl.
Habla con la mujer.
But I have to talk to Jackie, and it's girl stuff.
Pero tengo que hablar con Jackie, y es una cosa de chicas.
If you think you're gonna talk me out of it with some Valley of the Dolls cautionary tale you have picked the wrong girl.
Si crees que vas a disuadirme con una moraleja de El valle de las muñecas te equivocas de chica.
Look, girl, all we need for you to do is talk...
Mira, muñeca, sólo queremos que hables.
Sam, grab Danny, go talk to the girl who OD'd.
Sam, ve con Danny a hablar con la chica.
Let's talk about that since I was sitting in the woods kind of listening to the girl power.
Hablemos de eso, ya que estaba escuchando desde los arbustos, el poder femenino.
CHRIS : It's interesting having a pretty girl playing the game'cause somebody like that can fly underneath the radar and sweet talk their way into the final five and then, you know, boom, next thing you know, they're sitting there
Es interesante tener una chica linda jugando el juego porque alguien como ella puede volar por debajo del radar y dulcemente hacerse camino hacia los ultimos cinco y luego, ya sabes, boom, lo próximo que ves, es que está ahi sentada
Big talk, coming from a girl who's flat as a board.
- Pero si estás plana...
I'm jealous that you even able to talk to a girl like that.
Me pone celoso el que hayas podido hablar siquiera con una joven así.
If you go up and talk to a girl... and she invites you for a drink, you gotta drink.
Si vas a hablar con una chica... y ella te invita un trago, tienes que aceptarlo.
David told Jeffy not to talk... about his pants around his ankles and the girl looking for her earring.
David le dijo a Jeffy que no hablara de sus pantalones en sus tobillos y la chica buscando su arete. ¿ Cómo pudiste?
Every girl wants to talk to her dad. She may act like she doesn't, but she does.
Todas las niñas quieren hablar con sus papás, aunque digan que no.
He's coming for that ring. That's what he wants to talk to me about. He intends to give that girl my mother's wedding ring.
Quiere decirme que quiere darle a esa chica el anillo de mi madre.
But if my fleeting encounter with a girl named Maureen O'Flaherty is all you really want to talk about, then that's what we'll do.
El encuentro con esa chica en el departamento es lo que quiero contar eso es todo.
And if you talk to that girl again, you're gonna need a new face.
Si vuelves a hablar con esa chica necesitarás una cara nueva. Está bien.
It's not culture to talk directly to the girl.
No es educado hablar directamente con la chica.
Besides, I wanna talk to you about this girl Linda Moon.
Además quiero hablarte acerca de una chica llamada Linda Moon.
A girl, that's all the wife and I ever talk about.
Una niña, es lo único que hablamos mi esposa y yo.
- I need to talk to the girl.
- Tengo que hablar con ella.
It's so great to be able to talk to a girl and not have to ask "What's your major?" I hate that.
Es magnífico estar con una chica, sin tener que preguntar qué estudia.
Luke, if you like this girl, we got to talk.
Mira, si te gusta esta chica tenemos que hablar.
For some reason, if the drummer's bored, Earl... he want to go talk to a girl... he might play the songs all fast.
Por algún motivo, si el baterista está aburrido, Earl... si él quiere ir a hablar con una chica... él termina tocando las canciones más rápido.
Bro, I appreciate the pep talk but if you haven't noticed, I'm trying to get this girl back.
Gracias por darme ánimos pero si no lo notaste, quiero recuperarla.
I was glad to meet a girl I could talk to.
Estaba orgulloso de haber conocido a una chica con la que podía conversar.
Could the little girl already talk?
La niña ya hablaba?
Talk to the girl who did the news 30 years ago.
Habla con la que hizo las noticias hace 30 años.
George Michael, I'm sorry, but we're going to talk about that girl later, okay?
George Michael, discúlpame, pero hablaremos de esa muchacha después, ¿ Vale?
If it's a killer you're looking for, talk to the girl in the red dress.
Si buscan a un asesino, hablen con la chica del vestido rojo.
Except from the time that I was a little girl, I knew that I could talk to the dead
Excepto que cuando era niña me enteré que podía hablar con los muertos...
Except from the time that I was a little girl, I knew that I could talk to the dead.
Excepto que desde niña sabía que podía hablar con los muertos.
Except from the time that I was a little girl, I knew that I could talk to the dead.
Si no fuera porque desde niña sé que puedo hablar con los muertos.
Except from the time that I was a little girl, I knew that I could talk to the dead.
Excepto que cuando era niña me enteré que podía hablar con los muertos...
Except from the time that i was a little girl, i knew that i could talk to the dead.
Excepto que cuando era niña me enteré que podía hablar con los muertos...
And I'm prepared, too. I was a little nervous last night about making small talk with co-workers, so I went to the video store and rented "Working girl"
Estaba un poco nerviosa anoche por las charlas informales con los colegas, así que fui a la tienda de video y renté "Working girl"
Richard, if you wanna find out what's going on in a girl's life, you most certainly don't talk to her boyfriend.
Richard, si quieres saber lo que pasa en la vida de una chica, desde luego no hables con su novio.
Someone should tell that girl not to talk to strangers.
Alguien debería decir a esa niña que no se habla con extraños.
All right. Well, be that as it may, we still need you to talk to her... because the whole thing is gonna sound so much better coming from a girl.
Sea como sea, necesitamos que hables con ella porque sonará mucho mejor si se lo dice una chica.
No, you have to go talk to the girl.
No, tienes que hablar con la chica.
I need to talk to the little girl again, just for a minute.
No, necesito hablar con la niñita otra vez.
- You should talk to the girl again. See if she showed those letters to anyone else. Okay.
Deberías hablar con la mujer de nuevo para ver si le mostró esas cartas a alguien más.
Plus you have so much more to talk to this girl about.
Además, tú tienes mucho más sobre lo que hablar con esta chica.
You know how to sweet-talk a girl.
Sabes hablarle dulce a una niña
talkies 34
talk 1219
talking 358
talkie 126
talks 18
talked 42
talk to you tomorrow 30
talk to me 2348
talk to the hand 19
talk to you later 250
talk 1219
talking 358
talkie 126
talks 18
talked 42
talk to you tomorrow 30
talk to me 2348
talk to the hand 19
talk to you later 250
talk to you soon 72
talk to her 263
talk soon 65
talking to yourself 25
talk later 61
talking about me 21
talk to your father 18
talking about 61
talk to my lawyer 20
talk me 19
talk to her 263
talk soon 65
talking to yourself 25
talk later 61
talking about me 21
talk to your father 18
talking about 61
talk to my lawyer 20
talk me 19