It's about you перевод на испанский
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It's all about you.
Siempre tú.
It's called Titan. You know what I'm talking about?
Se llama Titan. ¿ Sabes de qué estoy hablando?
It's just... weird talking to you about another girl.
Cameron, somos amigos. Está bien.
It's obvious by the way you were able to snap us out of our amnesia that you know a lot about us, as only a true friend would.
Es evidente por la forma en que fueron capaces de encajarse a presión fuera de nuestra amnesia que usted sabe mucho acerca de nosotros, ya que sólo un verdadero amigo lo haría.
I- - I don't care about the bigger picture or secrets or- - or who's sleeping with who, unless it's you sleeping with Rachel because that shit really pisses me off.
No me importa que haya algo más, secretos o... quién se acueste con quién, a no ser que sea que tú te acuestas con Rachel porque esa estupidez me cabrea.
You don't know what it's like to do this job and not have anybody to talk to about it, except a series of handlers who don't give a shit.
No sabes lo que es hacer este trabajo y no tener a nadie con el que hablar salvo un puñado de controladores a los que les importas una mierda.
It's comically long, when you think about it.
Es cómicamente largo cuando lo piensas.
You name it, she's banged on about it.
Lo que sea, ella estuvo involucrada.
You know, it's hard not to think about the fact that things maybe could've been different had I gone to see that counselor with her. I don't know.
Sabes, es difícil no pensar en el hecho de que las cosas quizás hubieran podido ser distintas de haber ido con ella a ver a ese consejero.
Now, the only thing I can tell you about these items is, like the paper, it's old.
Lo único que puedo deciros de todas estas cosas es, que como el papel, son antiguas.
If it's a woman or if it's a man, what are you going to do about it?
Si es una mujer o es un hombre, ¿ qué va a hacer sobre ello?
No matter how I think about it, there's nobody to save me but you.
No importa cómo pienso en ello, nadie me puede salvar excepto usted.
From now on, you will know everything, but right now it's about that cellar door.
A partir de ahora, sabrás todo pero ahora se trata de esa puerta del sótano.
It's not about you, it's about a payday.
No se trata de usted, es acerca de un día de pago.
You know, I've got nothing against hunting, but if she's hiding in it because she doesn't have anything else, I'm just... I'm worried about her being so alone.
Mira, no tengo nada en contra de cazar, pero si se esconde en ello, porque no tiene nada más, es sólo... que me preocupa que esté tan sola.
Yeah, well, thank you, but I'm the one who's gonna have to hear about it later.
Sí, bueno, gracias, pero yo soy quien va a tener que escuchar acerca de esto luego.
It's your personal life I'm worried about,'cause I actually do care, just so you know.
Es tu vida personal lo que me preocupa porque de verdad me importa, para que lo sepas.
I have to be here for you now because I care about you, and it's annoying.
Tengo que estar aquí para usted ahora porque me preocupo por ti, Y es molesto.
Well, you've been angry with me a lot lately, and it's killing me, so how about we try for congratulations?
Bueno, has estado muy enfadada conmigo estos últimos días, y me estaba matando, así que, ¿ qué tal si intentamos lo de felicitarme?
I think it's about time we gave you more to do around here, huh?
Creo que ya es tiempo de que te demos más responsabilidades.
So then it's possible that, uh, there can be stuff in there that you didn't see, that you don't know about, right?
Entonces es posible que... haya cosas que no vieras, de las que no supieras nada, ¿ verdad?
You could talk to her, and maybe if it comes up, you could ask if she's heard about the drug.
Podrías hablar con ella y tal vez si corresponde puedes preguntarle si ha escuchado acerca de la droga.
It's not just about being closer to you.
No es solo para estar cerca de ti.
It's just kind of hard to read that you're still so freaked out about being gay.
Es que es difícil leer que todavía estás tan asustado por ser gay.
If you get to the point where... you're thinking about the game more than you're thinking about real life... what you're gonna do for food, what you're gonna do the next day or two, you're not thinking about a relationship or a job or a career. If you're thinking about the game... it's a problem... because eventually it'll get in the way of everything real.
Si llegas al punto... donde piensas en el juego... más de lo que piensas en la vida real... en qué vas a comer... en qué harás los siguientes días de tu vida... en tu relación... o en tu trabajo o tu carrera... si piensas más en el juego... es un problema.
This is, you know, a robot conceptualizing what is gonna happen in the future and thinking about different scenarios and for any of these motions it's considering thousands and thousands of scenarios per second that might happen, especially when you get to the point
Es un robot... conceptualizando qué ocurrirá en el futuro... y pensando en distintos escenarios. Para cualquiera de estas emociones, está considerando... miles y miles de escenarios por segundo... que podrían ocurrir... especialmente cuando llegas al punto... donde los robots intercambian información entre ellos.
What's interesting about the internet is what you're gonna build on top of it for you and for me.
Lo interesante de Internet... es lo que construirás para ti y para mí.
But that's one of the wonderful things about the future is you don't know where it's gonna go.
Pero es una de las cosas maravillosas... sobre el futuro, es que no sabes a dónde irá a parar.
But the problem about reaching a larger audience is... It's important to me because more people know my face from a poster or from doing an interview on television or radio or magazine, than have ever heard the albums, or have ever seen the group live, you know?
Pero el problema de llegar a más gente es importante para mi porque se me conoce mas por un cartel, una entrevista en la televisión, la radio, o una revista, que a través de mis discos o mis conciertos, ¿ sabes?
I Don't Think That It's Possible To Sit Down And Try To Intellectualize And Theorize About How You Can Make A Record
Creo que no puedes sentarte e intentar hacer teorías intelectuales sobre cómo hacer un disco que le guste a muchísima gente.
It's Number One On The Charts, You're Still Screaming About What You Should've Done.
Aunque sea el número 1 de la lista, piensas en qué deberías haber hecho.
So let's talk about "Moony Moonikins." You've heard it?
Así que vamos a hablar de "Lunático Moonikins." Ya lo ha escuchado?
It's all about you.
Todo es por ti.
Think about what's gone down in this case and ask yourself how much more of it you can take, how many more people are going to get hurt.
Piensa en todo lo que ha conllevado este caso, y pregúntate cuánto más puedes aguantar, cuántas personas más vas a conseguir que sean lastimadas.
That's what's great about it, is that you can break down here.
Eso es lo que es grandioso, que todos podemos hacer eso aquí.
You know, it's safe to walk down these sidewalks at night and you don't have to worry about, somebody jumping out from the bushes and hitting you on the head and taking your wallet.
EL BAR Es seguro caminar por aquí de noche, y no debes preocuparte por qué alguien salga de los arbustos, te golpee en la cabeza y te robe la billetera.
It's frightening when you had a square down here on the corner, full of people, lecturing about what a hellhole this is, you know.
Es aterrador cuando tienes la plaza de la esquina llena de gente que te dice que este lugar es un infierno.
It's unbelievable what people will say about you and what, you know, how the truth gets hidden when so many people don't believe you.
Es increíble lo que la gente dice de ti y cómo se esconde la verdad cuando tanta gente no te cree.
If it's what you're about, that's fine, but that's not what we are gonna be about and you are more than welcome to take yourself out of here. "
Si ustedes son así, bien, pero nosotros no seremos así, y tienen la puerta abierta para irse si quieren ".
When you were getting all this material and some of it's talking about your brother who But, I mean, what...? - has passed away and...
Cuando recibe todo este material, alguien hablando de su hermano, quien falleció.
It does make you wonder about Satan's schedule.
Hace que te preguntes qué agenda sigue Satanás.
It's not my presence you should be worried about.
No es mi presencia por la que debe preocuparse.
It's about you working out some issues.
resolviendo algunos conflictos.
It's something that-that they tell their friends and their relatives. And then one day, you got a grandpa sitting on a porch telling his grandkids about the time he saw a baby driving a minivan.
Es algo que le cuentan a sus amigos y a sus parientes, y un día, un abuelo sentado en la galería le dirá a sus nietos que una vez vio a un bebé conducir una minivan.
That's what it sounded like to me. But then I thought when you reach that point and everyone's speaking gibberish, you better find out what they're talking about.
Pero pensé que cuando llegas a ese punto en que todo el mundo habla raro, es mejor averiguar de qué están hablando.
And, you know, the more I think about it, and Peggy's heart attack and, and what led up to it the more I'm starting to realize, I did absolutely nothing wrong.
Y, sabes, cuanto más pienso en ello, y en el ataque al corazón de Peggy y, y qué lo causó empiezo a darme más cuenta, de que no hice absolutamente nada malo.
You know, when I first heard that he died, all that I wanted to do was to tell him how I felt, and then the next thing I know, he's standing in front of me and telling me about his wedding. Wow. Come on, that's it?
Sabes, cuando escuché que había muerto, todo lo que quería hacer era decirle cómo me sentía, y después lo siguiente que sé es que está delante de mí y hablándome sobre su boda.
Are you asking if it was about the same time as Gower's?
¿ Me pregunta si fue al mismo tiempo que la de Gower?
Listen, it's about making you happy... dad, what if I never find something in my life that means as much as West Point did?
Se trata de lo que te haga feliz... Papá, ¿ y si nunca encuentro algo... que signifique tanto como West Point?
I really get how it's about being who you need to want to be, in a world where needing to be someone is more about being who you think you need to be, when really, what we all just need to do is sing... man.
Sí, realmente lo entiendo. Entiendo que se trata de ser quién necesitas querer ser, en un mundo donde la necesidad de ser alguien es más por ser quién crees que necesitas ser, cuando en realidad, lo que todos necesitamos hacer es cantar... hombre.
Of course it's about you and me Boxing's my life too
Por supuesto que se trata de ti y de mí. Mi vida también es el boxeo.
it's about damn time 34
it's about fucking time 24
it's about time 533
it's about that time 16
it's about 350
it's about to start 25
it's about me 95
it's about trust 19
it's about this 19
it's about family 16
it's about fucking time 24
it's about time 533
it's about that time 16
it's about 350
it's about to start 25
it's about me 95
it's about trust 19
it's about this 19
it's about family 16
it's about him 23
it's about money 31
it's about us 42
it's about her 19
about you and me 17
about you 267
about yourself 16
about your mother 24
about your 17
about your dad 25
it's about money 31
it's about us 42
it's about her 19
about you and me 17
about you 267
about yourself 16
about your mother 24
about your 17
about your dad 25
about your age 24
about your father 21
you know 156049
you know what 23733
you see 13602
you will be 199
you got this 563
young 1055
your 1839
you got it 4932
about your father 21
you know 156049
you know what 23733
you see 13602
you will be 199
you got this 563
young 1055
your 1839
you got it 4932
you suck 398
youtube 39
you can do it 1412
you bitch 789
you're cute 195
you okay 9168
youn 21
your hat 64
yourself 387
your own 34
youtube 39
you can do it 1412
you bitch 789
you're cute 195
you okay 9168
youn 21
your hat 64
yourself 387
your own 34
your phone 169
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your honor 7894
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younger 104
you got a pen 63
you know that 5741
your full name 16
you are 6060
you're welcome 5601
yours 1007
your honor 7894
you tell 24
younger 104
you got a pen 63
you know that 5741
your full name 16
you are 6060
you're welcome 5601