That is adorable перевод на испанский
247 параллельный перевод
Oh that is adorable!
¡ Adorable!
- That is adorable.
Eso es adorable.
That is adorable. Think he'd mind if I call him that too?
Eso es adorable. ¿ Crees que le molestaría que yo lo llame así?
I know that a secluded life is a happy one, but this child is much too adorable for you to hide away.
Ya sé que una vida de aislamiento es una vida feliz, pero esta niña es demasiado adorable como para que la escondan.
That adorable young thing is an unholy terror on wheels.
Esa adorable joven es algo terrorífico.
Any ladle is sweet that dishes out some gravy.
Cualquier cucharón es adorable si recoge algo de salsa.
Emily is the most loving and loveable person in the world. But if you are implying that she's experienced a great, romantic passion. I can assure you that such is not the case.
Emily es la persona más cariñosa y adorable del mundo... pero si deduce Ud. que ha vivido un gran pasión romántica... puedo asegurarle que no es el caso.
That, madam, is I think all I need tell you about this... desirable residence.
Eso, señora, creo que es todo lo que le tengo que contar sobre esta adorable residencia.
That adorable bootlegger is on his way with a gallon of gin.
Ese adorable contrabandista ya viene con un galón de gin.
- That is gorgeous.
Es una preciosidad. Es adorable.
Well, that flaming reason the poet is looking for, when it appears, takes the form of a beautiful redhead.
Bien, esta razón ardiente que un poeta espera... cuando se le aparece, tiene el aspecto de un adorable rubor.
That little dog is so sweet.
Ese perrito es tan adorable.
That's the reason that 3 : 00 in the morning... is not the ideal time for me to tell her... that her son was married three hours ago... to the most adorable girl... in all Switzerland.
Por eso, las 3 : 00 de la mañana... no es el momento ideal para decirle... que su hijo se casó hace tres horas... con la chica más adorable... de todo Suiza.
Here she is, that adorable swastika sweetheart,
¡ Aquí la tenemos! La adorable esvástica de dulce corazón...
What splendid little tricks and strategies... is inside that lovely head of yours to allow you to breath... the clear polish air? What a multitude at Auschwitz choked slowly...
¿ Qué maravillosos trucos y estrategias... hay dentro de esa adorable cabeza tuya que te permiten respirar... el limpio aire polaco... mientras una multitud se asfixiaba en Auschwitz...
And so, after leaving that delightful old man, who is so firmly convinced that his famous son is still alive, I began to wonder... is it possible?
Y tras dejar a aquel adorable anciano, que está convencido de que su famoso hijo aún está vivo, empecé a preguntarme : "¿ Es posible?".
She is a lovely woman, Watson, with a face that a man might die for.
Ella es una mujer adorable, Watson, con una cara por la cual un hombre daría la vida.
To be gorgeous and high and true and fine and fluffy and moist and sticky and lovely, all you have to do is to believe that one is gorgeous and high and true and fine and fluffy and moist and sticky and lovely.
Para ser hermoso, y grande, y verdadero, y excelente, y esponjoso, y húmedo, y pegajoso y adorable, todo lo que tiene que hacer es creer que usted mismo es hermoso, y grande, y verdadero, y excelente, y esponjoso, y húmedo, y pegajoso y adorable.
The charge before us is that the Flanders pigeon murderer... did deliberately, callously, and with beastliness of forethought murder a lovely, innocent pigeon!
El caso que nos ocupa es que este asesino de palomas belgas deliberadamente, cruelmente, y con bestialidad y premeditación, ¡ mató una paloma adorable e inocente!
That is so adorable. We have so much in common.
Es tan adorable, tenemos mucho en común.
That cute, adorable face staring back at you is not a weapon.
Esa cara adorable no es un arma.
That little girl is so darling.
Esa niñita es adorable.
I remember the first time I met Gerald, I said to my wife she's the lovely woman propping up that old lush of a mother of his either this man is suffering from serious brain damage or the new vacuum cleaner's just arrived.
Cuando conocí a Gerald le dije a mi mujer : ( es aquella adorable mujer que está junto a la madre de él ), o este hombre sufre de serias lesiones cerebrales o ya inventaron las nuevas aspiradoras.
- Oh, that purse is adorable.
- Ese bolso es divino.
That nice Mrs. Maretto is married to a boy whose father is a pillar of the Italian-American community, and if he knew how you had insulted his only beloved daughter-in-law, he would make one phone call and a man would show up in the middle of the night and turn you into a eunuch.
Esa adorable Srta. Maretto está casada con un chico... cuyo padre es un pilar de la comunidad Ítalo-Norteamericana... y si se enterara de cómo insultaste... a su única y querida nuera... haría un llamado telefónico... y un hombre con un gran cuchillo aparecería en medio de la noche... y te convertiría en un eunuco.
Now, that is just the... teeniest, tiniest, most adorable thing I have ever seen.
Creí que estaba contigo, y luego... escuché tu mensaje. - Bueno, ¿ le dirás que vine? - Sí, yo...
adorable. Their relationship is everything that our family's isn't.
Su relación es todo lo que nuestra familia necesita.
Inside of that there is a charming photograph of Hong Ling and you.
Y detrás, hay una adorable fotografía de Hong Ling... y... tú.
That's lovely, and it is so you.
Es adorable, y es tan para ti.
Yes, that is lovely, isn't it?
Si, es adorable ¿ no crees?
That puppy's adorable. Whose puppy is that?
Ese cachorrito es adorable. ¿ De quién es?
That is a lovely shade of blue.
Ese tono de azul es adorable.
And is that the lovely Mrs. Gage?
¿ Y esa es la adorable Sra. Gage.
Simon, that is so cute!
Simón, qué adorable.
... this woman is the most adorables creature that I've ever contacted
Es la criatura más adorable con la que me he relacionado.
What is that adorable expression... at Her Majesty's pleasure.
¿ Cómo era aquello tan bonito? "Complaciendo a Su Majestad".
By the way, where is that adorable bird of yours?
Por cierto, ¿ dónde esta esa adorable ave suya?
Broots, you lovable moron, is that you?
Broots, tarado adorable, ¿ eres tú?
That is so adorable.
Eres adorable.
What the hell is this? Am I supposed to believe that you know "bujitsu"?
Oh, la adorable Srta. Guilford.
I think that he is lovely.
Pienso que el es adorable.
I know you're a feminist and I think that's adorable but this is grown-up time and I'm the man.
Sé que eres feminista, y eso me parece encantador pero esto es cosa seria, y yo soy el hombre.
Uh, that's influenza, that's bronchitis... and this cute little cuddle-bug is pancreatic cancer.
Eso es gripe, eso es bronquitis y este bichito adorable es cáncer pancreático.
That is so sweet.
Eso es tan adorable.
I want you to tell her you're sorry, that you weren't feeling well... and you think Dean is a lovely boy and he's welcome anytime.
Quiero que le digas que te disculpas, que no te sentías bien... que piensas que Dean es adorable y que es bienvenido aquí.
Es tan adorable.
That is so cute!
Es tan adorable.
That little Filipina girl is just darling.
Esa chica filipina es adorable.
Who is that adorable creature?
¿ Quién es esa adorable criatura?
- Whose adorable dog is that?
- ¿ De quién es ese adorable perro?
That is just so... adorable.
Eso es simplemente tan adorable.
that is 2872
that is so lame 16
that is the question 108
that is not 75
that is awesome 117
that is not fair 93
that is so sweet 227
that is not the point 62
that is weird 91
that is good 189
that is so lame 16
that is the question 108
that is not 75
that is awesome 117
that is not fair 93
that is so sweet 227
that is not the point 62
that is weird 91
that is good 189
that is not true 434
that is ridiculous 146
that is all 319
that is right 117
that is an order 68
that is enough 189
that is so cool 125
that is great 150
that is a lie 69
that is disgusting 118
that is ridiculous 146
that is all 319
that is right 117
that is an order 68
that is enough 189
that is so cool 125
that is great 150
that is a lie 69
that is disgusting 118