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They're nice перевод на испанский

1,644 параллельный перевод
They're nice.
Son lindos.
Write a nice letter to your people so they know you're here.
Escribele una linda carta a tu gente... así sabrán que estás aquí.
I think they're both real nice, and I hope it all ends well.
Creo que los dos son realmente lindos, y espero que todo termine bien.
- Oh, they're very nice, though.
- Son muy bonitos, de todos modos.
- They're really nice.
Son muy bonitos.
They're new, so be nice- - You didn't tell them our real names.
- Son nuevos, sean amables... - ¿ Le diste nuestros nombres verdaderos?
And your family, they're all so nice.
Y tu familia, son todos tan buenos.
They're having a nice promotion for the maiden voyage, calling it the Diamond Cruise.
En el viaje inaugural están presentando "Diamantes a bordo" :
They're nice.
Son lindas.
Yes. They're very nice.
- Sí, son muy simpáticos!
Anyway, they're nice and bony.
De todos modos, son bonitas y huesudas.
Nice, cheap labor who can't complain to the authorities... if they're ripped off or mistreated.
Bien, trabajo barato que no puede quejarse con las autoridades si ellos son maltratados o abusados.
They're nice and warm.
Blandas y calientes.
They're kitschy, but nice.
Es muy kitch, pero agradable.
- They're nice.
Son bonitos.
Well, they're very nice.
Bueno, son muy amables.
Now they're nice and slippery.
Ahora son agradables y resbalazadizas.
- Yeah, they're nice, Al.
- Sí, son bonitos, Al.
If they stay or go, if they're mean or nice.
Si se quedan o no, si son buenos o malos.
They're nice pictures, aren't they?
Muchas fotografías lindas.
They're actually very nice.
De hecho, son bastante amables.
They're nice.
Albrecht and Rosemary are nice but they're old and sad.
Albrecht y Rosemary son buenos pero están viejos y tristes.
'Cause they're nice people.
Porque son gente linda.
They're nice and ripe.
Son agradables y maduros.
If you asked them what pack it was they wouldn't notice it but the theory was that somewhere, it's buried in here and then when they get to the age where they're smoking without even realizing it they're going for that pack that they recognize because it had those nice feelings for them when they were little kids.
Si uno les preguntara que caja era, ni siquiera lo notarían. Pero la teoría era que en algún lugar, está grabado aquí dentro. Entonces cuando llegan a la edad en que están fumando, sin ni siquiera darse cuenta, van a buscar la caja que reconocen porque tiene esos sentimientos lindos de cuando eran chicos.
They're satisfied, it's nice they remember the warm feelings of playing and getting the toy being with mom and dad.
Están satisfechos. Es lindo. Recuerdan los lindos sentimientos de jugar y conseguir el juguete, de estar con mamá y papá.
Yes, they like you now and they're nice to you.
Sí, les gustas ahora que son agradables para ti.
If you're nice, they want you mean and vice versa.
Si te portas bien, quieren que seas malo, y viceversa.
They ´ re going to draw you a contract, handle your promotion, get you some gigs and a nice house for you to live in.
Te harán un contrato, te promocionarán, tendrás actuaciones y una bonita casa en la que vivir.
They're very nice.
Gente muy agradable.
They're really nice here, I'm fine.
Son realmente simpáticos aquí, estoy bien.
They're nice.
Son agradables.
They're really nice, come on!
Son súper bonitas, venga...
But they're so nice.
Pero son preciosas.
They're nice, huh?
Son lindas, ¿ no?
They're so nice.They talked to me and showed me all their cool stuff.This one named George he said maybe someday I can meet his dog.
Son muy amables. Me hablaron y mostraron sus cosas. Este tipo George dijo que algún día puedo conocer a su perro.
They're nice. But not your cup of tea.
No te disculpes.
They're at school. Nice try, though.
Están en la Escuela, pero buen intento
They're nice here.
Aquí son amables.
They're both nice, you know, but it's just an occasional meal.
Los dos están bien. Pero solo cenamos de vez en cuando y vamos al cine.
No. They are nice enough to not put "You're too stupid" in the letter.
No, son demasiado amables para decirme estúpido por carta.
Sometimes they come out and they're nice and docile, and other times, you open the cell and aahhh!
A veces salen y son buenos y dóciles y otras veces abres la celda y...
They're just being nice.
Sólo están siendo amables.
I don't want you getting your nice clothes all- - oh, at least they're gone.
No quiero ver que su ropa buena se ponga- - Al menos se fueron.
I admit, they're a little overeager, but they're really a nice bunch of kids.
Lo admito. Son demasiado entusiastas... pero aún así, son un lindo grupo de chicos.
Actually, they're really nice.
- En realidad, son muy queridas.
- They're all nice.
- Todos lo son.
They're really nice.
se ven muy agradables.
Of course they're going to say nice things to you.
Claro, van a decirte cosas agradables.
Yes, they're very nice.
Sí, son muy bonitas.

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