Something happened to me перевод на французский
578 параллельный перевод
If you can't contact me afterwards, that means something happened to me.
cela signifie que quelque chose m'est arrivé.
Something happened to me last night.
La nuit dernière m'a transformé.
But me, something happened to me, something burst inside me, you hear?
Mais moi j'en ai fait quelque chose! Une chose dont je crève, vous entendez!
Something happened to me when we arrived here that...
Il m'est arrivé quelque chose quand nous sommes venus.
What'll happen to the estate if something happened to me?
Que deviendra le domaine s'il m'arrive quelque chose?
Something happened to me too.
J'ai été frappée par la foudre.
Well. Well, when your book came, with your name on it... and my name printed inside, something happened to me.
En voyant ton nom sur ton livre, et le mien dedans, j'ai eu un choc.
Something happened to me on the way over.
Il m'est arrivé quelque chose en chemin.
Something happened to me last night. Something very peculiar happened to me.
Il m'est arrivé une chose étrange...
Say it didn't work... say something happened to me... they can't pin a thing in this world on you.
Si ça ne marchait pas, s'il m'arrivait quelque chose, ils n'ont rien à te reprocher.
Well, something happened to me and I need her.
Il m'est arrivé quelque chose, je dois la voir.
Something happened to me and I can't find a solution.
Mon Père, quelque chose m'est arrivé et je ne trouve pas de solution.
Something happened to me tonight. Everything you said about me is true.
Ce soir, j'ai compris que vous aviez raison, Kathy.
Suppose something happened to me?
S'il m'arrive malheur...
Only... something happened to me... something unexpected as the things you told me.
Seulement... quelque chose m'est arrivé... Quelque chose d'inattendu comme les choses que vous m'avez dites.
J'ai vécu quelque chose, mais je ne sais plus exactement quoi.
We both knew, If something happened to me, the shock would kill her.
Nous savions tous les deux que si quelque chose m'arrivait, le choc la tuerait.
Well, something happened today, something that makes it necessary for me to collect at once.
- Quelque chose s'est produit aujourd'hui, une chose qui m'a forcé à venir réclamer l'argent tout de suite.
She'd have written me anyway. Something's happened to her.
Il lui est arrivé quelque chose.
"He called me aside and said'Peter, something terrible has happened to me."'
"ll m'a pris à part et m'a dit : 'll m'arrive quelque chose d'affreux."'
No, something has happened to me.
Non, à moi!
I remembered something funny which happened to me when I was hunting once.
Je me souvenais d'une histoire drôle qui m'est arrivée à la chasse.
Something ´ s happened to me.
Quelque chose s'est produit en moi.
Something's happened that makes me think that for the next few days, you're going to need my constant protection.
Un événement récent m'amène à croire que, ces prochains jours, vous aurez constamment besoin de ma protection.
Something's happened to me.
Il m'arrive quelque chose.
Miss Elizabeth, I'm afraid something has happened to disturb you.
Miss Elizabeth, vous me semblez bien contrariée.
When I first came to work here, something very strange happened to me.
Les premiers jours ici, il m'est arrive une chose etrange :
Mac told me what to do in case something like this happened.
Mac m'a laissé des instructions.
Well, something's happened, Kit... which can't be any more of a surprise to you than it was to me.
Il s'est produit une chose, Kit, qui ne te surprendra pas autant qu'elle m'a surpris.
It's something that has never happened to me before... something I never expected would happen... but suddenly it is as if nothing else existed... even my music, which used to mean so much to me. Yes.
No, something much more wonderful has happened to me.
Non, quelque chose de bien plus merveilleux m'est arrivé.
Where it comes to seeing the future, something once happened to me that knocks your theory into a cocked hat.
Il m'est arrivé quelque chose qui renverse vos théories.
Something terrible's happened to me. I don't know what it is.
Quelque chose de terrible m'est arrivé.
As if something had happened to me, and not to him.
Comme si cela m'était arrivé et pas à lui.
Lydia, something's happened to me.
Lydia, il m'est arrivé quelque chose.
Something that happened to me when I was a baby, he says.
Quelque chose me serait arrivé quand j'étais bébé.
I thought something might have happened to her.
Je me suis dit que quelque chose lui était arrivé.
Something's happened to me.
C'est à moi.
I'm telling you all this because it has something to do with what happened to me.
Je vous le dis, car c'est en rapport avec ce qui est arrivé.
I must talk to you, I must see you, something fantastic happened to me.
Je dois te parler. Il m'arrive une chose formidable.
"But since Peter's already told you what has happened to us... I feel I must add something by way of explaining Peter's side of the case."
Mais puisque Peter vous a déjà parlé de nous... je me sens obligée de plaider pour Peter dans cette affaire. "
"Jane, I'm sorry. You've been wonderful, darling." "lt's not your fault, but something strange happened to me a few months ago."
Ce n'est absolument pas de ta faute.
I was worried. I thought something happened to you.
Je me suis fait du mouron pour toi.
My father was supposed to pick me up, but something must've happened.
Mon père devait venir me chercher, mais il a dû avoir un empêchement.
Sarah dear, something rather pleasant has happened to me.
Sarah chérie, il m'est arrivé quelque chose d'agréable.
Something very disturbing happened to me today... that stirred up very deep emotions.
Quelque chose d'étrange a fait renaître en moi des sentiments oubliés.
Something remarkable has happened to me. I would like all of you to come and see for yourselves.
Voyez-vous, il m'est arrivé une chose extraordinaire, et j'aimerais que vous veniez le constater par vous-même.
But something has happened. A man came to me. He told me that he has a Jewish friend, a dentist.
Un homme est venu me parler d'un ami juif : un dentiste.
Perhaps it's just me, but you seem to have such an unhappy, depressed look about you almost as if something had happened to you, some kind of great suffering.
C'est peut-être une impression, mais vous semblez si triste, si déprimé...
When I woke up this morning, I felt something wonderful had happened to me.
Ce matin, j'ai su que ce qui m'arrivait était merveilleux.
You asked me to call you if something unusual happened.
Je devais vous appeler, le cas échéant, à propos de Bergdorf.
something happened 421
something happened to you 18
something happened to him 21
to meet you 22
to me 1767
to mexico 17
to meet 21
something went wrong 81
something 1990
sometimes 3655
something happened to you 18
something happened to him 21
to meet you 22
to me 1767
to mexico 17
to meet 21
something went wrong 81
something 1990
sometimes 3655
sometime 130
something came up 177
something like that 1529
something's happening 161
something on your mind 83
something's not right 271
something bad happens 16
something special 67
something is wrong 141
something's wrong here 34
something came up 177
something like that 1529
something's happening 161
something on your mind 83
something's not right 271
something bad happens 16
something special 67
something is wrong 141
something's wrong here 34