And then he says Çeviri İspanyolca
579 parallel translation
And then he says : "why, you little –"
Y después él dice : "Mi gran..."
And then he says, " What?
Y luego dice, " ¿ Qué?
And then he says, " Mum, you're all wet.
Y entonces dice : " Ma, estás absolutamente equivocada.
And then he says, "I seen him plain as day."
Y entonces dice, "Le he visto, claro como el día."
And then he says...
Y me dice...
And then he says, all calm now :
Y luego dijo, más calmado :
And then he says :
Y me dice :
Tomorrow he makes a television address in Baltimore, and then he says he's going fishing up at Beaver Kill.
Mañana hablará por televisión en Baltimore. Y luego dijo que iría a pescar en el río Beaverkill.
And I says, "What?" And then he says,
Y yo digo : ; ¿ Qué? Y luego él dice :
This man does what he wants, and if he thinks he cannot, then, he will not want to, says Fichte!
¡ Este hombre hace lo que quiere, y si cree que no puede, entonces no quiere, dice Fichte!
Says he, "Then I'm not very smart," and dies.
Me dice entonces, "no soy muy inteligente entonces" y se muere
Then he said he'd speak to Hobart and... But I says, "No, no, I'll do the talking."
Entonces dijo que hablaría con Hobart... pero le dije, "No, no, hablaré yo".
His letter says that he's, uh... negotiating a piece of business with some lawyer, and if it works out satisfactory, then everything is gonna be all right.
En la carta dice que está negociando con un abogado, y si le sale bien, todo se arreglará.
Then this morning he comes into my shop, and he says :
Luego, esta mañana viene a mi negocio, y dice...
And then this evening, Miss Scarlett, she shout through the door... and she say the funeral set for tomorrow morning... and he says, " You try that and I kills you tomorrow.
Hoy la Srta. Scarlett le ha dicho gritando "El funeral será mañana". Y él ha dicho : "Inténtalo y te mataré."
Then he stuck a pistol as big as a cannon right there and says, "Brother, we want that mail safe."
Después sacó una pistola enorme, me puso el cañón aquí y dijo : "Hermano, queremos que el correo esté seguro".
He says, "You never want to see me again and then I can't even go out for air."
El le respondió : "No me quieres ver más y no puedo siquiera salir a tomar aire".
He says it's a shame how little we know about our neighbors. Then he got an idea. He say : " How's about... inviting everybody some place where we can all get together and know each other a little better.
Me dijo que era una pena que los vecinos no nos conociéramos y se le ocurrió la idea de reunirnos en un sitio donde pudiéramos estar todos juntos y conocernos un poco mejor.
If he cares for Moanin'Meadow like he says and like he cares for folks, then he'll be a-helpin'.
Si se preocupa de Moanin'Meadow como dice y viendo cómo se preocupa por Ia gente, puede ser de gran ayuda.
Then this flatfoot Shayne shows up in Denver... and says either I testify or he'll tell off the parole board.
Luego, este polizonte Shayne apareció en Denver... y dijo que testificaba o él le avisaba a la junta de libertad condicional.
The Lord don't hold with anybody that steals around planting time and he sure don't hold with anybody that steals and then lies and says he didn't.
El Señor no perdona a quien roba en tiempo de siembra y mucho menos a quien roba, y luego miente diciendo que no lo ha hecho.
What if he finds the boy and tears the secret from him... and-and then says he didn't find him?
Que hay si encuentra al muchacho, y no nos dice
He says, "Then we tossed their bodies down the well, and I cursed their miserable spirits to be bound to Danbury Acres'til crack of doom."
Él dice : "Luego arrojamos sus cuerpos al pozo, y condené a sus miserables Espíritus a permanecer en los acres Danbury hasta que el Destino lo quebrase."
Then comes a music teacher of the continent, he likes the motif, says that it's his, steals it and makes a mint!
Luego viene un maestro de musica del continente, le gusta el tema, dice que es suyo, se lo "manga" y se forra.
Well, when a man named Marco Andacci finds a day-old baby in an apple box on a doorstop, and the box says, "Dwyer's Oregon Apples," then he names the baby "Mark" for himself, and "Dwyer" for the apples.
Cuando un hombre llamado Marco Andacci encuentra a un bebé en una caja de manzanas sobre la que está escrito : "Manzanas Dwyer", llama al bebé Mark por él y "Dwyer" por las manzanas.
And then this fella comes along who says he's a - a baron... whatever that is... and every time I try talking plain horse sense to him... he told me to settle with one of his clerks.
Y ahora este tipo viene y dice que es un... barón... sea lo que signifique... y cada vez que trato de hablar directamente con él... me dice que negocie con uno de sus empleados.
- And then in the end, he says he himself would've rather been a happy farmer.
Y dice que él mismo habría preferido ser un granjero feliz.
And then after, when Gibby jumps in and grabs me and gives me a kiss I says to him, "You see me, how I flattened myself?"
Y cuando Gibby sube de un salto y me da un beso le digo : "¿ Has visto cómo me he tumbado a mí mismo?"
Do you think all that happens... is that he says to himself, "I want something" and then goes and gets it?
¿ Cree que se apoderó del dinero solamente porque lo necesitaba?
That's what he always says, and then he'll have trouble with his propeller... and you'll have trouble with your reputation.
Y luego tendrá problemas con la hélice y tú con tu reputación. Dale las gracias, pero cuelga.
That's right, Miss. To me, he is the biggest blackguard who does the deed and then simply says :
sí, señorita, ése es para mí el mayor sinvergüenza, el que es capaz y sólo dice :
And give him that report and then remember what he says.
Dáselo y escucha sus buenos consejos.
Then he's standing in the hall beside me. He places his hand on my shoulder and says,
Entonces, se para en el vestíbulo junto a mí... pone su mano sobre mi hombro y dice :...
Then he says he'll get me a sedative and that he understands everything quite well.
Entonces es cuando dice que me va a dar un sedante y que comprende todo perfectamente.
If you loved Mr Carliss's wife, as he says. And desire to hold her at any cost, why then would you kill her?
Si usted amaba a la esposa del Sr. Carliss, tal como él dice,... y deseaba retenerla a su lado a toda costa, ¿ por qué la iba a matar?
Then the idea comes to him and he says : "Listen, Marianna..." always composed and polite...
Entonces, en ese momento, le viene la idea y te dice ;
When one says something that strikes him first he thinks about it with a serious little face and then he laughs cheerfully.
Si dices algo que lo impacta piensa, se pone serio. Y luego se ríe de golpe, feliz.
Then you see him as a devil, and everything he says and does must be wrong.
Luego lo ves como un diablo y todo lo que dice o hace está mal.
First he kisses the woman, then slaps her and then says to her : What does Bobo do in Malibú?
Primero besa a una mujer y después le da un tortazo... y dice : ¿ Qué hace Bobo en Malibú?
Then he turns to Jesus and he says : "Lord, when you get to your kingdom, remember me."
Entonces se dirigió a Jesús "Señor, cuando llegues a tu reino, acuérdate de mí."
She also says he whipped her until she bled and then took her to the crypt and locked her in the tomb.
Y dice también que la azotó hasta sangrar, y que después la llevó a la cripta y la encerró dentro de la tumba.
And then he laughs and says :
Y luego se ríe y dice :
He says they're checked for El Paso, and then lost on the radar screen.
Dice que despegaron y desaparecieron del radar.
And he says, "Well, next time, then."
Y el dijo : "Entonces que sea la próxima vez."
What annoys me is that he sets rabbit traps... and then says they're disappearing due to myxomatosis.
Lo que me molesta es que caza conejos con el cepo... y luego dice que desaparecen con la mixomatosis.
Then he stops and holds your blushing, soft face in his hands and he says :
Entonces para, te acaricia con las manos la cara ruborizada y te dice :
Then she says : And he says :
Luego ella dice Y él dice
And then, like an excited child, he says
y entonces, como un niño excitado, dice
And whilst I don't personally endorse everything he says, I do accept that if the recommendation of a strike action which the Port Workers Committee, I believe, are putting before the mass meeting tonight, if that's accepted, then we're in serious trouble.
Y aunque personalmente no respaldo todo lo que dice, sí acepto que, si la recomendación de una huelga... que el Comité de Trabajadores Portuarios, creo, presentará frente a la asamblea de masas esta noche, si es aprobada, estaremos en un serio problema.
And then the boy goes over to the girl's house and knocks on the door and he says to her, "I've come to take you to a movie."
Y luego el chico va la casa de la chica. Golpea la puerta. " Vine a buscarte para ir al cine.
- And then, José Dolores says... that if a man works for another, even if he's called a worker... he remains a slave.
- José Dolores también dice... que si un hombre trabaja para otro, aunque lo llamen obrero... sigue siendo un esclavo.
and then 7362
and then i met you 29
and then she said 33
and then i 152
and then what 920
and then some 118
and then we 52
and then what happened 169
and then you 113
and then finally 32
and then i met you 29
and then she said 33
and then i 152
and then what 920
and then some 118
and then we 52
and then what happened 169
and then you 113
and then finally 32