And what's worse Çeviri İspanyolca
286 parallel translation
Now listen Spencer, the Home Office have been on and they're scared something worse than tonight's job may happen. What the idea, sir?
Interior teme que pueda ocurrir algo aún peor que lo de hoy.
Y lo que es peor, durante las últimas 3 o 4 semanas, has sentido como si yo no te necesitara.
And what's worse, she has the illusion that she's in love with you.
Y lo que es peor, cree que está enamorada de usted.
I was singin'at the rally, gettin'other fellas to enlist and... sang myself right in. - And what's worse, he sang me into it too.
Cantaba en el mitin para que otros se alistaran... y mis canciones me inspiraron.
- And what's worse, she's got Tickler with her, Pip.
- Y lo que es peor... Va con Tickler, Pip.
And with what happened, it's even worse.
Y con lo que pasa, peor aún.
Worse, we lose sight of what's make-believe and what's real.
O peor, confundimos la fantasía con la realidad.
And what's worse is, they've begun to dress like us and pretend to think like us.
Y lo que es peor, empezaron a vestirse igual que nosotros y fingir que pensaban como nosotros.
And it's gonna be worse if Quanah's brother dies. Without telling him what happened.
Será peor si el hermano de Quanah muere sin poder explicar nada.
And what's worse... the windows have bars and the door is reinforced.
Y lo que es más. Las ventanas tienen rejas y la puerta es blindada.
And I don't even know what I'm afraid of, and it's worse.
Yo ni siquiera sé lo que temo. Y eso es peor.
It hurts me that you offend someone who cannot defend himself, and it hurts me to see you suffer for what can't be helped, and relentlessly touching a wound that's festering, and making yourself worse than you really are.
Me duele que ofendas a quien no puede defenderse, y me duele verte sufrir por lo que no tiene remedio, y tocar sin descanso una herida que se encona y te hace peor de lo que eres.
I wasn't exactly on vacation,.. .. and what's to come is worse.
No ha sido un "veraneo" divertido y me espera lo peor.
He doesn't pay taxes and, what's worse he sells meat that hasn't been inspected risking people's lives.
No paga ninguna tasa y todavía más grave sirve la carne sin control veterinario con el riesgo de hacer morir a la gente.
And what's worse...
Y, lo que es peor... cultivando al jardinero.
And what's worse, she's crazy about him, too.
Y ella está loca por él.
And what's worse, your General Staff has been taken prisoner, including you, General.
Y lo que es peor, el Estado Mayor cayó prisionero, incluido el Sr. General.
And, what's worse, some of our men have been wasted
Y lo que es peor, algunos de nuestros hombres han muerto.
David, I know what you must think of me. And it isn't gonna do any good to apologise because it's gonna be worse in a minute, but you've gotta help me.
Imagino lo que piensas de mí y no servirá que me disculpe porque se va a poner peor.
I am what I am, Leila, and if there are self-made purgatories, and we all have to live in them, mine can be no worse than someone else's.
Soy lo que soy, Leila y si hubiera un purgatorio hecho por nosotros mismos y todos tuviéramos que vivir en ellos el mío sería peor que el de cualquier otro.
Aye, and what's worse, smoke keeps coming out of me eyes.
Sí, y lo que es peor, no para de salirme humo por los ojos.
The world's going to pot, because no-one knows how to prompt anymore... and what's worse is they have nothing to prompt.
El mundo se está dañando, porqué nadie sabe como apuntar a nadie.. y lo peor es que no tienen nada que apuntar.
Come on, come on... Venice is crammed with abbots with powdered hair, and what's worse, anointed with ointments so smelly, as to make die on the spot a pregnant woman.
¡ Vamos,... si Venecia está plagada de abates, con el cabello empolvado y hasta a veces lleno de pomadas tan pestilentes,... que matarían en el acto a una mujer encinta.
Abstinence is unhealthy, inhuman, and what's worse, counterrevolutionary!
La abstinencia es insana, inhumana, y lo que es aún peor, ¡ contrarrevolucionaria!
And what's worse, I'm afraid, who else besides Mr. Parks could have possibly known where she was gonna be that night... and you?
Y lo que es peor ¿ quién, además del Sr. Parks, podría saber dónde iría esa noche? Usted, claro.
And what makes it worse, he's dead, and he's not carrying any-any heat.
Lo peor de todo es que está muerto, y no lleva ningún arma.
And what's worse, he'll never make it!
Y, lo que es peor, no vivirá.
Yeah, and that's what makes it worse.
- SÍ, y eso lo hace peor.
You're ugly, a railwayman, and what's worse, you're an abstemious.
Eres feo, ferroviario, y lo que es peor, abstemio.
And what's worse is we don't have a line on the supplier, some guy called the Frenchman.
Y es peor porque no tenemos ninguna pista sobre el proveedor alguien llamado el Francés.
And what's worse, there's hardly any food to be bought... even if we had the money.
Y lo que es peor, apenas hay comida que comprar aunque tuviéramos dinero.
What's even worse, Victor and you?
- Aun peor, Victor y tú.
And what's worse, my furniture keeps moving about the room.
Para colmo, mis muebles se mueven.
And what's worse, you have no regard for me.
Y lo que es peor, no tiene sentido para mí.
And what's worse, I don't think I'm taking very good care of Mary.
- A veces pienso que no la cuido bien.
What's worse, they had weapons... and were planning to attack somewhere.
Hasta que a los dos dias, descubro que tenian armas y que preparaban algo.
What's worse is you listened to me make up story after story from old Star Trek episodes and not only did you not notice, you offered me a book deal.
Y no sólo no se dan cuenta, ¡ me ofrecen publicarme un libro! ¡ Bien!
And what's worse is that it's going on right here under my very nose.
Y lo que es peor, que la tengo ante mis narices.
My lady, someone else has been hanged in his place, and what's worse is someone paid with their life for my only sin :
He de decir, señora, que ya han colgado a otro en su lugar y lo que es peor, señora, alguien pagó también por mí con su vida mi única culpa :
And you know what's worse than the goddamn lawyers... and the goddamn judges?
¿ Y sabes qué es peor que los malditos abogados y los malditos jueces?
They want us to come back... and what's worse, they have us lining up to get in, ese.
Ellos nos quieren de vuelta y lo que es peor, nos tienen haciendo fila para entrar, ese.
You shouldn't throw your cigarette on the road like this, and... What's worse is that it could cause a fire.
No debe tirar el cigarrillo en el camino, y... lo peor, es que podría causar un incendio...
And what's worse, you'll eventually get your throat cut by the money.
Y para peor, eventualmente obtendrá un corte en la garganta por culpa del dinero.
Yes, there is. And you know what's worse than a Bundy having good luck?
Sí, la hay. ¿ Y sabes lo que es peor que un Bundy con buena suerte?
You deliberately disobeyed me, and what's worse, you put Nala in danger.
Desobedeciste una orden expresa y, lo que es peor, pusiste a Nala en peligro.
Sometimes, I don't dare come down because of my Dad. He's an animal, I don't know what's worse, falling down or hearing him scream about having balls, Catalonia's pride, the group's honor and all that.
A veces, no me atrevo a bajar porque allí está el bestia de mi padre y no sé qué es peor, si caerme o aguantar sus broncas, lo de los cojones, Cataluña, el honor del grupo y todos esos rollos.
[Thinking] Lord... what's worse than knowing someone's secret and standing by powerless?
Señor. ¿ Qué es peor que saber el secreto de alguien y no poder hacer nada?
Mom, what could have happened to the couch that's worse than you and Dad sitting on it, right?
Mamá, ¿ qué le podría suceder al sofá Es peor cuando tú y papá se sientan en él, ¿ verdad?
When you take into account what I shall save on Lydia's board and pocket allowance, I am scarcely ten pounds a year worse off.
Si tomas en cuenta cuánto ahorraré en mesadas y gastos diarios de Lydia seré apenas 10 libras anuales más pobre.
And what's worse, you don't take my calls.
Y no tomas mis llamadas.
And what's worse, he has a nagging cough.
Lo peor es que tiene una tos fastidiosa.
and what's more 117
and what's that 303
and what's that supposed to mean 44
and what's this 102
and what's your name 81
and what's wrong with that 29
and what's 22
and what's his name 17
and what's her name 17
what's worse 48
and what's that 303
and what's that supposed to mean 44
and what's this 102
and what's your name 81
and what's wrong with that 29
and what's 22
and what's his name 17
and what's her name 17
what's worse 48
worse 583
worse than that 69
worse still 28
and welcome back 16
and what are you doing 48
and welcome 74
and what about you 352
and what are you doing here 62
and well done 16
and what 818
worse than that 69
worse still 28
and welcome back 16
and what are you doing 48
and welcome 74
and what about you 352
and what are you doing here 62
and well done 16
and what 818