Bless him Çeviri İspanyolca
484 parallel translation
God bless him.
Que Dios lo bendiga.
I picked up the papers, and imagine my astonishment when I discovered that they were lists of His Majesty's forces, God bless him.
Recogí los papeles e imagínese mi asombro cuando descubrí que eran listas de las fuerzas de Su Majestad, que Dios lo bendiga.
A toast to our ancestor, that scandalous rogue Rudolph II, God bless him.
Un brindis por nuestro antepasado, ese sinvergüenza Rudolf II, Dios le bendiga.
With the compliments of your royal brother, King Richard, God bless him!
Con los saludos de su hermano, el Rey Ricardo, bendito sea.
I'll bless him, but hurry.
.. Va a abrir la puerta.
God bless him.
Dios le bendiga.
Bless him, poor soul.
Así sea.
Let us bless him who lies here.
Demos la paz de la iglesia al que aquí descansa.
Yes, so that he may bless him.
Sí, para que lo bendiga.
Still, at this moment, God bless him.
Aun así, que Dios lo bendiga.
- He's young and happy. - Bless him!
- Es joven y es feliz. - ¡ Bendito él!
And may God bless me this evenin as much as I would bless him... if I were he and he were Charles Dalrymple.
Y que Dios me bendiga esta noche tanto como yo lo bendeciría a El... "si yo fuera El y El, Charlie Dalrymple."
Bless him! Bless him!
¡ Dios le bendiga!
May God bless him for his generosity.
Que Dios lo compense por su generosidad.
Here he comes. Dead on time, bless him.
Ahí viene, como un reloj.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, bless him.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow... que Dios lo bendiga.
Just the old carcasses of horses my grandpa buried, bless him.
Sólo esqueletos de caballo enterrados por mi abuelo, que en paz descanse.
My late husband used to say... before he died, God bless him... that " Ananásia, you have to take care of the girl... because she will be our heiress. She'll inherit all our money.
Mi fallecido Valente siempre decía... antes de morir, que Dios lo tenga muchos años allá... siempre decía : "Ananásia, tienes que cuidar de esa chica... porque será nuestra heredera, se va a quedar con toda nuestra fortuna."
God bless him.
- Aquí. - Por Escocia. - Dios la bendiga.
That and everything else, god bless him.
- Desde luego que lo merece, Dios lo bendiga.
Sure. He's a good little soldier, God bless him. He's got a hearty appetite.
Sí, claro, es un verdadero soldado.
- I want to bless him.
- Quiero bendesirlo.
God bless him.
Dios lo bendiga.
Ah, bless him!
¡ Qué cielo!
God bless him.
May the Lord bless him for it.
Que el Señor le bendiga.
pero mi esposo, Dios lo bendiga, pudo ver.
God bless him.
Que Dios lo guarde.
God may bless him with patience.
Dios le conceda paciencia.
God, God bless him.
Dios le bendiga.
He'd be out here, putting his little boot in, you know... Bless him.
Se pasaba el día en la calle, dando patadas en las partes.
Help him and I shall forgive you, and bless you in my last moment.
Ayúdale y yo te perdonaré, y te bendeciré en mi último momento.
Bless my soul, what's keeping him?
Bendita sea, ¿ por qué tarda tanto?
And God bless Grandfather, and please make him like me.
Dios, bendice al abuelo y haz que le simpatice.
Bless Tarzan and deliver him from those who would harm him.
Bendice a Tarzán y líbralo de aquellos que quieren hacerle daño.
And may the Holy Virgin give me grace. And God bless Monsieur Rochester and make him polite to mademoiselle... so she will stay with me forever and ever.
Y que la Santa Virgen me dé Gracia, y que Dios lo haga educado hacia mademoiselle, así ella se quedará conmigo para siempre.
He's written an inscription in it, bless his heart, - out of gratitude. - That's very nice of him.
Le ha escrito una dedicatoria en prueba de gratitud.
My Margherita, bless her soul, wouldn't have raised him so.
Mi pobre Margherita, buen alma, no la habría criado así.
- Let Him bless thee too.
- Que a vos bendiga.
Bless your heart and soul, yes, as quick as we can get him there.
Sí, tan pronto sea posible.
Even the bishop came to bless the boats. Did you see him?
Hasta ha venido el obispo a bendecir las barcas. ¿ Lo habéis visto?
António? Bless you, senhora, I have not seen him in a week.
Dios la bendiga, no lo he visto en una semana.
Then let him bless me, because it's right in here.
- Podría ser. Entonces que me bendiga a mí, porque ya lo tengo aquí.
God bless him.
Que Dios le bendiga.
"Kiss your hands." "Bless you!" Everyone salutes and reveres him.
Le beso la mano Excelencia, que el Señor lo bendiga.
But I say unto you which hear, love your enemies, do good to those who hate you. Bless those who curse you, and pray for those who spitefully use you. And unto him that smiteth thee on the one cheek offer him also the other.
Pero en verdad os digo, que no debeis oponeros al mal, más si alguien... os abofetea en la mejilla derecha... debeis tenderle la izquierda como nuestro señor jesucristo nos aconsejó.
He can neither bless nor curse the power that moves him, for he does not know from where it comes.
No puede ni bendecir ni maldecir el poder que lo alienta, porque no sabe de dónde proviene.
If you killed him, may God bless you.
Que Dios te bendiga si le mataste.
And if unfortunately we lose Him... let us seek Him again with the deepest sorrow... and until we find Him, benign, especially at the time of death,... then to enjoy Him in heaven... and bless with You His holy mercy for eternity, amen.
Y si así desgraciadamente lo perdiésemos haz que lo busquemos de nuevo con el más profundo dolor y hasta que lo encontremos, benigno, sobre todo en el momento de la muerte, para poder luego gozar de Él en el cielo y bendecir contigo las benditas misericordia por la eternidad, amén.
Oh, I know him. He wrote "God Bless America."
- oh, yo lo conozco escribió "Dios bendiga a América"
God bless his soul. God rest him.
Dios lo bendiga Que en paz descanse.
himself 154
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him too 56
him who 26
him or me 60
blessed 55
bless 48
blessing 39
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him too 56
him who 26
him or me 60
blessed 55
bless 48
blessing 39