Bless his heart Çeviri İspanyolca
76 parallel translation
Bless his heart, to be sure.
Que Dios lo bendiga, por si acaso.
- Bless his heart.
- Dios le bendiga.
There you did it... bless his heart.
.Lo ha conseguido!
He's written an inscription in it, bless his heart, - out of gratitude. - That's very nice of him.
Le ha escrito una dedicatoria en prueba de gratitud.
Bless his heart.
Que Dios le bendiga.
- He was trying not to, bless his heart but I doubt if he'll be able to run in the Santa Anita.
- Intentaba no hacerlo, bendito sea pero dudo que pueda correr en Santa Anita.
Bless his heart.
Bendice su corazón.
Billy, bless his heart, came directly to me.
El bueno de Billy me lo contó todo.
- Bless his heart.
- Bendito sea.
It's the elevator killer, bless his heart.
Es el asesino de los elevadores, bendito sea.
- Oh, bless his heart.
- Dios lo bendiga.
Well, bless his heart, it'd be the first one today.
- Dios le bendiga. Hoy será el primero.
God bless his heart, Mr. Cluff, He is on leave.
Dios bendiga su corazón, Mr. Cluff, está por abandonarlo.
Bless his heart, he climbed into that Mad Cowboy costume, and he died with his hooves on.
Dentro de ese disfraz de vaca loca, murió con la botas puestas,
That may be a difficult thing, but although Tom, bless his heart, may not be strong enough for this world, the rest of us must be.
Entiendo que eso pueda ser difícil, pero aunque Tom, Dios le bendiga, no sea bastante fuerte, los demás debemos serlo.
No, if you were really an adult, you'd try to meet someone with a future... instead of Michael, who, bless his heart... is probably gonna end up ripping tickets at the Tilt-A-Whirl.
No, si usted fuera realmente un adulto, te gustaría tratar con alguien con un futuro... en lugar de Michael, que, bendiga su corazón... es, probablemente, va a acabar rasga las entradas a la Tilt-A-hidromasaje.
Bless his heart.
Que su corazón sea bendecido.
Ray, bless his heart, would sell anything that he felt would turn a profit.
Ray, entrego su corazón, vendería cualquier cosa si supiera que habría ganancias.
We used to play checkers with each other every day and bless his heart, Shilo would always let me win.
Solíamos jugar a las damas todos los días y bendito sea, Shilo siempre me dejaba ganar.
Bless his heart.
bendito sea su corazón
We used to play checkers with each other every day, and bless his heart, Shilo'd always let me win!
Soliamos jugar a las damas todos los dias y bendito sea, Shilo siempre me dejaba ganar.
Ray, bless his heart, would sell anything that he felt would turn a profit.
Ray, entrego su corazón, venderia cualquier cosa si supiera que habria ganancias.
Bless his heart.
Bendito sea su corazón.
Bless his heart.
Bendigo su corazón.
Well, you know, Ben- - and bless his heart, he's got to say everyone was on something.
Bueno, Ben... bendito sea, tiene que decir que todos tomaban algo.
Bless his heart, he took a header through the trailer wall.
Atravesó con la cabeza la pared de la caravana.
Yes, he did. Bless his heart.
Sí, así es, bendito sea.
And bless his heart, he even named it after me.
Y, bendito sea, lo nombró en mi honor.
Bless his heart.
Bendita su alma.
Bless his heart!
¡ Bendito sea su corazón!
Bless his heart.
- Que Dios le bendiga.
He even called again yesterday, bless his heart, And let us know he got the place.
Incluso llamo ayer de nuevo, bendito su corazón, y nos dijo que consiguió casa.
Well, my late husband Herb saw a future in trailer parks, bless his heart.
Mi fallecido esposo, Herb, vio futuro en los parques de caravanas, Dios lo bendiga.
Dr. Newton was an absolute treasure, bless his heart.
El Dr. Newton era un tesoro, que Dios le bendiga.
Bless his heart.
- Bendito sea.
Young Eric has been here every day for the past two weeks bless his heart.
El joven Eric ha estado aquí cada día durante las ultimas dos semanas. bendito sea su corazón.
Bless his heart, he financed a recording session for me.
Me financió una sesión de grabación, bendito sea.
Former governor of Pennsylvania. He did his duty in delivering the Keystone State, bless his heart. Now they're about to put him out to pasture.
su muy honorable vicepresidente, ex gobernador de Pensilvania, cumplió con su deber al entregar su estado, bendito sea, y ahora están a punto de ponerlo a pastar.
Bless his heart.
Bendito sea.
Your doctor gave me the good news, bless his heart.
Tu médico me ha dado la buena noticia, bendito sea.
For now, from my heart, can I say I bless you in His name.
Y ahora, de todo corazón, puedo bendeciros en su nombre.
Bless his poor heart.
Dios bendiga su pobre corazón.
Well, bless his little heart.
Que Dios te bendiga.
Bless his little heart.
- Es un tipo muy piadoso.
More than enough, bless his good old British heart.
Más que suficiente, que Dios bendiga a este buen inglés.
Well, bless his gentle heart. Get out!
Vivir, strašljivko!
He knew about me and practically bullied me into becoming a deputy, bless his overweight old heart.
Sabía de lo mío y me convenció para que me hiciera su ayudante. Es un trozo de pan.
Bless his little heart.
Bendito sea su corazoncito.
Then I drew water from the well, gave him a nice bath... fed him to his heart's content and served him as best as I could. Bless you.
Luego le traje agua del estanque, le di un buen baño... le alimenté para alegría de su corazón y le serví lo mejor que pude
And then one day, you know, bless his little heart, his wife caught him out back the Waffle House with some hooker.
Luego, un día, a pesar de su gran corazón su esposa lo encontró con una prostituta en Waffle House.
May the Lord bless Vic McGuire and keep his family in His heart.
Que Dios bendiga a Vic McGuire... y tenga a su familia en su corazón.
his heart 57
his heart stopped 19
heart 404
heartbeat 33
heartless 34
heartbreak 27
hearts 66
hearted 198
heartbreaker 20
heartburn 19
his heart stopped 19
heart 404
heartbeat 33
heartless 34
heartbreak 27
hearts 66
hearted 198
heartbreaker 20
heartburn 19
heartbreaking 30
heart beating 18
heart rate 87
hearts and minds 20
heart failure 23
heart attack 174
heart surgery 35
heart disease 37
heartedly 17
heartbroken 26
heart beating 18
heart rate 87
hearts and minds 20
heart failure 23
heart attack 174
heart surgery 35
heart disease 37
heartedly 17
heartbroken 26
heart rate's 34
blessed 55
bless 48
blessing 39
blessings 29
bless your heart 39
bless you 535
blessed be the fruit 22
blessed are the meek 16
blessed are you 49
blessed 55
bless 48
blessing 39
blessings 29
bless your heart 39
bless you 535
blessed be the fruit 22
blessed are the meek 16
blessed are you 49