Both Çeviri İspanyolca
134,854 parallel translation
We've both been busy.
Los dos hemos estado ocupados.
He came back both times drunk.
Volvió las dos veces borracho.
Now, when one of them has to use the bathroom at the airport, they both go in.
Pues cuando uno de ellos tiene que usar el baño en el aeropuerto, entran los dos.
And I am not political. And... Your country, my country... for me, important, you know, both sides try to understand and get along.
Y no me interesa la política, y... vuestro país, mi país... importante para mí... ambos bandos querer comprender y llevar bien.
"The hallowed halls of the Federal Bureau of Investigation are abuzz with activity as agents struggle to keep our country safe from threats both foreign and domestic."
"Los sacrosantos pasillos del FBI rebosan actividad mientras sus agentes se afanan en mantener a salvo nuestro país de amenazas tanto externas como internas".
And now we both have to begin chanting.
Ahora los dos empezamos a gritar.
Wow. Looks like the both of us had a little crisis of confidence today.
Vaya, parece que hoy los dos hemos tenido una pequeña crisis de confianza.
He's a talented engineer, but in an office environment, he can be both tardy and fresh. Uh, I'm...
Es un buen programador, pero en una oficina, puede ser lento e imprudente.
Oh, you're both headed to Gavin's?
¿ Ambos van a lo de Gavin?
To Ed Chen for his shrewd call, both to invest in this and make you lead.
Bueno, muchas gracias. A Ed Chen por sus dos buenas decisiones : Invertir en esto y ponerte a cargo.
Guys, I know this has been a ton of work, and we wouldn't have to do it if pretty boy kept his mouth shut, and the stealth launch is still clearly the play, but now we can show Gavin that we fleshed out both options.
Sé que hemos tenido que trabajar mucho porque el niño bonito no pudo cerrar su boca, y el lanzamiento furtivo sigue siendo lo mejor, pero ahora tenemos ambas opciones para Gavin.
Uh, yeah. I was walking around your'hood, and I thought I'd swing by, and we could talk about tech, you know,'cause we both know so much about it.
Andaba por aquí, y pensé pasar a visitarte y hablar de tecnología, ya que ambos sabemos sobre eso.
I think he took both of those with him.
Creo que se los llevó.
Both of them. Erlich, the customer is always right, so let's just leave it at "wife," singular, and be done with it.
Oye, el cliente siempre tiene la razón, digamos esposa, en singular, y listo.
Well, it was nice to meet you both.
- Un placer conocerlos.
Hello. Well, good. Now that you're both here, we can dispense with the mindless chitchat.
Bien, ahora que ambas están aquí, podemos evitar la cháchara sin sentido.
I'd like to be the first to offer you, both, the opportunity to take me off the market.
Quisiera ser el primero en ofrecerles a las dos la oportunidad de sacarme del mercado.
All of our information is on both phones.
La información está en ambos teléfonos.
No matter, I'll take both, and the, whole first floor.
No importa, llevaré ambos. Y toda la primera bandeja.
I felt like Gibraltar in World War II, where it was both crucial and inert.
Me sentía como Gibraltar en la Segunda Guerra Mundial donde fue crucial, pero inerte.
Looks like we both lose.
Parece que ambos perdemos.
I will fuck both of you...
¡ Púdranse los dos y cállense! ¡ Caballeros!
- Both the high king and queen have vanished, leaving you the only child of earth in Fillory.
Ambos alto rey y reina han desaparecido dejándole como el único hijo de la Tierra en Fillory.
She did a full investigation into both those deaths.
Ella hizo una completa investigación de esas muertes.
You're FBI, both of you.
Sois del FBI, ambas.
We both know you look like a crack addict if you don't get your 8 hours.
Ambos sabemos que pareces una adicta al crack - si no tienes tus 8 horas.
Man, we... we've both done things we're not proud of.
Tío, ambos... ambos hemos hecho cosas de las que no estamos orgullosos.
You're both safe, okay?
Ambos estáis a salvo, ¿ vale?
Now, I'm gonna need to know that you're both up to this.
Ahora, necesito saber que ambos estáis en esto.
Ta-da! Did you both do your homework?
¿ Habéis hecho los deberes?
We both wanted to establish residency, to live in New York.
Ambas queríamos establecer residencia, vivir en Nueva York.
These are both for me, I didn't sleep last night.
Ambos son para mí, no dormí anoche.
Good, you should both get down here.
Bien, ambos deberían venir aquí.
There's the irony, I think we both know who did.
Esa es la ironía. Creo que sabemos quién lo hizo.
Looks like they're both alchies.
Parece que los dos son alcohólicos.
From now on, you have to be honest with both of us.
De ahora en adelante, tendrás que ser sincero con ambos.
A lighter or match can light either a pipe or a cigar, both ways work.
Un encendedor o un fósforo pueden encender una pipa o un cigarro, da lo mismo.
I return the money, and then you let us both go.
Devuelvo el dinero y nos dejas ir a ambos.
So you are ready for both of us right now to die... Leaving you alone?
¿ Así que estás lista para que ambos muramos y quedarte sola?
We would both take the train to Mount Pleasant.
Ambos tomábamos el tren a Mount Pleasant.
I mean, it made it past both of our disinfection safety nets.
Logró pasar la desinfección en ambas de nuestras redes de seguridad.
She thought it was very suspicious that it was both UV and chlorine-resistant.
Pensó que era muy sospechoso que fuera resistente tanto a la luz UV como al cloro.
If you're right, then there can't be that many people who have both the desire to poison eight million New Yorkers and the means to do it.
Si tienes razón, entonces no pueden ser tantos quienes tengan el deseo de envenenar a ocho millones de neoyorquinos como los medios para hacerlo.
Well, Chantal's assistant admitted that Roy sweet-talked her into telling him when and where you were both meeting.
La asistente de Chantal admitió que Roy la persuadió a decirle cuándo y dónde ambos iban a verse.
That is until you paid Raymond Thorpe to engineer a virus which could defeat both U-V and chlorine measures.
Eso hasta que usted le pagó a Raymond Thorpe para diseñar un virus que pudiera derrotar las medidas de la luz UV y el cloro.
- You've both died 39 times.
- Habéis muerto 39 veces.
We've got to get that letter back before it ruins the New Year for the both of us.
Tenemos que encontrar esa carta antes de que arruine Año Nuevo para los dos.
We can make it a blend of both of us.
Podemos hacer que sea una mezcla de ambos.
Let's be clear, we're both here as dates, yes?
Para que quede claro, ambos vinimos a una cita, ¿ sí?
Both of you.
A ambos.
You're both here.
Las dos estáis aquí.
bother 61
bother you 20
both of us 267
both of you 1783
both laugh 381
both of them 366
both hands 46
both screaming 34
both sides 54
both laughing 234
bother you 20
both of us 267
both of you 1783
both laugh 381
both of them 366
both hands 46
both screaming 34
both sides 54
both laughing 234
both grunting 124
both times 46
both dead 17
both grunt 36
both chuckling 67
both gasp 40
both of' em 29
both moaning 27
both groan 17
both chuckle 199
both times 46
both dead 17
both grunt 36
both chuckling 67
both gasp 40
both of' em 29
both moaning 27
both groan 17
both chuckle 199