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Couldn't stay away Çeviri İspanyolca

253 parallel translation
Couldn't stay away, just had to see this fight.
Teníamos que ver esta pelea.
─ Oh, don't Jim. I couldn't stay away, no matter what you think of me.
Tenía que verte a pesar de lo que piensas de mí.
I knew you'd come back. I knew you couldn't stay away from your honeybunch.
Sabía que volverías y que no podrías alejarte de tu amorcito.
Kong could have stayed safe but he couldn't stay away from beauty.
Kong pudo salvarse pero no dejó a la bella.
- Oh, Gary, I couldn't stay away.
- ¡ Suzanne! - Gary, no pude mantenerme alejada.
I know you don't wanna have anything to do with me, but I couldn't stay away.
Sé que no quieres saber nada de mí, pero no podía mantenerme al margen.
I couldn't stay there all alone so I I just drove away.
No podía quedarme sola, entonces volví en el coche.
Well, I couldn't stay away, and I didn't wanna bother you... so I got into this fella to watch.
No podía quedarme afuera, y no quería molestarte... así que me metí aquí adentro para ver.
I couldn't stay away any longer.
Ya no podía seguir allá lejos.
Margot, no se preocupa nada por ti y se mantiene alejado.
But I couldn't stay away. We're introducing a new opera, and Madame Lorenzi is a great artist, and...
Pero es una ópera nueva y Madame Lorenzi es una gran artista.
When it was Christmas, I couldn't stay away.
En Navidad no podía resistir.
I thought you came because you couldn't stay away from me any longer.
Pensé que habías venido porque no podías mantenerte alejado mas tiempo de mí.
I tried to stay away for a few days, but I couldn't.
Intenté alejarme unos días. No tuve fuerzas para hacerlo.
The same reason I am, Verna. You couldn't stay away.
Por la misma razón que yo, no podías evitarlo.
All right, the truth, then - i couldn't stay away another minute.
Pues, a decir verdad es que ya no podía estar sin ti.
Couldn't stay away from you another day. You always meant so much to me.
Quería verte, siempre fuiste muy importante para mí y para mi abuelo.
I couldn't stay away from you.
No podía pasar sin ti.
You know that I couldn't stay away from the Caribe while you were there, that I came every night for months because of you.
Sabes que no podía estar lejos del Caribe cuando estabas allí, que vine cada noche durante meses sólo por ti.
I know you couldn't stay away.
Ya sabía yo que volverías
- I couldn't stay away.
¡ Váyase, se lo suplico!
I know you told me to stay away, but last night, I just couldn't help myself.
- Me dijiste que no viniera, pero anoche no pude evitarlo.
He couldn't stay away from me for two years.
Habría vuelto. No habría podido estar dos años lejos de mí.
I couldn't stay away no longer. That's why I had to come back.
No podía seguir lejos de ti, tenía que volver.
She just couldn't stay away.
No podía mantenerse alejada.
But you couldn't stay away.
Pero usted no podía ausentarse.
I know I shouldn't have come back. But I couldn't stay away either.
Ya sé que no debería haber vuelto pero tampoco podía estar lejos.
They got married but she couldn't stay away from men.
Se casaron pero ella no podía estar alejada de los hombres.
I did. But i couldn't stay away from my best friend for long.
Me fui, pero no podía estar lejos de mi mejor amiga durante mucho tiempo.
- I was so worried, I couldn't stay away.
- Estaba tan preocupado que no me fui.
You couldn't stay away, hmm?
No pudiste mantenerte al margen, ¿ verdad?
I couldn't stay away.
No podía quedarme.
- I couldn't stay away from my girls.
- No soporté estar lejos de mis chicas.
You see, I just couldn't stay away.
Usted ve, yo no podía apartarme.
I tried to stay away, but i couldn't.
Intenté no acercarme a ti, pero no pude.
Well, you know, in high school I couldn't... I couldn't stay away from'em.
Bueno, ya sabes, en el instituto no podía... no podía alejarme de ellas.
Just by being here I am eopardizing my career, but I couldn't stay away.
Por estar aquí, estoy poniendo en peligro mi carrera, pero no podía mantenerme ajena.
I tried to stay away, too, but I couldn't.
He intentado no venir, pero no he podido evitarlo.
- So you couldn't stay away from me?
- ¿ Así que no podía permanecer lejos de mí?
No te pudiste alejar, no?
I couldn't stay away any more.
No pude mantenerme alejada.
You couldn't stay away from De Franco!
¡ No podías mantenerte alejado de De Franco!
You know, and... I just couldn't stay away for long because I Iove you so much.
Tú sabes, y no podía alejarme por mucho tiempo porque te quiero mucho.
Couldn't stay away.
No podía dejarlo todo.
Couldn't stay away from hot Scott?
¿ No resististe a los encantos de Scott?
Forgive me for interrupting. I just couldn't stay away.
Perdona por interrumpir.
Just couldn't stay away?
¿ No soportas estar separado de mí?
No podía mantenerme alejada.
I knew you couldn't stay away, old man.
Sabía que no te podías quedar, viejo.
Couldn't stay away, huh? 50 million people.
No pudiste resistirte a 50 millones de espectadores.
Helen wouldn't... she couldn't stay away at such a time.
Helen no podría estar ausente en un momento así.

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