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Did we get him Çeviri İspanyolca

186 parallel translation
Where did we get him?
¿ De dónde lo sacamos?
Did we get him?
¿ Lo hemos cogido?
Did we get him?
¿ Lo tenemos?
Miss, did we get him?
¿ Le dimos? Claro que sí.
Did we get him?
¿ Lo agarramos?
Did we get him?
- ¿ Lo hemos matado?
Did we get him back?
¿ Le ha transportado?
This rat motherfucker, where did we get him?
¿ Quién es el soplón?
If he's not going, then why the hell did we get him out of jail?
Si el no va a ir, entonces porque diablos lo sacamos de prision?
Did we get him?
¿ Está muerta?
Did we get him?
¿ Lo hemos pillado?
- Did we get him?
- ¿ Lo atrapamos?
Did we get him?
- ¿ Lo tenemos?
Did we get him?
¿ Lo atrapamos?
- What did we get him? Let's see.
- ¿ Qué obtenemos de él?
Oh, did we get him.
¿ Ah, Ja, ja, ja.
- Did we get him?
- ¿ Lo hemos conseguido?
- Did we get him? - Got him.
- ¿ Lo atrapamos?
- How did he get there? - He passed out, so we tucked him in.
Se ha desmayado y lo hemos acostado.
We did that to get him air...
- Hicimos esto para que le dé el aire...
We didn't get much information out of him, did we?
No le hemos sacado mucha información, ¿ verdad?
We'll get Bishop to ask him what he did with Gwen's money.
- Haremos que Bishop le pregunte qué hizo con el dinero de Gwen.
Then the war came and we were swept apart and I came back here and I did everything to get him over.
Entonces llegó la guerra y nos separó... ... yo me vine para aquí e hice lo imposible por traerlo.
Of course, we did get him the next day. He was trying to catch a bus to New York.
Lo detuvimos al día siguiente, cuando intentaba coger un autobús para Nueva York.
We'll get him, ma, whoever did it.
Lo pagará, se lo prometo.
You did a good job, and we might get him yet.
Has hecho un buen trabajo. Y quizá les cojamos.
Get him out of that ward. We did.
Sáquelo de allí.
Well, if they want him, they'll give us millions of millions of millions, so we'll get a house,... dresses, shoes, food and all the things we need, did you understand? Huh?
Pues, si lo quieren deben darnos millones y millones, así tendremos casa, vestidos, zapatos, comida y todo lo que necesitaremos, ¿ entendido?
What did he say, Chief, when you told him we'd get the formula back even if it meant our lives?
¿ Qué dijo cuando usted le dijo que recuperaríamos la fórmula incluso a costa de nuestras vidas?
I did everything with him I could, but we gotta get that body out of there. Yeah.
Hice todo lo que pude... pero hay que quitar ese cuerpo de allá.
If Buisson suspects anything, we won't get him alive. - Did you warn the local precinct? - No.
¿ Avisas a los gendarmes?
Sonja, we'd never get near him. If we did, we'd shoot and miss.
Nunca llegaríamos a él, y, si lo hiciéramos, fallaríamos.
Sir, I feel your pain, but the bastard who did it, I swear, we'll get him!
Sr., comparto su pena, pero le juro que atraparemos al cerdo que lo hizo.
- Oh, did I forget to mention... that I figured as long as we need a replacement for Hunnicutt... it'd be a good idea to get somebody who could take care of him too.
- Olvidé mencionar... que, ya que necesitamos un reemplazo para Hunnicutt... sería buena idea contar con alguien que cuidara de él.
I told him on the daughter we did not go out before they get married.
Le dije a las chicas en nuestra familia no deje antes de casarse.
We told her to get real ornery with him and she did.
La dijimos que se portase realmente caliente con él y eso hizo.
How did we get him?
¿ Cómo nos llegó?
The next question is, how did Harry get from here to where we found him?
La próxima pregunta es : ¿ cómo hizo Harry para llegar de acá a dónde lo hallamos?
- Honey, did we get a resumé on him?
- Cariño, ¿ tenemos un curriculum de él?
We saw a boy get murdered tonight. The men that shot him did it in cold blood.
Vimos asesinar a un muchacho esta noche a sangre fría.
- ( Chokes ) - We must try and get it out of him, even though it may do as much harm coming up as it did going down.
Debemos tratar de sacárselo, aunque le haga igual daño que tragarlo.
We'll get him ourselves... and carve him up like he did with the ladies.
¡ Vamos a despedazarlo como hizo con las pobres mujeres!
We did not know this. Get rid of him!
No lo sabíamos. ¡ Desháganse de él!
Did we get him?
¿ Le diste?
Yeah, we'll get him in there. Exit Wounds, did you see that?
Porque Herida abierta, ¿ la viste?
Why did we always get him a belt?
¿ Por qué siempre le dábamos el cinturón?
Even If we didn't get along, if someone did something to him, I'd defend him.
Aún si no nos llevábamos bien, si alguien le hacía algo, yo lo defendía.
It is true that the Lt. Colonel is a man who won't hesitate to use any means necessary to get promoted. But if that's all he ever did, we wouldn't follow him.
Es verdad que el Coronel haría cualquier cosa para conseguir un ascenso... pero no le estaríamos siguiendo ahora si esa fuera la única cosa que él hubiera hecho.
Well, you didn't seriously think... we'd get rid of him that quickly, did you?
No creías que nos libraríamos... de él tan fácil ¿ No?
He did fall in love and he was about to get married, but one day he found Rosita, his fiancée, with another man. Or he found out she was cheating on him, we never really knew.
Estuvo de novio, muy enamorado, a punto de casarse, pero un día descubrió a Rosita, su novia, la descubrió con otro tipo o se dio cuenta que lo engañaban, nunca supimos bien qué pasaba.
We were all quite devastated over Sam passing... and the fact that he wasn't able to get work... there was nobody in this town... that would finance him at all for anything. I think the last thing he did was a Julian Lennon video.
Estábamos todos destrozados por la muerte de Sam... y el hecho de que no pudiera dirigir... que nadie en esta ciudad... le financiara para dirigir nada... creo que lo último que hizo fue un videoclip de Julian Lennon.

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