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Didn't have to Çeviri İspanyolca

21,139 parallel translation
You have to understand, Ambassador Maxwell didn't come here with the idea to live a cushy life in the embassy.
Tiene que entender, el embajador Maxwell no vino aquí con la idea de vivir una cómoda vida en la embajada.
You didn't have to do that.
No tenías que hacer eso.
I mean, the rest of us, he knew we didn't have any room to take him in.
Quiero decir, el resto de nosotros, el sabía no teníamos más espacio para recibirlo.
But you didn't bring me in beforehand, so now I have to tell her.
Pero no me informaste de antemano, así que ahora tengo que contárselo.
- I wish you didn't have to go.
- Desearía que no tuvieras que irte.
So, it didn't have anything to do with you.
No tuvo que ver nada contigo.
But my mother didn't send me to Earth to fall in love with a human, have children, live in a house with a white picket fence.
Pero mi madre no me mandó a la Tierra a enamorarme de un humano, tener hijos, vivir en una casa con reja blanca.
He didn't have to try too hard with you, did he?
No tuvo que hacer mucho esfuerzo contigo ¿ o sí?
She didn't have to call the cops.
No tenía que llamar a la policía.
Hodgins didn't have a choice about what happened to him.
Hodgins no tuvo elección sobre lo que le pasó.
Every day I have to look at this beautiful, amazing, and funny woman that I can't be with either because I screwed it up or I lost my nerve or I didn't get to you in time because Sofia made us run out of gas.
Todos los días tengo que mirar a esta hermosa, increíble, y divertida mujer con la que no puedo estar porque lo estropeé o no llegué a tiempo porque Sofía nos hizo correr sin gasolina.
He didn't have to, but he did, and I guess, um...
No tiene por qué, pero lo hizo, y supongo que, um...
I mean, until recently, she didn't have many feelings to understand.
Me refiero, hasta hace poco, ella no tenía muchos sentimientos de entender.
My father left in a rush, so he probably didn't have time to cover his tracks.
Mi padre se fue en un apuro, por lo que probablemente no ha tenido tiempo para cubrir sus huellas.
♪ I didn't have to see you go ♪
♪ Yo no tenía que verle ir ♪
I was trying to make a call but didn't have any signal.
Yo estaba tratando de hacer una llamada, pero no tenía ninguna señal.
I didn't have to go to that hotel and wait for you, but I did.
No tenía que ir a ese hotel y esperarte, pero lo hice.
This didn't have to happen.
Esto no tenía que pasar.
And you have to stick to the plan, and Janice didn't understand that.
Hay que ceñirse al plan y Janice no lo entendía.
You didn't have to be so rough on him.
Usted no tiene que ser tan dura con él.
I didn't have a chance to buy a ticket.
No he tenido la oportunidad de comprar un boleto.
You didn't have to do that.
Usted no tiene que hacer eso.
I told you we didn't have time to stop for breakfast.
Te dije que no teníamos tiempo para desayunar.
Wha... well, Phil had this in his trunk and I didn't have faith in your "talk to Ashley" plan, so...
Bueno, Phil tenía esto en su baúl y no tenía fe en tu plan "hablemos con Ashley", así que...
Had you do Remy for him so he didn't have to.
Te encargaste de Remy por él para que no tuviera que hacerlo él.
You didn't have to do that.
No tenías que hacerlo.
He didn't have much to leave.
No tenía mucho que dejar.
- Wow. - You don't have to pretend you didn't go through something terrifying.
- Usted no tiene que fingir que no va a través de algo aterrador.
You have the chance to bring up your baby and you didn't have that chance before.
Tienes la oportunidad de tener a tu bebé y antes no la tenías.
This didn't have to happen.
Esto no tendría que haber ocurrido.
In fact, didn't the judge in that weapons case have to issue a bench warrant because you missed a court appearance?
De hecho, no lo hizo el juez en ese caso, las armas tienen que emitir una orden de arresto porque se ha perdido una comparecencia ante el tribunal?
I'm not saying she didn't have to make trade-offs.
No estoy diciendo que no tenía que hacer concesiones.
I hate that I have to ask this, but you didn't type "Blah, blah, blah," did you?
Odio tener que preguntarlo... pero no habrás escrito "bla, bla, bla", ¿ no?
With one big pleat it didn't used to have.
Con una gran arruga que no tenía.
You said you'd escaped from it, as opposed to the house, because, like Keith, the house didn't exist, and you didn't have to worry about leading anyone back to it.
pero no de la casa como Keith la casa no existe y no tenías que preocuparte por guiar a nadie a ella.
They all wanted to be rocket men like me, but they didn't have it.
Todos querían ser un hombre de ciencia como yo, pero ellos no tienen esto.
Ah, but you said that Ryan Larson didn't have what it takes to work on missiles.
Pero dijiste que Ryan Larson no tenía lo que hace falta para trabajar en misiles.
You didn't have to do this for me.
no tenías que hacer esto por mí.
We didn't even have to tase anyone.
Ni siquiera tuvimos que dispararle a alguien.
I've been using the name Boyle instead of Reagan at school because I didn't want to always have to deal with being identified with the NYPD.
En la universidad he utilizado el apellido Boyle en vez de Reagan porque no quería que me relacionaran con la policía de Nueva York.
You didn't have to stay.
No tenías que quedarte.
I just wish Stuart wasn't around so we didn't have to be so quiet.
Me hubiese gustado que Stuart no estuviera cerca para que no tuviéramos que estar tan callados.
We didn't have the money to fix it, so we just sealed it up as best we could and ended up renting it.
No teníamos el dinero para arreglarlo, así que lo cerramos tan bien como pudimos y al final alquilamos la casa.
I had a mattress and I didn't have a place to stand up.
Tenía un colchón... y no tenía espacio para pararme.
We didn't worry about somebody sending out to us spam or bad emails or viruses because such a person would have been, you know, banned from the community.
No nos preocupaba que alguien nos enviara correo basura... correos corruptos o un virus... porque esa persona... habría sido excluida de la comunidad.
I was rehearsing with this rhythm and blues band. We used to rehearse over at this preacher's house, and since I didn't have any drums at all, I had to borrow two pots from the kitchen, and I used to put them between my legs, like bongos, and play on them with the drumsticks, and that's how I started off.
Ensayé con una banda de blues, ensayaban en la casa de un predicador y como no tenía batería, yomé prestado dos sartenes de la cocina y los puse entre mis piernas como un bongó, y las toqué con las baquetas.
And We Didn't Have Anything, Really, To Do, Like, In The Morning Times.
Michael Jackson AM Washington - 24709 / 1976 y no teníamos nada que hacer en las mañanas.
I Didn't Know What It Felt Like To Not Have Black Pop Artists Because He Made Us Feel And Believe That That Was Just A Norm.
Yo no sabía cómo era que no hubiera cantantes negros, porque él nos hizo sentir y creer que era lo normal.
Well, he didn't seem to be the kind of man to have a scary tattoo.
Bueno, no parecía ser de los que llevan un tatuaje de los que dan miedo.
She didn't have to ask.
No tuvo que preguntarlo.
She made it sound like she didn't have to say.
Lo hizo sonar como ella no tenía que decir.

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