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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ D ] / Didn't we

Didn't we Çeviri İspanyolca

42,236 parallel translation
Well, we both got something, didn't we?
Bueno, ambos ya hemos conseguido algo, ¿ no?
We didn't want to disturb you.
No queremos ser una molestia.
Perhaps we didn't.
Quizá no lo hicimos.
Why didn't we discuss this?
¿ Por qué no discutimos esto?
Why didn't we discuss it?
¿ Por qué no lo discutimos?
I paid $ 9,000 to ground the house against electromagnetic fields so that we all didn't get brain cancer.
Pagué 9000 dólares para poner a tierra la casa contra los campos electromagnéticos para que no tuviésemos tumores cerebrales.
How come we didn't have a conversation about this?
¿ Cómo es que no hemos hablado de esto?
I didn't know we were going to have an audience.
Parece que tenemos audiencia.
Because she saw what we had, that we didn't, and that's...
Porque ella veía nuestro potencial aunque nosotros no lo viéramos.
Robin was aware of all these materials we didn't know anything about.
Robin tenía conocimientos de materiales que nosotros no conocíamos.
I'd said to Bruce, you know, "When we first started over here eight or nine years ago, and we dreamed about doing something on our own, we didn't know how long it would take, when we could do it, but we've done it."
Solía decirle a Bruce : "Cuando empezamos aquí, hace ocho o nueve años, y soñamos con hacer algo propio, no sabíamos cuánto iba a tardar o cuándo podríamos lograrlo, pero lo hicimos".
We didn't do anything wrong.
No hicimos nada malo.
You said, "We didn't do anything wrong."
Dijiste "no hicimos nada malo."
To replace Sunny... was all I wanted to do, was get her back and get her in her arms again, and we just didn't have the power.
Para recuperarla... era todo lo que quería hacer, era acariciar su espalda, y abrazarla otra vez. Y simplemente no tenía el poder.
We didn't have what, you know, he had as far as power and money, and, you know.
No tenía qué, ya sabes, él tenía poder y dinero, y, ya sabes.
We didn't have any friends two weeks ago.
No teníamos amigos hace dos semanas.
I didn't say retarded, and I don't think we're supposed to use that word anymore.
No dije eso. Creo que ya no se usa esa palabra.
We didn't know you'd be joining us.
No sabíamos que se nos uniría hoy.
I, uh... we didn't really talk about that kind of thing, I guess.
Yo... No hablábamos de esas cosas, supongo.
No, we didn't make a switch.
No, nosotros no hicimos ningún cambio.
Tapes go out, we all go down, no matter what we did or didn't do.
Si las cintas salen, nos hundimos sin importar lo que hicimos o no.
We don't know it didn't!
¡ Tampoco sabemos si no!
We didn't let her know that she had another choice.
No le hicimos ver que tenía otra opción.
I actually didn't ride my bike here, so we can't do that.
En realidad, no vine en bicicleta, así que no podemos hacerlo.
But we didn't.
Pero no lo hicimos.
Ah, we didn't.
No lo hicimos.
Oh, I know we didn't.
Sé que no lo hicimos.
I didn't say we had a problem.
No dije que tuviéramos un problema.
We thought we took out the threat, but we didn't know then what we know now.
Pensamos que habíamos acabado con la amenaza, pero entonces no sabíamos lo que sabemos ahora.
We didn't know he was gone till right now.
No sabíamos que se había ido hasta ahora.
We didn't find anything now.
No encontramos nada ahora.
We just... we get so many new faces, I didn't...
Solo... hay tantas caras nuevas, no sabía...
We didn't come here to hurt anybody.
No vinimos para lastimar a nadie.
You said you didn't care what he was called as long as we brought him back.
Dijiste que te daba igual el nombre siempre y cuando lo trajéramos de vuelta.
Wh-What if we... didn't do it?
¿ Y-Y si no lo hicieramos?
I didn't know that's how we measured success.
No sabía que así es como se mide el éxito.
- We didn't care about anything!
- ¡ No nos importaba nada!
Honestly we didn't know if our message had- -
Honestamente no sabíamos si nuestro mensaje había- -
Ya, like I said we didn't- -
Sí, como dije nosotros no- -
We didn't just play good.
No solo jugamos bien.
Told you we'd get out of here. Didn't I?
Te dije que saldríamos de aquí. ¿ No?
We promised that we would die together, and I didn't.
Prometimos que moriríamos juntos, y no lo hice.
- We didn't come here to take an estate.
- No hemos venido a tomar una hacienda.
I... - We didn't mean...
- No queríamos...
We didn't get the loan.
No nos dieron el préstamo.
You think we found any books in his room? Johnny didn't steal that watch.
¿ Creen que hallamos libros en su cuarto?
"I didn't know there were more pieces of me" "until I felt how perfectly we fit."
No sabía que había más partes de mí hasta que sentí cómo encajábamos a la perfección.
Why didn't we think about doing this earlier?
¿ Por qué no pensamos hacer esto antes?
I thought we had more time, so I took some chances that didn't work out. - You- -
Creía que teníamos más tiempo, así que tomé algunos riesgos que no han salido bien.
I didn't know we shared captain yvgeny as a friend.
No sabía que teníamos al capitán Yvgeny como amigo en común.
We didn't start anything "together."
No empezamos nada "juntos".

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