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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ G ] / Give it here

Give it here Çeviri İspanyolca

2,160 parallel translation
- Samantha, give it here.
- Samantha, dame eso.
Give it here.
Give it here!
¡ Dámelo!
Give it here.
Give it here.
Give it here.
- Démelo.
Give it here.
Tráela acá.
Give it here!
¡ Trae aquí!
Hey, Drazan... give it here!
Oye, Drazan... ¡ toma esto!
Give it here.
Dámela, Chris.
- Give it here.
- Dámelo.
Give it here.
Ponla ahí.
Give it here.
Dame eso.
- Give it here.
- Dámela.
Give it here.
Give it here, I'll do it.
Dame acá, y lo hago yo.
That should do it. Rodney, can you give me a hand here?
Rodney, ¿ puedes darme una mano aquí?
- Here, give it to me.
- Trae, dámelo.
I need to see him again to give him his phone, which he accidentally left here when it fell out of his pocket into my hand.
Necesito verle otra vez para darle su móvil, el cual se ha dejado accidentalmente cuando se cayó de su bolsillo a mi mano.
Here I am at the roosevelt in hollywood about to give it up for the first time to some guy that I barely know.
Aquí estoy yo en el Roosevelt de Hollywood a punto de entregarme por primera vez a un tío que apenas conozco.
I'll just wait here until you want to give it to me, okay?
Sólo esperaré aquí hasta que quieras dármela. ¿ De acuerdo?
Well, it's nice to have family here to... give you support.
Bien, es bueno tener familia que te apoye.
There was a lot of scepticism and he had to come and make a trip here, to the Institute right here, to visit Godel. And it was only after Godel gave his stamp of approval in quite an unusual way, He said, "Give me your paper", and then on Monday he put it back in the box and said, "Yes, it's correct."
Había que venir aquí al Instituto a visitar a Gödel, y sólo después de que Gödel diese su "sello" de aprobación, de una forma bastante inusual, diciendo "Deme su trabajo", y el lunes los devolvía a la taquilla, y "Sí, es correcto"... entonces, por supuesto, todo cambiaba.
- It's here! - Back up. Give him some room.
¡ Está aquí!
You can leave him here with me and I will give him a quiet end or come back on Thursday when the vet is here, but I think it's too late.
Lo puedes dejar aquí conmigo y le daré un final tranquilo o volver el jueves cuando el veterinario esté aquí, pero pienso que es demasiado tarde.
So you're gonna give me and my brother here the immunity and the money or you're gonna have to explain to Wolf fucking Blitzer why you had the lead on the thing that killed half the fucking city and you didn't do a goddamn thing about it.
Así que nos darán a mí y a mi hermano inmunidad y el dinero o tendrás que explicarle a Wolf Blitzer por qué tenías una pista sobre la cosa que mató a media maldita ciudad y no hiciste nada al respecto.
Oh, yeah, it's not, you know, because if Grey Poupon over here ever loses the count, it's up to his table's spotter to give him the signal to get out.
Porque si aquí el Coronel Mostaza llega a perder la cuenta, el ojeador debe señalarle que abandone.
Here, give it to me.
aquí, a mí.
- Give that here! Give it back!
Dame eso!
Is it true they give you cable in here?
¿ Es verdad que tienen cable aquí?
– It's fine. – I give up. You got the keyboard here already.
- Está bien, tienes el teclado aquí.
It's basically just to give people a wow factor as they come in here.
Es básicamente sólo para dar a la gente un factor de asombro al entrar aquí.
Give it here.
Mira esto.
Well, maybe you should give it a gander and then come over here to the parish for breakfast, in, say, an hour.
Pues tal vez debería echarle una ojeada y luego venir aquí a la parroquia a desayunar, dentro de, digamos, una hora.
Why don't you come down here and give it a try, hot shot?
¿ Por qué no subes aquí a intentarlo, fanfarrón?
Here Give it back, please.
Devuélvemelo, por favor.
Give them one. Here it is.
Dales una.
Cotter, give me a base of fire from here in case we have to double-time it back out.
Cotter, colócate aqui en posición de disparo por si tenemos que replegarnos.
If I'm here instead of being in the office, it's because I don't give a damn about the merger.
Si estoy aquí en vez de estar en una oficina, es porque no me importa un carajo lo de la fusión.
No, I did not give you, my daughter, permission to come over here because it matters to me what you're learning and who you're learning it from.
No, yo no te di a ti, mi hija, permiso de venir acá porque me importa lo que aprendes y de quién.
I know a guy who'd come over here right now and give you ten grand for it.
Conozco un tipo que vendría ahora y te daría 10 mil.
I'm sorry about what happened here, Mom, but it didn't give you the right to do the things that you've done, and it still doesn't.
Lamento lo que ocurrió aquí, mamá. Pero no te da el derecho de hacer las cosas que has hecho, y aún no te lo da.
Go and buy it, bring it back here, and I'll give you a shilling.
Ve y cómpralo, tráemelo y te daré un chelín.
Here you go. They didn't call me Kahmunrah the Trustworthy! They called me Kahmunrah the Bloodthirsty, who kills whoever doesn't give Kahmunrah exactly what he wants in the moment that he wants it, which is right now, when I had also better get the combination and the tablet!
¡ No me llamaban "Kahmunrah el Confiable", me llamaban "Kahmunrah el Sanguinario el que mata a cualquiera si no obtiene lo que quiere en el momento en que lo quiere"!
Come out here so I can give it to you.
Vamos, estoy esperándote.
I'm a good brother trying to keep it real, and I'm trying to give the sex some meaning, and here you are telling her to go down on me and service me in an oral fashion?
Soy un buen hermano que trata de ser serio, que trata de darle un sentido al sexo, y ¿ vos le estás diciéndo que baje ahí y me haga un servicio de forma oral?
- Toss those babies over here.
- A quién le toca para compartir? Give it to me.
I'm here as Peter's friend, as Peter's confidant just to say to you, beautiful Zooey give it back.
Estoy aquí como amigo y confidente de Peter, para decirte, hermosa Zooey, devuélveselo.
You give an inch here, you give an inch there, you get caught up in the game. And then you realize that the system that you're trying to change - it changed you.
Y te das cuenta que es sistema que tratabas de cambiar te cambió a ti.
The boy needs guidance and maybe I could give it to him but not here.
El chico necesita guía y quizá podría dársela, pero no aquí.
Leave it here. - Give it to me. Give me the log.
¡ Dame la madera!

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