Good to know Çeviri İspanyolca
9,287 parallel translation
It's good to know.
Es bueno saberlo.
Oh, that's good to know,'cause I'd hate to think I had amateurs in my house.
Oh! ... es bueno saberlo, porque odiaría pensar que tengo un amateur dentro de mi casa.
Ah... good to know.
Ah, bueno saberlo.
Well, it's good to know that jail's an option for you.
Bien, es bueno saber que la cárcel es una opción para usted.
- Good to know.
- Es bueno saberlo.
That's good to know the next time I need a, you know... a tool.
Está bien saberlo... para la próxima vez que necesite una, ya sabe, una herramienta.
so good to know.
Fui directa a Carolyin y le dije que era por Will.
so good to know. carolyn, she said great.
Y que no se tenía que hablar más de eso.
It's good to know you've so much faith in my skills though.
Es bueno saber que tienes tan mucha fe en mis habilidades sin embargo.
Well, that's good to know.
Bueno, eso es bueno saberlo.
Good to know.
- Bueno saberlo.
Good to know.
Bueno saberlo.
Good to know we can joke about it.
Es bueno saber que podemos bromear al respecto.
That's good to know.
Qué bueno saberlo.
Good to know.
Es bueno saberlo.
Good to know.
Bueno saber.
- Kelly..... you deserve to know that he wasn't a good man, he was not a good man.
Kelly... te mereces saber que él no era un buen hombre, no era un buen hombre.
Well... I didn't say much, because I didn't want him to know that er... that Jimmy was actually a good friend of mine.
Bueno... no dije mucho, porque no quería que supiera que... que Jimmy era de hecho un buen amigo mío.
Of course we did it. I don't know if they're going to be good parents for my child.
No sé si Åsa y Freddie serán buenos padres para mi hijo.
I know I shouldn't have lied to you, but I did it for a good reason.
Sé que no debería haberte mentido, pero lo hice por una buena razón.
Just wanted to let you know, I told him that you were no good.
Solo quería avisarte que le dije que no eras bueno.
Your call-to-arms did me more good than you'll ever know.
Tu pedido me hizo muy bien.
I know that you're doing good, but it's when you don't want to talk when I know you're not doing good, and I don't want to make that phone call.
Y cuando no quieres hablar sé que las cosas andan mal. Y no quiero llamarte.
You just didn't want anybody to know that you're the kind of guy who'd step out on his wife after 20 good years.
Simplemente no querías que nadie supiera que eres el tipo de tío que abandonaría a su esposa después de veinte años buenos.
Mingling is good. - You know, I have to say,
Mezclarte es bueno.
- You know, just for a moment when she cancelled the reservation and long enough for me to notice she does not have a good sense of humor.
Sólo por un momento cuando ella llamó para cancelar la reserva y el tiempo suficiente para que notara que no tiene un buen sentido del humor.
Bonnie, I know you don't want to hear this, but seeing her again might be good for you.
Bonnie, sé que no quieres escuchar esto, pero volveria a ver puede venirte bien.
Look, I don't know him, and I'm not usually the type to make excuses for corporate billionaire overlords, but maybe he had good intentions.
Mira, no le conozco, y normalmente no soy del tipo de dar excusas para amos multimillonarios corporativos, pero tal vez tenía buenas intenciones.
I just need to know if Kate is good to go to the O.R. For abdominal surgery.
Solo necesito saber si Kate está lista para ir a quirófano para cirugía abdominal.
I don't know, it seemed to me you're always good with the details.
No lo sé, me parece que tú siempre eres bueno con los detalles.
I do still know how to use my powers for good.
Aún sé cómo usar mis poderes para el bien.
You know I can't say no to a good trip nickname.
Ya sabes que no puedo decir no a un buen apodo de viaje.
But you know what, you don't even have to sweat that, man, because, really, when you think about it, life doesn't even really get good until you're, like, 70.
, no tienes que preocuparte por eso, tío, porque, en realidad, cuando lo piensas, la vida no mola de verdad hasta que tienes unos setenta.
Now would be a good time to tell you, I don't know what a drone looks like.
Ahora sería un bueno momento para decirlo, no sé cómo luce un drón.
Look, I know we're not supposed to talk to the press, but you're famous, and if I don't use that to pick up girls, then what good is it?
Mira, sé que no se supone para hablar con la prensa, pero eres famoso, y si yo no uso eso para recoger a las niñas, entonces ¿ de qué sirve?
Listen, Peggy, I know that you are reluctant to go back home, but I think it's gonna be good for the book and for you.
Escucha Peggy, sé eres reacia a volver a casa... pero creo que va a ser bueno para el libro y para ti. ¿ Qué diablos hay de malo en mí?
Oh, I just, you know, I thought it was a really good thing to do.
Bueno, ya sabes, se me ocurrió que era algo bueno que podía hacer.
I know you're trying to be a good man, trying to do the right thing, but you're all fucking up everything else along the way.
Sé que estás tratando de ser un buen hombre, tratando de hacer lo correcto, pero ya está todo jodido todo lo demás en el camino.
It's good to have a dream, Alberto - - you know, like Cristela's dream of moving out that's about to come true.
Es bueno tener un sueño, Alberto - ya sabes, como el sueño de Cristela de movimiento que está a punto de hacerse realidad.
You know, if you're trying to convince me you're A good influence on my stepdaughter, it's not working.
No eres un buen modelo a seguir para Ali.
We want you all to know that every time those doors crash open, there are good people, strong people, people at the top of their game ready on the other side.
Queremos que todos sepan que cada vez que esas puertas se abren, hay buenas personas, personas fuertes, personas en lo alto del juego listos en el otro lado.
It's supposed to be good, is all I know.
Se supone que es bueno, es todo lo que sé.
And if we need to get her soul back from the netherworld, I know a really good necromancer.
Y si hay que traer su alma del otro mundo, conozco a un muy buen nigromante.
You know, I love a good techno-industrial beat as much as your next musically-obsessed forensic scientist, but just listen to what happens when I filter down the high end to hear the rhythm track, and then roll off the low end.
Yo también disfruto de una buena música tecno tanto como tú con tu obsesiva música para forenses, pero escucha qué pasa cuando añado un filtro para frecuencias altas para escuchar la pista del ritmo, y luego aislando los bajos.
Look, I know you have trouble with these kinds of things, but I think it might be good for you to say goodbye to Liam.
Mira, se que tienes problemas con este tipo de cosas, pero creo que podría ser bueno para ti que dijeras adiós a Liam.
Yes, you can, and if you know what's good, you're going to keep walking.
Sí, sí puedes, y si sabes lo que te conviene, vas a seguir marchándote.
I think that, for you, it be good to find out, uh, what her plans are, so she doesn't, uh, you know, rip your heart out again, that's all.
Creo que, por ti, deberías averiguar cuáles son sus planes, para que no, ya sabes, vuelva a arrancarte el corazón, eso es todo.
I know you're sad, but let's do our best to make a good first impression here.
Sé que están tristes, pero hagamos lo imposible por dar una buena primera impresión.
- I know,... - Thank you, everyone. - you and your dad are up to no good.
Sé que tu papá y tú tienen malas intenciones.
You know, with all her things and pictures and... I'd really like to be there one more time to say good-bye.
Sabes, con todas su cosas y fotos y... realmente me gustaría estar ahí una vez más para despedirme.
I know you to be a good man, a loyal servant to me and to Poseidon.
Sé que eres un buen hombre, un sirviente leal a mí y a Poseidón.
good to see you 2547
good to hear from you 16
good to see you again 390
good to hear 75
good to hear your voice 18
good to go 197
good to meet you 379
good to see you too 96
good to be back 59
good to have you here 19
good to hear from you 16
good to see you again 390
good to hear 75
good to hear your voice 18
good to go 197
good to meet you 379
good to see you too 96
good to be back 59
good to have you here 19
good to be home 24
good to see you guys 26
good to have you back 122
good to be here 29
good to see ya 52
to know 22
know 759
knows 86
knowing 61
knowledge 78
good to see you guys 26
good to have you back 122
good to be here 29
good to see ya 52
to know 22
know 759
knows 86
knowing 61
knowledge 78
known 107
knowles 44
knowledge is power 34
know your place 28
know thyself 21
know your enemy 19
know what i'm saying 125
know why 81
know it 54
know what that means 36
knowles 44
knowledge is power 34
know your place 28
know thyself 21
know your enemy 19
know what i'm saying 125
know why 81
know it 54
know what that means 36