He says Çeviri İspanyolca
35,900 parallel translation
He says crazy things all the time.
Dice tonterías todo el tiempo.
So he'd be out there, you know, picking his nose and staring off, and then one day, he comes running up to me in the middle of the game, up to the bench, he says,
Así que estaba por ahí, ya sabes, rascándose su nariz y con la mirada perdida, y entonces un día, él vino corriendo hacía mí en el medio del juego, hasta el banco, dice,
And he says... ( high pitched ) Uncle Pete, Uncle Pete, it's too late!
Y él dice... Tío Pete, Tío Pete, ya es demasiado tarde!
To... listen to everything he says.
Para... escuchar todo lo que diga.
You think if he says I was there... I might get a new trial?
¿ Crees que si él dice que yo estaba allí me podrían dar un nuevo juicio?
So if he says he's gonna fix this, I believe him.
Así que si él dice que lo va a arreglar, yo le creo.
"There's one god," and he says,
"Hay un solo dios", y le dice :
Either I apologize or he says he's gonna turn me in. Turn you in?
O pido disculpas o dice que me va a delatar.
Just do what he says.
Haz lo que te diga.
He says he loves me.
Dice que me quiere.
She says that if she left, he'd find her.
Dice que si se va, él la hallará.
He never gets his hands dirty, she says.
Ella dice que él jamás se ensucia las manos.
He says he knows you.
Dice que te conoce.
- He says he's always there with you, watching.
Dice que él siempre está con usted, cuidándola.
- He says you'll always be alone.
Él dice que siempre estará sola.
He says... you should get used to it.
Dice que debe acostumbrarse.
No, he'll do what he says.
No, hará lo que dice.
He says he's FBI.
Dice que es del FBI.
He says it's an eyewash.
Dice que es un fraude.
Forget it! He says he killed them all on the streets...
Amigo, él dijo que los mató a todos en la vía, ¿ cierto?
He says I'm refusing the badge because I'm afraid.
Dice que rechazo la placa porque tengo miedo
He says that once I collared Symon, the higher-ups got jumpy.
Ha dicho que cuando atrapé a Symon, los de arriba se pusieron nerviosos.
He's a member of parliament who has gotten in fistfights on the floor of the parliament, who's been charged with bribing members of parliament to get certain pieces of legislation passed. You see, the problem is, when you ask Amar Singh, he says, it wasn't my money. I don't have that kind of money.
peleas en el piso del parlamento que ha sido acusado de sobornar a los miembros del Parlamento para conseguir algunas disposiciones legislativas aprobadas usted ve un problema es cuando se pide Amar Singh él dice que no era mi dinero no tengo esa cantidad de dinero
- He says he saw the kid near a bridge.
Béranger dijo que le vio en un puente.
I'd do what he says.
Yo haría lo que dice.
Says he's here about an unpaid debt.
Dice que está aquí por una deuda sin pagar.
Says he's been sent by a magistrate at Halifax.
Dice que lo ha enviado un magistrado de Halifax.
Sheldon says he's sorry.
Sheldon dice que lo siente.
I said, "Sheldon says he's sorry."
Dije : "Sheldon dice que lo siente".
- We have a witness that says he was.
- Tenemos un testigo que dice que era.
He says he's sober and he's not.
Lo manejaré.
The doctor says he needs room. Here, hold this.
Kyle says he was with you at the rec center on the day that Mrs. Johnson was murdered.
Kyle dice que estaba con usted en el centro recreativo el día en que la señora Johnson fue asesinada.
Our intel says he's on the ship with Castillo in custody.
Nuestra inteligencia dice que está en el barco con Castillo bajo custodia.
It says he died of a heart attack, but we both know that's a lie.
Dice que murió de un ataque al corazón, pero ambos sabemos que es mentira.
He says, "Wow."
Dice : "Vaya".
It says here that you separated from your husband after he struck you in the face with a jack handle.
Aquí dice que usted se separó de su esposo luego de que la golpeara en la cara con un elemento contundente.
He was in an accident and says whatever he's thinking.
Tuvo un accidente y dice todo lo que se le pasa por la cabeza.
Don't you find it odd... the day we eighty-sixed NSFNET and we shit-canned Joe he finds religion... and says Gordon invented the software this company's built on, giving his ex-partner, the one suing him... everything?
¿ No te parece curioso, el día en que tomamos la NSFNET y jodemos a Joe el se vuelve religioso y dice que Gordon inventó el Software sobre el que está construida esta compañía, dándole a su ex-socio,
The nurse says he's in the early stages of hepatic failure.
La enfermera dice que está en las primeras etapas de una insuficiencia hepática.
He can't! And here it says : Afraid of everything!
"No puedo", y aquí : "Siempre con miedo."
There's some guy on the line... Says he'll only speak to you about the double murders.
La persona que llama dice que solo compartirá detalles del caso de asesinato en Kidwai Nagar con usted.
He says he will only speak to you.
Dice que solo hablará con usted.
Says that he and Lee left the house together this morning.
Dijo que él y Lee salierón juntos de la casa esta mañana.
My gut says he's lying.
Mi instinto me dice que miente
- Says he actually did the killing.
- Dice que él realizó los asesinatos.
Well, he rips men's hearts out, wipes out entire villages, never says thank you, and he's applauded for it.
Bueno, les arranca el corazón a los hombres, aniquila pueblos enteros, nunca da las gracias y es aplaudido por ello.
Mm-hmm. Including his old contract, says he's entitled to one percent of all merchandising revenue. It's not much.
Incluido en su viejo contrato, dice que tiene derecho al uno por ciento de todos los ingresos por ventas promocionales.
Sant Chatwal says he's worked with everybody. And even laid the foundation of the Indo-U.S. nuclear deal. So, the Indian government says that they have given you this award for your role in pushing the Indo-U.S. nuclear deal forward.
papel en el cambio de la mente de Hillary Clinton en este nuevo acuerdo algo charla mientras dice que ha trabajado con todo el mundo e incluso puso la primera fundación de la India y Estados Unidos acuerdo nuclear por lo que el gobierno de la India dice que le han dado a este premio por su papel
Amar Singh says that the dinner meeting resulted in her telling him that she was supportive of the deal, and that she was making efforts to make sure that the deal did get through. And lo and behold, by 2008, Hillary Clinton was fully in support and in favor of this policy, in a way that was a complete reversal of the position that she had taken before.
que estaba haciendo esfuerzos para asegurarse de que el acuerdo le había llegado y he he aquí que para el año 2008, Hillary Clinton, fue totalmente y apoyo ya favor de esta política de una manera que era una inversión completa de la posición que había tomado antes
He praises that elections that are being held in the country, and he even says that Kazakhstan should head up something called the OSCE, which is the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.
Kazajstán y elogia el historial de derechos humanos alaba que las elecciones están llevando a cabo en el país y la aún dice que Kazajstán debería encabezar algo que se llama la OSCE, que es la Organización para la Seguridad y Cooperación en Europa
he says to me 27
he says no 33
he says hi 20
he says it's important 32
he says that 22
he says it's urgent 59
says 221
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says me 53
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he says no 33
he says hi 20
he says it's important 32
he says that 22
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says 221
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says you 129
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says here 24
says i 32
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he said 3206
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he saw us 28
says here 24
says i 32
says he 20
he said 3206
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he saw 28
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he saved your life 47
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he saved my life 187
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he saw you 23