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Is this your doing Çeviri İspanyolca

532 parallel translation
Is this your doing, Louise?
¿ Esto es obra tuya, Louise?
- Is this your doing?
- ¿ Esto lo hizo Ud.?
Ha ha ha. Is this your doing?
¿ Es esto su hacer?
Patrick, is this your doing?
- ¿ Esto es obra tuya, Patrick?
Where does this blood come from? Is this your doing?
¿ De dónde salió esta sangre?
This is your doing - this is not Anne's will!
¡ Es vuestra obra, no la voluntad de Ana!
"This is your doing...!"
"¡ Es obra tuya...!"
Eso es lo que has estado haciendo.
And this is your way of doing it.
Quieres abandonarme.
This is something you've been doing all your life.
- Has hecho esto toda tu vida.
What is this intruder doing in your apartment?
¿ Qué significa la presencia de este intruso?
Oh, Mr. Darcy, this is your doing!
¡ Oh, Sr. Darcy! ¡ Esto es gracias a usted!
This is a fine time to quit. Your last year. You're doing great.
Ahora abandonas, en tu último año.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this is still dr. Panache, your roving bridge expert, doing our weekly quiz broadcast from the lobby of the hotel universe.
Sí, señoras y señores, esto es "Dr. Panache", su experto en bridge,... haciendo nuestro programa semanal desde el hall del Hotel Universe.
Ludovic, this is your doing.
Ludovico, esto es obra tuya.
My mother is doing this for me, not to sell your papers.
Mi madre hace esto por mí, no para vender sus periódicos.
That's why we're doing this for you. This is your big chance.
Es por lo que hacemos esto por ti.
Am I to understand you gathered this information before doing your last stretch? That is correct.
¿ Obtuvo esa información poco antes de su último arresto?
This is none of your doing.
Esto no lo hiciste tú.
This is what your colleagues are doing in the greenhouse.
Sus colegas murieron para regar otro.
- Is this perhaps your doing?
- ¿ Sois responsable de esto?
This massacre is your doing.
Esta masacre es obra vuestra.
Your Dad is doing this for you, to give you a future,... so you have a chance at life, but you won't talk with your Dad.
Papá lo hace por ti, para darte un porvenir, para que seas un hombre de provecho, y tú te pones de morros con papá.
What is your nephew doing? Go check. In the room of this young man?
A poca distancia de allí, otro jardinero soñaba al cuidar sus flores.
If this is true, Alec McKuen,... what are you doing with your hand on my knee?
Si eso es cierto, ¿ qué hace su mano sobre mi rodilla?
This idiocy is your mother's doing.
Esta estupidez es obra de tu madre.
I'm sure this is your doing.
Estoy seguro de que esto es obra suya.
Are you sure this man is not of your doing?
¿ Seguro que tú no tienes nada que ver?
This is your own doing!
¡ Usted se lo ha buscado!
You seem a capable man and I'm sure this misunderstanding is none of your doing. Oh, indeed citizen.
Parece usted un hombre capacitado y estoy seguro de que este malentendido no es culpa suya.
- This is your doing.
- Esto es cosa tuya.
This is your doing, sir.
Esta es su obra, señor
This whole thing is your doing.
Todo ésto es culpa tuya.
Your Excellency, this is not the play we were doing.
Su Excelencia, esta no es la obra que estábamos haciendo.
- So this is your doing? - Um-hmm.
¿ Es obra tuya?
All of this is happening because of your own doing, you know.
Todo esto pasa por lo que has hecho, lo sabes.
If I told Your Majesty what the government is thinking of doing at this moment Your Majesty would not hesitate to write that letter.
Si os dijera lo que se propone hacer el gobierno, no dudaríais en escribir la carta.
There's nothing in the way of your doing this, is there?
No hay nada que le impida cumplir, ¿ no es así?
This is your doing, isn't it? Don't think I don't know.
Todo esto es obra tuya no creas que no lo sé.
I hate what this Methodone is doing to your shoulders.
Odio lo que la Metodona está haciendo a tus hombros.
- It's not important, we're back. This is your doing, isn't it?
No importa, lo importante es que hemos regresado
If this is an abandoned planet, what was your father doing here? ( EXHALES )
Si este planeta está abandonado, ¿ qué hacía aquí tu padre?
What are you doing this weekend, because your silhouette is kicking!
¿ Qué vas a hacer este fin de semana? ¡ Porque tu figura es despampanante!
If this is your way of telling me that we've got less than nine months to finish this renovation, it's a really weird way of doing it.
Si ésa es tu forma de decirme que tenemos menos de 9 meses para terminar los arreglos, es una forma rara de hacerlo.
All of this is your doing!
¡ Después de lo que ha hecho!
The Police Department has the authority to shut this down and that is what we are doing and I apologise to you for having to move your equipment out but it's over as of now.
La policía tiene autoridad para cerrar esto. Y es Io que vamos a hacer. Lo siento mucho.
This is your doing Small.
Éste es su trabajo Small.
Then what is this doing in your pocket?
Entonces, ¿ qué se esta haciendo en tu bolsillo?
Are you doing your job, or is this something personal?
¿ Estás haciendo tu trabajo, o esto es algo personal?
Plunkett, this is your doing!
¡ Plunkett, es culpa suya!
This is Mister Señor Love Daddy doing the nasty to your ears, your ears to the nasty.
Aquí esrá el Señor Amor fasridiando los oídos.

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