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It makes no difference Çeviri İspanyolca

708 parallel translation
"And that said it makes no difference what the girl wants!"
" Y dijo que no hacía diferencia lo que quería la chica!
Then she'll just dye it : With that kind of money it makes no difference.
Puede teñirse, eso no importa cuando hay dinero en juego.
It makes no difference to me as long as I am buried in Finnish soil.
Me sentiría satisfecha, si fuese enterrada en tierra finlandesa.
Well, when I stand beside a blonde, then it makes no difference at all :
Bueno, cuando estoy junto a una rubia, da igual.
I don't know what they have to say It makes no difference anyway
No sé qué querrán decirme, pero me da igual
I know. But it makes no difference to me.
Lo sé, pero eso no significa nada para mí.
It makes no difference to me.
A mí me da igual.
It makes no difference.
Que pueda o no es igual.
But it makes no difference.
Eso no cambia nada.
It makes no difference what you do.
No importa lo que hagan.
No, it makes no difference to me.
Para mí no hay diferencia.
Si es que Io consigo.
None of it's fair. It makes no difference.
Nada lo es, pero me da igual.
It makes no difference to him - to maim a man or to kill him.
A él le da igual matar a una persona que mutilarla.
It makes no difference. It's God's will.
Es lo mismo, Dios lo quiere así.
I'll pay them, they'll betray you and leave you it makes no difference, it remains my task in life it's a matter of life and death, and you speak of the theatre?
Yo les pagaré, ellos te traicionarán y te dejarán da lo mismo, sigue siendo mi tarea en la vida es una cuestión de vida y muerte, ¿ y usted habla del teatro?
It makes no difference what you thought of him.
No tiene nada que ver lo que pensaras de él.
It makes no difference to you how I feel about it.
A ti no te importa qué me parece a mí.
It makes no difference.
No importa.
It makes no difference, I just want to stick it under the leg of this table.
No importa. Es para ponerla debajo de la mesa.
It makes no difference now.
Todo me da igual, ahora.
It makes no difference if you have a ball or not.
Da lo mismo que hagamos un baile o no.
It makes no difference.
- Creo que no cambiará nada.
- It makes no difference.
- No hace diferencia.
Oh, it makes no difference about the boy.
Oh, el chico no cambia nada.
It makes no difference.
Eso no importa.
but that makes all the difference, you mutton-head it's beyond my comprehension no army leader in the whole word can go to battle with a band of vagabonds impossible. but just you wait, the generals will have their say
¡ Cómo se me ocurriera decir algo así de mi capitán! ¡ Ésa es precisamente la diferencia, borrego! ¡ Es incomprensible!
It makes a big difference if you didn't.
Importa mucho si no te gustan.
That what he does, or how he does it, makes no difference.
Que todo lo que hace no tiene ningún sentido.
- That makes no difference. The law demands it.
La ley lo exige.
Dear Dad, it makes no difference.
Querido Papá, no hay diferencia alguna
That makes me a sap, I know, but it doesn't make any difference one way or the other now.
Eso me hace un tonto, lo sé, pero... no cambia las cosas ahora.
Of course, I don't suppose it makes a lot of difference, because even with the costumes on, girls in this show ain't exactly overdressed.
Pero no importará pues aunque con los trajes, las chicas no están muy vestidas.
Of course, that makes all the difference in the world, doesn't it?
Claro, eso lo cambia todo, ¿ no?
As it is, it makes little difference.
Como están las cosas, no importa.
Makes no difference to me personally, but you made a bargain and you can't run out on it.
¡ Escucha, Dios te oiga!
I don't see that it makes the slightest difference, do you?
No creo que eso suponga la más mínima diferencia, ¿ no?
I don't think it actually makes the slightest difference.
No veo por qué.
Makes no difference to me. Alright, put it back in the deck.
Después póngala en la baraja.
Peters, but i don't understand what you're talking about, not that it makes any difference what i do or not, but... oh, i think i'm tired.
Eso no indica ninguna diferencia entre lo que hago o dejo de hacer,... pero,... uff, creo que estoy cansado.
But I don't see what difference it makes what he looks like, if he...
Pues yo no veo qué importa el aspecto que tuviera si él...
I don't suppose it makes any difference whether anybody hears me or not.
Parece que da igual que no se me oiga.
Not that it makes any difference to me, but why did you come to me?
No es que eso me importe mucho, ¿ pero por qué has acudido a mí?
It's the quality of the mutton that makes the difference don't you think?
Es la calidad del cordero lo que marca la diferencia, ¿ no cree?
That makes a difference, doesn't it?
Esto es otra cosa, ¿ no?
It makes no difference.
Me es indiferente.
It makes no difference to me.
A mí que más me da. Tengo que estar aquí hasta las tres.
It makes a difference in the Army, Phil.
Aunque eso no importe. En el ejército sí importa, Phil.
Or is it too late? Well, it makes no difference.
¿ O será ya muy tarde?
It makes no difference.
A mí me da igual.
Ah, makes all the difference, doesn't it?
¡ Ah! Vaya diferencia, ¿ no?

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