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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ M ] / Miss fisher

Miss fisher Çeviri İspanyolca

603 parallel translation
I can understand you not wanting to drag Miss Fisher into it... but she's probably in it already.
Comprendo que no quiera involucrar a la Srta. Fisher pero quizá ya esté implicada.
One of his few genuine traces of affection is for Miss Fisher.
Es una de las pocas cosas por las que siente algún afecto.
- Miss Fisher, yeah.
- Srta. Fisher.
Morning, Miss Fisher.
Buenos días, Srta. Fisher.
- Good morning, Miss Fisher. - Good morning.
- Buenos días, Srta. Fisher.
Could you get along without Miss Fisher?
- ¿ Puedes trabajar sin la Srta. Fisher?
I would say she has something of the coloring of Miss Fisher.
Diría que tiene parecido, tiene algo del colorido de la Srta. Fisher.
Miss Fisher?
¿ La Srta. Fisher?
You must admit that Miss Fisher's a very good-Iooking girl.
Tienes que admitir que la Srta. Fisher es una chica muy guapa.
This is no time to be talking about Miss Fisher.
No es momento para hablar de la Srta. Fisher.
I can tell you right now, if you don't like Miss Fisher... you won't like this girl.
Pues, puedo asegurarte, si no te gusta la Srta. Fisher... no te gustará esta joven.
What do you mean? - Because it is Miss Fisher.
- Porque ella es la Srta. Fisher.
Miss Fisher's aunt just telephoned to say she's ill.
La tía de la Srta. Fisher llamó para avisar que está enferma.
Miss Fisher is going to entertain us.
La Srta. Fisher va a deleitarnos.
- Where's Miss Fisher?
- ¿ Y la Srta. Fisher?
Miss Fisher, I hope this will be the first of many Christmases with us.
Srta. Fisher, espero que sea la primera de muchas Navidades con nosotros.
- Good night, Miss Fisher.
- Buenas noches, Srta. Fisher.
I hope you don't hold it against me, my making up to Miss Fisher.
Espero que no estés molesto por acercarme a la Srta. Fisher.
Wait a minute, Miss Fisher.
Espere, Srta. Fisher.
- Look, Miss Fisher,
- Mire, señorita.
If it isn't Miss Fisher, the best netball coach in the business.
¡ Vaya, la Srta. Fisher, la mejor entrenadora de netball!
Come along, Miss Fisher.
Adelante, Srta. Fisher.
- Miss Fisher. - Very good, sir.
- Muy bien, señor.
Therefore, if you are showing your backside on the stage at all, it's merely a quick turn in this fashion, and Miss Fisher did it, a kind of swing turn.
Así que si tenéis que dar la vuelta, haced un giro rápido, así. Un poco como una pirueta.
- Then we've got no way of catching him. I've got the last two people that talked to Miss Fisher... uh, Alex Linden and Karla Elliot. Lieutenant?
- Entonces no podremos atraparle.
Now, look, I'd like to go through Miss Fisher's things, you know, telephone books, addresses, through her desk.
Me gustaría ver las cosas de la Srta. Fisher, su agenda, direcciones, la mesa.
Miss Fisher's boots are different.
Las botas de Srta. Fisher son diferentes.
Have you met Miss Fisher?
Ya conoció a Srta. Fisher?
Miss Fisher!
Señorita Fisher!
Miss Fisher, wait! It's...
Señorita Fisher, espere!
Miss Fisher, slow down!
Señorita Fisher, cálmese!
Miss Fisher, wait!
Señorita Fisher, espere!
Back to your compartment, thank you, Miss Fisher.
Regrese al compartimiento, gracias, Señorita Fisher.
We'll take that into consideration, Miss Fisher.
Vamos a tomar esto en consideración, Señorita Fisher.
Alright, Miss Fisher!
Bueno, Señorita Fisher!
You'll have to manage your own windows, Miss Fisher.
Va a tener que arreglar sus propias ventanas, Señorita Fisher.
Goodbye, Miss Fisher.
Adios, Señorita Fisher.
Thank you, Miss Fisher.
Gracias, Señorita Fisher.
Perhaps we have a use for Miss Fisher after all.
Tal vez tengamos un uso para la Señorita Fisher, después de todo.
Given your low expectations of police investigative skills, Miss Fisher, you may be surprised to hear that we've found Mrs Henderson's valuables.
Dadas sus bajas expectativas de las capacidades de investigación policial, Señorita Fisher, es posible que se sorprenda al saber que hemos encontrado los objetos de valor de la Señora Henderson.
Constable, is it possible Miss Fisher has just kidnapped the victim's daughter and one of our suspects?
Condestable, es posible Señorita Fisher halla secuestrado a una niña sospechosa?
Pleased to meet you, Miss Fisher.
Encantado de conocerle, Señorita Fisher.
Thank you for the ride home, Miss Fisher, and for all your help.
Gracias por el viaje a casa, señorita Fisher, y por toda tu ayuda.
I'll take perfectly good care of her, Miss Fisher.
Yo me ocuparé de que esté en perfecto estado, Señorita Fisher.
We promised Miss Fisher, so you're just going to have to go back in there.
Prometimos Señorita Fisher, por lo que vamos a tener que volver ahí.
I only thought to look for it after Miss Fisher telephoned.
Sólo busqué después que la Señorita Fisher me llamó por teléfono.
That old cow downstairs came after Jane, but Miss Fisher sent her packing.
Esa vaca vieja vino por Jane, pero la Señorita Fisher la regresó con las manos vacias.
I trust you won't think this a family affair... when I say that I refer to my daughter Miss Carol Fisher.
Espero que no vean esto como un asunto de familia cuando les diga que se trata de mi hija, la Srta. Carol Fisher.
Milords, ladies and gentlemen... pray silence for Miss Carol Fisher.
Señorías, damas y caballeros ruego silencio para la Srta. Carol Fisher.
Miss Bishop! Yes, sir!
- Srta. Fisher, - ¿ Sí?
Come on, you'll miss the train!
- Ya vamos, Srta. Fisher... - ¡ Perderéis el tren!

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